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Meeting 2022 10 11 (User Group)

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Meeting minutes - Tuesday october 11th, 2022

Focus: User Group Meeting

Time: 9:00 - 11:30

Place: Online

Present: Gildas Allaz (La Chaux-de-fonds)(GA), Urs Kaufmann (Holinger)(UK), Linda Viguet (Lausanne)(LV), Daniel Binggeli (Pully)(DB), Sébastien Favre (Pully)(SV), Kevin André (SIGE)(KA), Rémi Bovard (Vevey)(RB), Daniel Gnerre (Vevey)(DG), Cyril Meder (Waldburger Ingenieure)(CM)

Excused: Valentine Arrieta (Géoconseils)(VA), Arnaud Poncet-Montanges (Pully)(AP), Timothée Produit (IG Group)(TP), Stefan Burckhardt (SB), Jean-Baptiste Pauchard (SINEF)(JP)

Coordination: Kevin André (User group secretary)

Presentation and approval of the agenda

The agenda of the meeting is presented and accepted.

Round table: introduction of participants

The participants introduce themselves, the company they work for, what does they except from Teksi/QWAT/QGEP and what their general needs or intended uses with these softwares are.

Process, tools and information for the user group

Teksi Github page

KA informs the participants that planned and past meetings agenda and minutes are available here

Feature requests demands

KA reminds the process of requesting functionality available here

The feature request template for QGEP is presented and available here A feature request template for QWAT is not yet available on Github. KA will arrange this to have the same template available on QWAT project.

KA informs the participants that there are still some features to be completed to develop on former QWAT group and budgets. So that there are no misunderstandings the goal would be to have one only feature request process, planning and follow-up.

Feature requests planning

KA suggests to use the "project" feature on Github to follow-up features demands. The tables are configurable and it would allow everyone to have visibility for features follow-up. DB and RB suggest that it could be convenient to have such a feature planning on Teksi organisation on Github. Also, it would be more clear for have Github modules repositories under the Teksi organisation.

KA get in contact with other secreataries to create such feature planning and will then inform the group, so that they can add their requests.

Current features requests / user needs

KA gives a short insight of some features currently in development.

Round table: user needs (features requests, or organisational)

Each participant explains what would be their current technical or organisational needs.

  • Vevey:

    • Based from their experience, get into QGEP project is not easy, it requires some technical knowledge
    • There is a need for a more user-focused or user-friendly QGEP documentation. SIGE and Vevey are working together at the moment on it
    • Training and formations could help get started with QGEP
    • Using a QGIS native profile tool could be interesting for easier maintenance of profile tool (QGEP)
  • Pully:

    • Managing 3D objects
    • Longitudinal and cross-section profiles
    • Improve drawing tools, such as structures' footprints
  • Waldburger Ingenieure:

    • QWAT conformity with SIA 405 is a requirement to use the product (QWAT)
    • Export/import INTERLIS (QWAT/QGEP)
    • Compatibility with VSA 2020 (from VSA 2015) (QGEP)
    • Technical analysis of database models triggers efficiency (QWAT/QGEP)
  • Holinger:

    • Compatibility with VSA 2020 (QGEP)
    • #749 Problems when editing co_level in vw_qgep_wastewater_structure (QGEP)
    • Questions about overflows (QGEP)
    • Export selection in INTERLIS: possibility to choose all others connected objects from selection (QGEP)
  • La Chaux-de-fonds:

    • No need at the moment
  • Lausanne:

    • Network routing (QWAT)
  • SIGE:

    • Import Wincan VX data, currently testing (QGEP)
    • Stabilize association and processes

Planification for features requests descriptions

This user group will start working like that:

  • Each member can write a feature request description, alone or with other members
  • General meetings 3-4x times a year to present each others new features requests and features requests descriptions. If the description is detailed enough and suits the other members, it goes to the next step of the process.


  • DB suggests that user workshops about themes such as data entry could be also a good way to share experiences and find solutions to problems.

  • The VSA Wiki (see description de / fr has plenty of information, it could be interesting to have an access (license fee 300 CHF/year per company). The steering committe is discussing it.

  • General information and links about technical question in infrastructur management for wastewater and GEP can be found also on the VSA Homepage: GEP als strategische Planung / Le PGEE comme planification stratégique

Next meeting date

KA will send a doodle to all user group members for a general meeting that would take place around december or january.

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