Releases: foundation/foundation-sites
Version 6.3.0 - Proxima Centauri b
Foundation 6.3 contains new features, reworked old features, and more bugfixes than you can shake a stick at! Foundation is now EVEN MORE accessible out of the box, with a default color palette that meets AA contrast requirements, better keyboard navigation, and a slew of other improvements.
Migration Notes:
- If you're using the ZURB template, check out this pull request to see the changes you'll want to make to update:
- Flex Videos are now Responsive Embeds. Old classes and mixin names are now deprecated. Check out #8765
- Accordion Items now MUST be labeled with
, they are no longer inferred fromli
elements. Check out #9178 - The dist directory structure has changed. CSS files now live in
, JS files indist/js
. Check out #9078 - The default color palette has changed to be meet AA contrast requirements. This has changed both defaults and a number scss variables and functions. Check out #9319 (comment)
- In order to facilitate vertical rhythm layouts, the old
map has been replaced with a more general$header-styles
map not only allows to set thefont-size
, but alsoline-height
per header size and breakpoint.$header-sizes
still works, however, it is going to be depreciated. If$header-sizes
is present in your_settings.scss
it overrides any$header-styles
map. Check out #9419 - Some older flex based mixins (flex-grid-order, flex-grid-row-align, flex-grid-column-align) and classes (.align-column/.align-row), that had been deprecated are now removed, along with a few old variables that are no longer relevant. Check out #9437
New Components:
Super cool enhancements:
- Completely reworked Off Canvas - see #9357
- Mutation Observers! (components like tabs and equalizer automatically adjusting when their content changes) - see #9126 and #9320
- Vertical Rhythm Support - see #9419
- Improved Print Style Control - see #9304
- Autoresizing Drilldowns - see #8699
- Deep linking to tabs - see #9242 and #9407
- Flexbox Helpers - see #9324
- Aaron Arney (@ocularrhythm)
- Abdullah Salem (@abdullahsalem)
- Alec Joy (@ajoy39)
- Andy Cochran (@andycochran)
- Andy Hebrank (@ahebrank)
- Arian Xhezairi (@xhezairi)
- Brett Mason (@brettsmason)
- Brian Tan (@briantan888)
- Colin Marshall (@colin-marshall)
- Corey Snyder (@coreysyms)
- Daniel Schuba (@DaSchTour)
- David Ball (@drball)
- David Reese (@whatcould)
- Dominik Pieper
- Jens Köhler (@designerno1)
- John Wei
- Karl Anders (@karland)
- Kevin Ball (@kball)
- Leslie Doherty (@lesliedoherty)
- Maks Feltrin (@pine3ree)
- Marcelo Luz (@Lindsor)
- Marius Olbertz (@Owlbertz)
- Matt Ferderer (@mattferderer)
- Michael Manhire (@MichaelManhire)
- Milos (@milose)
- Nicolas Coden (@ncoden)
- Paul Bailey (@spacepants)
- Quy (@Quy)
- Rafi Benkual (@rafibomb)
- Raymond Perez (@rspraymond)
- Rawikitua Isherwood (@rawiki)
- Sébastien Gravier (@IllusionPerdu)
- Seth M Kane (@sethkane)
- Shawn (@simshaun)
- Sujayjaju (@sujayjaju)
- Vinicius Tadeu (@tadeusrox)
- Webdevan (@webdevan)
Proxima Centauri b
A recently discovered Earth-sized planet, rotating around the star closest to our sun, Proxima Centauri b "would be the most natural location to where our civilization could aspire to move after the sun will die, five billion years from now" - Avi Loeb, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
(Artists rendition courtesy of
Third release candidate for v6.3.0.
To install with npm: npm install [email protected]
To install with bower: bower install zurb/foundation-sites#v6.3.0-rc3
To try out with the ZURB template: git clone -b v6.3 [email protected]:zurb/foundation-zurb-template.git
Updates from RC2:
Second release candidate for v6.3.0.
To install with npm: npm install [email protected]
To install with bower: bower install zurb/foundation-sites#v6.3.0-rc2
To try out with the ZURB template: git clone -b v6.3 [email protected]:zurb/foundation-zurb-template.git
Updates from RC1:
- Stopgap solution for scss dependency issue (see #9469 and #9458 for the discussion). This is our main outstanding possible blocker for final release. @ncoden and @kball are actively working on a fix.
- Update dev dependencies to recent versions (
- Update what-input dependency (#9447)
- Fix hamburger icon (#9454)
- Remove scss that had been deprecated and marked for removal in 6.3 (#9437)
- Remove unused parameter in Reveal (#9446)
- Refactor breakpoint map handling (#9439)
- Fix image load/orbit bug in old IE (#9463)
- Fix expanded menu in flexbox mode (#9442)
- Fix slider docs page layout (#9453)
To install with npm: npm install [email protected]
To install with bower: bower install zurb/foundation-sites#v6.3.0-rc1
To try out with the ZURB template, git clone -b v6.3 [email protected]:zurb/foundation-zurb-template.git
Migration Notes:
- Flex Videos are now Responsive Embeds. Old classes and mixin names are now deprecated. Check out #8765
- Accordion Items now MUST be labeled with
, they are no longer inferred fromli
elements. Check out #9178 - The dist directory structure has changed. CSS files now live in
, JS files indist/js
. Check out #9078 - The default color palette has changed to be meet AA contrast requirements. This has changed both defaults and a number scss variables and functions. Check out #9319 (comment)
- In order to facilitate vertical rhythm layouts, the old
map has been replaced with a more general$header-styles
map not only allows to set thefont-size
, but alsoline-height
per header size and breakpoint.$header-sizes
still works, however, it is going to be depreciated. If$header-sizes
is present in your_settings.scss
it overrides any$header-styles
map. Check out #9419
New Components:
Super cool enhancements:
- Completely reworked Off Canvas - see #9357
- Mutation Observers! (components like tabs and equalizer automatically adjusting when their content changes) - see #9126 and #9320
- Vertical Rhythm Support - see #9419
- Improved Print Style Control - see #9304
- Autoresizing Drilldowns - see #8699
- Deep linking to tabs - see #9242 and #9407
in you Sass, you have to manually import our dependency normalize-scss (6.0.0
) before. See #9469 and #9458 for the discussion. This bug is fixed in v6.3.0-rc2
Changelog coming soon.
The correct page is now:
Version 6.2.4: Mimas
Version 6.2.4 is a bugfix release, with the major theme being the improvement of keyboard-based accessibility throughout the framework.
Migration Notes: The default setting for Equalizer on small (stacking) has been changed to not equalize when items are stacked. If you wish to revert to the previous behavior, simply add data-equalize-on-stack="true"
to your equalizer components.
[#9212] Added unit tests for Accordion. Changed the way the toggling works to fix some issue detected during testing
Accordion Menu
[#9003] Fixed keyboard usage for Accordion Menu.
[#9216] Added unit tests for Accordion Menu
[#9254] Fix up key behavior when element has open submenu
[#9022] Fix for resetting background color on hover and focus state of a disabled flavored button.
[#9117] custom button and hollow button hover lightness settings
Drilldown Menu
[#8320] Drilldown height calculation with long titles
[#9002] Fix drilldown keyboard
[#9232] Add unit tests for Drilldown, fix ARIA toggling
[#8785] Add missing unit test for getPosition()
[#9020] fix float-right is ommited when last in classes
[#9041] Fix dropdown alternative anchor selection
[#9174] Fix mouseenter issue with touch devices
Dropdown Menu
[#9131] Option to close drop menu on leaf anchor links click
[#9259] Fix dropdown menu keyboard for rtl/ltr and horizontal
[#8889] Contain nested rows to grid
[#8925] Add is-collapse-child class
[#8990] add specificity to centered columns to override :last-child
[#8991] fix centered columns flowing around uncentered columns
[#9055] Fix $grid-column-count beeing overwritten by
[#9177] Top bar flex grid
[#9240] Fixes nesting default/flex grids within a container
[#8776] Fix bad nesting that breaks input-number-spinners styles
[#8906] Fix display for .input-group-button
[#8907] Fix proportions of children in input-group
[#9109] Fix Default variable value missing in /forms/_text.scss
[#9066] Fix magellan _updateActive()
[#9070] Fixed Magellan issue when target does not exist.
Off Canvas
[#7840] Fix off-canvas for small sites
[#9011] Enhanced keyboard navigation for Offcanvas
[#9253] Fix issues in off canvas right
[#8942] Change slides with arrow keys only if the data-accessible option is true
[#9141] orbit: add/trigger event beforeslidechange
[#8767] Added and optional background parameter to the reveal-overlay() mixin
[#9146] Avoid reveal modal closing upon click of an element not in the DOM
[#9187] Reload focusableElments at every tab keydown to fix issue #9130
[#8948] fix unset var on foundation slider
[#9210] check if cb is a function
[#9048] Add settings for the hover color for thead and tfoot
Title Bar
[#9241] Fix #9230 menu-icon code duplication
[#9218] Tooltip tests and fixed a wrong reference to the triggerClass
Sass Mixins
[#8871] Add $gutter parameter to the grid-layout mixin.
[#8972] Fix ghetto for loop
[#8911] Make access to $foundation-palette a bit easier
[#9065] Round rgb color values otherwise it will always be black
[#9100] Fix hamburger mixin flooring on spacing with units other than pixels
[#9009] Allow definition of global-font-size in rem
[#9229] Add "alert" as required map value to $foundation-palette
[#9238] Fix last child to float to the global left direction on the grid-layout mixin
JavaScript Utilities
[#8850] Account for hOffset
[#8904] Enable the script to load in DoneJS SSR
[#8923] Remove references to deprecated jQuery.fn.load(). Adds support for jQuery 3.
[#9110] restrict menu burn selector to menus and menu-items
Mimas is a moon of Saturn which was discovered in 1789 by William Herschel. It is named after Mimas, a son of Gaia in Greek mythology, and is also designated Saturn I. With a diameter of 396 kilometres (246 mi) it is the smallest astronomical body that is known to be rounded in shape because of self-gravitation.
Version 6.2.3 - Europa Minor
This release builds upon 6.2.2 to improve how the settings file is generated. No changes to the core framework went in here.
Version 6.2.2 - Europa
We're excited to release version 6.2.2 with lots of key bug fixes. Get your products coded faster and published with fewer hiccups. Over 60 bugfixes have been merged in. In particular, the Sticky plugin got a lot of love and attention (thanks @gehasia and @colin-marshall!). There are no migration needs or settings changes.
Just some of the amazing fixes:
[#8770] Don't validate hidden fields (Thanks @sdhull!)
[#8583] Fix handler unbinding on destroy. (Thanks @gehasia!)
[#8671] Fix equalizeOnStack functioning within a callout (Thanks @designerno1!)
[#8534] Fix responsive collapsed rows spilling over into parent columns (Thanks @andycochran!)
[#8571] Enhance keyboard util. (Thanks @Owlbertz!)
[#8683] Add inline-svg icon support (Thanks @artursopelnik!)
[#8688] Fix aria-expanded triggers (Thanks @gapple!)
[#8635] Updated and enhanced accessibility around reveal. (Thanks @sethkane!)
[#8744, #8807] Fix scrolling issues with reveal on iOS and Android
[#8449] Fix touch interactions (Thanks @Owlbertz!)
[#8553] Fix height of sticky container when used with responsive components (Thanks @gehasia!)
[#8558] Fix handler unbinding on destroy. (Thanks @dragthor!)
[#8567] Fix tooltip ignoring positionClass option (Thanks @JamesJGarner!)
Note: UnCSS is now turned off (commented out) by default and can be added back in by un-commenting the pipe in the Gilpfile.
There's too many good things to list here, so for more detail check out the two release candidates:
RC1 and RC2 or for a commit by commit recap, see v6.2.1...v6.2.2
Europa is a moon of Jupiter - Named after the beautiful daughter of Agenor, king of Tyre, she was seduced by Jupiter, who had assumed the shape of a white bull. When Europa climbed on his back he swam with her to Crete, where she bore several children, including Minos (Yetinauts).
V6.2.2 RC2
Version 6.2.2 RC2
Release candidate 2 for Version 6.2.2 fixes a number of issues caught in the QA of RC2.
[#8783] Fix abide radio check if only one radio is required
Dropdown Menu
[#8809] Fix dropdown menu overflowing small screens in RTL mode
[#8808] Fix issue with explicit close logic on reveal
[#8807] Fix background scrolling for Android and improve recovery of position on iOS
[#8805] Fix slider bugs involving behavior at top of slider
[#8792] Fix missing prefixes older Android devices
Version 6.2.2 RC1
Version 6.2.2 RC1
Version 6.2.2 is a bugfix release, with the goal of helping you get your work up and out with fewer hiccups. In particular, the Sticky plugin got a lot of love and attention (thanks @gehasia and @colin-marshall!) There are no migration needs or settings changes.
- To install with npm:
npm install [email protected]
- To install with bower:
bower install zurb/foundation-sites#6.2.2-rc1
[#8576] Reintroduce requiredCheck for checkboxes in Abide.
[#8657] Fix resetting of values of radio and checkboxes on reset.
[#8770] Don't validate hidden fields (Thanks @sdhull!)
[#8642] Fix javascript error when destroying while slides in progress
[#8646] Fix content color variable not being used
[#8706] Fix radius and hover on Accordion
[#8720] Fix defaults for accordion content color
[#8747] Fix multiple triggering of events on animation.
[#8387] Fix incorrect calculation for container right overlap
[#8600] Fix linting issues
[#8650] Prevent hover/focus effects on disabled buttons
[#8616] Fix $buttongroup-spacing
[#8583] Fix handler unbinding on destroy. (Thanks @gehasia!)
[#8595] Fix parentLink option
[#8610] Add visual test for parent link option
[#8634] Fix typo and Add internal event documentation
[#8599] Fix close on click issue.
[#8679] Fix value of this.$wrapper
[#8579] Fix horizontal position with additional classes
Dropdown Menu
[#8564] Fix dropdown menu overflow and keyboard interaction issues.
[#8712] Fix open inner positioning
[#8603] Fix issue with leaving and rentering dropdown menus within hover delay
[#8671] Fix equalizeOnStack functioning within a callout (Thanks @designerno1!)
[#8696] Fix equalizer event handler removal on destroy.
[#8695] Prevent input group buttons wrapping to multiple lines
[#8704] Fix overlapping select arrow
[#8534] Fix responsive collapsed rows spilling over into parent columns (Thanks @andycochran!)
[#8578] Remove duplication of max-width property in row mixin
[#8511] Fix issue introduced in 6.2.1 for flex-column wrapping
[#8686] Protect array for/in loops.
[#8571] Enhance keyboard util. (Thanks @Owlbertz!)
[#8644] improve triggering of changed.zf.mediaquery to prevent issues on errors.
[#8726] Account for barOffset when setting active menu item
Media Objects
[#8614] Fix margins of media options in sections and callouts
[#8740] Fix behavior of media objects in flexbox mode
[#8683] Add inline-svg icon support (Thanks @artursopelnik!)
[#8688] Fix aria-expanded triggers (Thanks @gapple!)
[#8635] Updated and enhanced accessibility around reveal. (Thanks @sethkane!)
[#8678] Fix controlling the spead of animation for reveal overlay.
[#8471] Make callouts not close the reveal they are in.
[#8744] Fix scrolling issue with reveal on iOS
[#8449] Fix touch interactions (Thanks @Owlbertz!)
[#8503] Add the ability to disable slider after initialization
[#8553] Fix height of sticky container when used with responsive components (Thanks @gehasia!)
[#8674] Add visual tests for sticky
[#8741, #8742] Visual tests for sticky accordions with anchors
[#8434] Fix anchored element losing its original height after being stuck
[#8719] Fix object undefined error when destroying sticky elements without anchors
[#8716] Correct anchor offest when using only one anchor
[#8715] Fix anchored element not following the flow when resizing window.
[#8717] Set container height before positioning anchors.
[#8558] Fix handler unbinding on destroy. (Thanks @dragthor!)
[#8691] Fix issue with data-click-open not being respected
[#8567] Fix tooltip ignoring positionClass option (Thanks @JamesJGarner!)
[#8730] Fix default behavior on multiple clicks
[#8563] Fix background SVG bug in Edge
[#8752] Fix how visual tests work to function on Windows
[#8751] Fix scss-lint across a range of components
[#8745] Remove .babelrc from packages.
[#8608] Fix missing menu-icon component
[#8748] Add keyboard util dependency for Reveal and Slider
[#8543] Add description for the center option of grid-col-position()
[#8584] Fix message on abide docs when form is valid
[#8626] Fix typos in register/unregister plugin
[#8513] Add JavaScript reference for Responsive Toggle
[#8735] Improve sticky docs
[#8710] Highlight more the dependency of Orbit on Motion-UI
For a commit-by-commit recap, check out v6.2.1...v6.2.2-rc1