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Meeting 2024 11 05 (Technical Group)

Stefan edited this page Nov 5, 2024 · 24 revisions

Time: 13:30 - 14:45 Place: Online

Coordination: Arnaud Poncet-Montanges (Technical Group Secretary) (APM)


  • Urs Kaufmann (Holinger Thun) (UK), Stefan Burckhardt, Jean-Pierre Dupuy (Morges) (JD), Sandro Gassmann (geopoint lütolf AG) (SG), Timothée Produit (Alpnetsystem SA (ig-group)) (TP), Lukas Wiss (geowerkstatt),

Excused: Saeid Rezvani (Sutter Ingenieur- und Planungsbüro AG)(SR)



  • Next year meetings: Technical focus Migration 2015 -> 2020.1 / First Version of District Heating / Developments on CI and Tools
  • 2nd Tuesday of the month - still ok? 8-10 meetings with a summer break (July? / August)
  • AP will provide new invitations
  • Marion Nappez, up to now with Newis will join Geoconseils SA. She will join the technical group from 2025 on.
  • AP talks with Saeid if he interested in further invitations.

Technical discussion

  • Pre-Release 2024.0.3
  • Errors found and fixed:
  • Is another Pre-release needed? Yes 2024.0.4 - please test and if within 2 weeks there are no critical bugs a Release 2024.0 will be published!
  • Final release - what is blocking? Close all Critical bugs then ok
    • Separate application and symbology triggers: - review and adapt. Can be added with 2024.1
    • Provide extra sql script to delete all data as temporary solution (SB)
    • Several styles in project: only the first one is translated to other language (QGIS Upstream issue)
      • On QGIS side this will not be available before March 2025 (LTR) - AP opens issue on QGIS side (high priority)
      • Workaround: Make documentation how to copy part of the styles to get valid de / fr projects - provide version on github for download so not everyone has to make it on it's own.
      • Add UK to the French translation group and / or provide Excel to AP

QGEP 1.6.4 Testing - Feedbacks on

If solved then a 1.6.5 will be published (within 3 weeks)

Different Numbering system for in- and outlet channels

  • In qgep and tww Inlets / Outlet are numbered starting from North and then clockwise
  • Geopoint Lütolf has a numbering system starting with the outlet as starting point and then clockwise. If there are several outlets than a primary outlet has to be defined.
  • SG opens a feature request and documents the difference and their needs. Also add special cases that would have to be considered (several outlets, how to interpret field notes in a few years, ...). Can we really synchronize field notes and display in a map?


  • Project Kickoff 9A/9B is planned on November, 7th and will aim to start the conception phase for TEKSI Modules release management, installation and update
  • Offer for 9C geowerkstatt should be handed in this week
  • Next provider group is planned on November 19th in Lausanne
  • Migration support: Offered by A. Poncet and S. Burckhardt on: QGEP -> TEKSI TWW Migration Q & A Session: Dear TEKSI Members At the TEKSI User Day the migration process from qgep (VSA-DSS / SIA405 Wastewater 2015) to TEKSI Wastewater (VSA-DSS / SIA405 Wastewater 2020.1) was presented in a workshop. To support you on questions regarding this migration step by step we would like to offer an online Q & A Session for the next 2-4 months where you can raise your pending questions concerning application in your organization and environment. Arnaud Poncet-Montanges (Technical Secretary) and Stefan Burckhardt (Coordinator) will be present to respond to you and share experiences and hurdles found (and solved). Please send in your specific question 2 days beforehand so we can prepare well.
  • 26.11. / 17.12.2024, dates in January and February to be defined.

Next meetings:

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