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Meeting 2023 01 10 (Technical Group)
Time: 13:30 - 15:00 Place: Online
Coordination: Arnaud Poncet-Montanges (Technical Group Secretary)
Present: Urs Kaufmann (Holinger Thun) (UK), Peter Zamudio (geopoint lütolf AG) (PZ), Stefan Burckhardt, Jean-Pierre Dupuy (Morges) (JD), Olivier Dalang (OD), Arnaud Poncet-Montanges (AP)
Excused: Timothée Produit (Alpnetsystem SA (ig-group)) (TP), Saeid Rezvani (Sutter Ingenieur- und Planungsbüro AG)(SR), Kevin André (SIGE) (KA), Noemi Romano (Lausanne) (NR)
Minimal requirements for TEKSI (OD) - discuss and finalize proposed ranges: OD presents a document with three variantes for release management. Variante B with Rolling release is suggested as the option to implement. SB asks about how to do the testing, if there is only one release at the time. OD adds option to make available pre-releases / experimental release available so that testers can download them at least as zip installs for the plugin. Please add your comments to the document till 15.1.2023
Calculation slope per mille: https://github.com/QGEP/QGEP/discussions/766 and https://github.com/QGEP/QGEP/issues/776 - OK
Identify critical bug fixes: Two new critical bugs have been worked on and identified as QGIS Upstream issues that should be fixed with QGIS 3.28.2
- Multiedit works not with QGEP #739 - Testing needed with QGIS 3.28.2 after 2022-12-16, did not make it into 3.28.1
- new Wrong orientation = 0 in label export #775 - UK found solution. SB added documentation - UK please review
- new QGIS 3.28.1 Bug on inserting manually altitude to reach points #779 - added by AP, critical, AP checks on reason of this issue, please support with testing on other systems - then add to bugfix roadmap and open issue on QGIS (AP).
- new Glitches with decimal numbers input in the co_level field in vw_qgep_wastewater_structure#749 - QGIS issue #50859 for this opened, needs follow up by OD
In applying the export of INTERLIS data, in wastewater_structures with e.g. overflow the second wastewater_node is not exported when using a selection - SB developed together with Florian a fix for this: https://github.com/QGEP/qgepqwat2ili/pull/94 . OD will review this.
In testing the import of Wincan 2008 xtf KEK data, there were some issues with the import wizard (automatic matching of manhole / channel)
- User interface: reaches are not suggested using from_point_identifier and to_point_identifier #89 - SB found reason - matching was done on wastewater_node.identifier instead of wastewater_structure.identifier. Proposed change: https://github.com/QGEP/qgepqwat2ili/pull/96 . OD will review this.
- User interface: user cannot assign a wastewater structure when importing data #88. SB could not confirm these errors on his QGIS installation. Maybe a language problem of the project file? Needs further research (SB).
qgepgwat2ili issues:
- Missing parameters ili2pg when password not set in pg_conf #76 -> ask for missing password -> put on Bugfixes Roadmap to be fixed by opengis, OD made a first attempt: see https://github.com/QGEP/qgepqwat2ili/pull/97
- 2022 11 add sia405 to kek export #84 - needs fix for testdata 2022-12-fix-testdata changed reference #73. SB found in the meantime solution with invalid testdata checks (needed to adjust BID reference for SIA405 Abwasser data export) - ready to be reviewed by OD and then merged as soon as possible, so that also VSA-DSS option can be added afterwards.
Correction for new Transifex Version 3 is prepared by Opengis: https://github.com/QGEP/docs/pull/199
Next meeting: Originally planned in February, but postphoned to
March 10th, 2023 13:30 - 15:00