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Meeting 2022 09 06 (Technical Group)
Focus: Technical Group Meeting
Time: 13:30 - 15:45 Place: Online
Coordination: Arnaud Poncet-Montanges (Technical Group Secretary)
Present: Urs Kaufmann (Holinger Thun) (UK), Sandro Gassmann (geopoint lütolf AG) (PZ), Stefan Burckhardt, Jean-Pierre Dupuy (Morges) (JD), Olivier Dalang (OD)
Excused: Timothée Produit (Alpnetsystem SA (ig-group)) (TP), Denis Rouzaud (DR), Noemi Romano (Lausanne) (NR), Kevin André (SIGE) (KA), Saeid Rezvani (Sutter Ingenieur- und Planungsbüro AG)(SR),
Topics (please add your topics):
- Update on INTERLIS Text Label export (OD) Olivier presented the current status of the feature (see https://github.com/QGEP/qgepqwat2ili/pull/73). It adds new options to the export dialog where you can choose which scale of the labels should be exported (one or several). It only works with QGIS 3.27, else the label export options are greyed out. It is ready for testing.
- TO DO: OD gives UK, SB and PZ access to a testing version they can install from zip till 15.9.2022
- Update on INTERLIS Import / Export Improvements (additional models SIA405 Abwasser / VSA-DSS) (SB) SB presents the current status of new feature. In export the 3 different models can be selected (only one at a time). Export then works the same way as before. Import automatically recognizes the model from the MODEL Header of the chosen xtf file and then creates the respective import schema based on that. Florian and UK have done first testing.
- TO DO: SB needs to discuss with OD on the implementation question about subclasses of organisation in VSA-DSS version (before 15.9.2022)
Discussion add additional scripts after INTERLIS Import (see https://github.com/QGEP/qgepqwat2ili/issues/75): Main node is necessary for vw_qgep_wastewaterstructure to display the data, so fk_main_node has to be set in imported data. Further discussion needed whether the datamodel has to be adujusted so fk_main_node is not allowed to be NULL (not NULL constraint).
Discussion Organisation Metattributs currently not imported (see https://github.com/QGEP/qgepqwat2ili/issues/74): Currently not prioritized as the whole import of Organisation will change with Release 2020 and use the described workaround
New issue (enhancement) **logs with xtf file instead of temp folder #77 To do everyone: Please check suggestion and add your comments / votes pro/con
Discuss Release management for the open enhancements of qgepqwat2ili, coordination with needed model updates etc: see https://github.com/QGEP/qgepqwat2ili OD suggests to go vor a 1 version approach for TEKSI (first step wastewater). One TEKSI wastewater release defines the datamodel, the plugin version, the model baker version, the java version and the QGIS version. Testing new features in advance, then include in main branch. Suggestion to have pre-release for testing work, release as stable version that fits with a LTR release of QGIS, so that productive and new users can go for that. AP makes a draft of a road map for the next meeting. Discussion to be continued and fixed in writing.
New feature request: new features for vw_qgep_maintenance (UK) SB and UK take the description provided by UK and develop it further with user needs so that it can be re-discussed at the Octobre meeting
- QGEP 1.5.5 and 1.5.6 datamodel releases #747
- 'nan' values on reaches makes the layers export fail #737
- Multiedit works not with QGEP #739
Due till October 6th, 2022 and checked on next technical meeting.
(late addition) General roadmapping / release management (refactoring and general strategy for the product such as reducing complexity, bringing QWAT and QGEP closer together, etc.)
AP checks with JD on details and schedules for next meeting
Next meeting: October 11th, 2022
Please hand in your topcis a week before.