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Meeting 2023 08 08 (Technical Group)
Time: 13:30 - 14:30 Place: Online
Coordination: Arnaud Poncet-Montanges (Technical Group Secretary)
Present: Urs Kaufmann (Holinger Thun) (UK), Sandro Gassmann (geopoint lütolf AG) (PZ), Stefan Burckhardt
Excused: Timothée Produit (Alpnetsystem SA (ig-group)) (TP), Jean-Pierre Dupuy (Morges) (JD), Saeid Rezvani (Sutter Ingenieur- und Planungsbüro AG)(SR)
Agenda - please add your topics
VSA-DSS 2020 adaption
TEKSI QGIS project file (UK)
I want discuss some things about the new qgis-project for version 2020 next time, so that "my part" (configuring attributforms) will be ready:
Standard options for fields with valuelist: Null allowd, sorted, Description-Field, Filter: field active, no defaults
Numeric fields with range in vsa-dss: as range till now (problem qgis corrects without warning to the limit) OR as range with bigger limits and constraints: best as text and constraints, some cases as änderbare eindeutige Werte and constraints
Obj_id is generally visible, but not editable: ok
Reuse last value – option with most fields on the first tab of the form: ok
Colors are not used now, is there a concept for colors? new issue
(what are the correct constraints / defaults for identifier and obj_id-fields): obj_id: four option in constraints checked, identifier: not set in database, but set defaultvalue = obj_id
Translation-transifex: is there a way to reuse the actual translation-files
In transifex, we should not translate every value_en with value_de, because then also the fieldname in the value-list will translate and then you have two fields with value_de and in the attributeform there are English values… Don’t know if a solution on db-side is possible or in transifex (filter all fieldnames of vl_tables?)?
Hardcodierte Lösungen ersetzten durch User-Präferenzen: z.B.: welche Ein- und Ausläufe werden beschriftet bei den _Labels Abwasserbauwerk (heute in FUNCTION: qgep_od.update_wastewater_structure_label definiert): some user label all input_level, some user label only paa-input_level -> _label_input_paa and _label_input_all.
Noch eine Ergänzung für die Views: Der ganze Umgang mit SAA und PAA ist wegen der Kombination mit der Funktion_Hierarchisch ziemlich mühsam, man muss immer wieder diese Code-Werte für PAA in Filtern, Symbolisierungen etc. eingeben. Wenn in vw_qgep_reach ein berechnetes Feld _paa (resp. _pwwf) vorhanden wäre und dort einfach 0 und 1 oder true und false oder pwwf und swwf drinsteht, ob PAA oder SAA, dann würde das einiges an immer wiederkehrenden Aufwand in Symbolisierung, Abfragen etc vereinfachen. Analog wäre ein gleiches Feld im vw_wastewater_node und im vw_qgep_wasterwater_structure zu berechnen: as _paasaa in views or as virtual field in the project? to define next time
In vw_qgep_reach / rp_from_fk_wastewater_networkelement was the constraint "not null" selected. The effect is not, that there has to be a value in this field, but that in the attributform is always some value shown – also if there is NULL in this attribute. This "not null" cannot be selected for fields with Beziehungsreferenz. Is this a QGIS-Bug?.
For the fk_owner, fk_dataowner, fk_provider and fk_operator -fields is a relation defined to a lot of tables in the project so the user can choose from a list of organisations. If we define this fk-fields not as Beziehungsreferenz, but as Wertbeziehung (the same we do with all valuelist's), we can no longer add an organization from within another table, but we do not have to create all these relations in the project. We must create the organisations from the vw_organisation – layer (that supports the subclasses): organisation and pipe_profile like value list, not as relations.
Features review
- VSA-DSS Import / Export - Integration of suggested configuration window needs external support. Current final version is available for integration https://github.com/QGEP/qgepqwat2ili/pull/108
- one conflict with qwat test data errors (changes with fk_distributor) has to be solved in the CI: see e.g. https://github.com/QGEP/qgepqwat2ili/actions/runs/5669859768/job/15363507536?pr=108
Sustainability review
- update on project
Next meeting: September 12th, 2023 13:30 - 14:30