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Meeting 2024 04 09 (Technical Group)
Time: 13:30 - 15:10 Place: Online
Coordination: Arnaud Poncet-Montanges (Technical Group Secretary) (APM)
Present: Urs Kaufmann (Holinger Thun) (UK), Stefan Burckhardt, Lukas Wiss (geowerkstatt), Sandro Gassmann (geopoint lütolf AG) (SG), Timothée Produit (Alpnetsystem SA (ig-group)) (TP)
Excused: Jean-Pierre Dupuy (Morges) (JD), Saeid Rezvani (Sutter Ingenieur- und Planungsbüro AG)(SR)
Technical discussion
Update on VSA-DSS 2020 Adaption (AP):
- VSA 2020 Tests and dev progress:
- see https://github.com/teksi/wastewater/issues
- Defined milestones:
- TEKSI Wastewater VSA DSS 2020 Part 1 as soon as possible intergrate open issues, do testing and fix bugs - AP coordinates with opengis
- TEKSI Wastewater 2024.0: 31.3.2024 (overdue)
Release 1.6.1 (AP)
- Define open steps to complete
- Points to backport from VSA-DSS 2020 adaption
- eg. DEFERABLE (to avoid import errors such as https://github.com/QGEP/qgepqwat2ili/issues/125) - ALTER CONSTRAINTS is possible since Postgres 9.4 and https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-altertable.html
- Define timeline 31.3.2024 (overdue)
Preparation for migration QGEP -> TEKSI Wastewater & GEP (SB) At the TEKSI General Assembly Stefan Burckhardt presented the planned migration path for switching from qgep (VSA-DSS 2015) to TEKSI wastewater & GEP (VSA-DSS 2020). The slides with additional hints on how to already prepare (adapting of organisations, analysis of extra data, testing) are available in a new discussion. It will be the basis for a detailled migration workshop at the TEKSI User Day 2024 in September. You can already start testing the instructions and add additional hints for other members. Or describe needs for additional tests or tools that would help.
Steuerungskabel und Schutzrohr (cable de communication à distance et tube de protection)
- request raised a General Assembly 2024
- Define if integrated in each module or as an additional central module (pro / con) -> decision to start with integration per module
- Make short project description and requirements document (SB), till April technical meeting
- Datamodel available in SIA405 - translation to English needed
- SB can create SQL code for datamodel - make estimation of effort needed, till April technical meeting
- Integrate INTERLIS Import / Export
- who (SB), timetable (Q2 project description, review and board, Q3 development and implementation)
VSA-DSS 2020 - phases 2 and 3
- update and write down project definition (take existing project definition definition and update and integrate feedback from Moritz Brennecke from testing - email)
- write down requirements document (who would like to take care of that?, until when)
Additional modules from Zermatt - offer to integrate in TEKSI
Invite Zermatt to present developed module
- Strassenzustanderfassung: Wir haben nach Norm ein Model aufgebaut der Strassenzustandserfassung inkl. Interlis.
- Grabengesuch: Wir haben eine Fachschale gebaut mit Interlis wo Grabengesuche erfasst werden können welche zeitterminiert farblich reagieren. Es können automatisch Bewilligungen als pdf gedruckt werden mit Unterschriften und allem hinterlegt nach den Usern.
- Strassenbeleuchtung: Wir erarbeiten ein Model für die Strassenbeleuchtung in diesem Jahr. Ebenfalls mit Interlis etc. Habt Ihr da Interesse daran, das wir Euch einbinden? Gegebenenfalls können wir euch das auch am Ende weitergeben?
decide prios: Strassenbeleuchtung could be interesting, as under development
write down project documents (asked Zermatt to do so)
Sustainability review
- [Developers guide]
- [Contributors Guide]
- Providers guide:
Next meetings: May 14th, 2024 13:30 - 15:00
Changed to June 4th, 2024 13:30 - 15:00 - as June 11th conflicts with QGIS User Day 2024 in Berne