Releases: sld-columbia/esp
- New linting scripts and GitHub actions flow (#242)
- Example multicore baremetal application
- Support for up to 256 tiles and 512 APB devices
- Moved NoC routers to top level of hierarchy (#238)
- Support for up to 16 CPU tiles and 16 memory tiles
- Make number of cache ways more flexible
- Expand number of accelerator registers to 128
- Restrict unavailable accelerator coherence modes from HW
- Support for up to 7 DDR controllers on proFPGA-xcvu19p board
- Linted all C, C++, Python, Verilog, and System Verilog files
- Multicast NoC for enhanced accelerator P2P communication
- Support for token-based DVFS mechanism over the NoC
- New NoC domain CSRs
- Implementation of BlitzCoin DVFS algorithm
ASIC Design
- Flexible P2P commmunication for mismatched burst lengths
- Add a CSR for resetting third-party accelerators
- Deprecate old DVFS mechansim and cleanup clock hierarchy
Accelerator Design Flows
- Stratus HLS: Add ability to synthesize accelerators for inferred tech
- Bump modelsim support to 2023.2 DE
- Improve GUI messaging
ASIC Design
- Fix multiport handling in memory integration flow (#227)
- Various fixes for new proFPGA xcvu19p board
ASIC Design
- New memory integration flow for ASIC techonologies (#196)
- Catapult SystemC Flow
- MAC example accelerator
- Catapult C++ Flow
- 3-in-1 Cryptography accelerator with SHA1, SHA2, and AES engines
- Catapult SystemC Flow
- Support for proFPGA xcvu19p board
- Python utility for preloading simulation memory
- Script for selectively installing submodules
- SystemVerilog implementation of NoC router (#194)
- IOLink: make width flexible, fix warnings, and automatically generate required text files for simulation
- ESPLink: timeout and retry transactions in case of dropped packets
- Move to Vivado version 2023.2
- Move to proFPGA tools version 2021A
- Updates to ESP Monitors API
- Architecture
- Robust SSH/SCP to designs with the Ariane core and caches enabled
- P2P accelerator communication with LLC-coherent and coherent DMA selected
- New custom I/O Link for ASIC designs and its coexistence with Ethernet (#183)
- Stratus HLS flow
- Sinkhorn: iterative algorithm used in machine learning to evaluate the correlation and alignment of two different datasets with a focus on their data distribution. (#185)
- Vivado HLS flow
- SVD (Singular Value Decomposition): linear algebra algorithm that decomposes/factorizes matrices according to their eigenvalues; commonly used as part of dimensionality reduction algorithms. (#185)
- Stratus HLS flow
Accelerator design flows
- Catapult HLS with SystemC and Matchlib flow (#165)
ASIC Design, Verification, and Testing
- SLM+DDR Tile: fix clock assignments, add configurable delay cells, support accelerator execution (#169)
- Spandex Caches: fixes and performance improvements (#163)
- Flexible ASIC clocking strategy with 3 choices: external clock only, single global clock generator, per-tile clock generator
- JTAG-based debug unit: new implementation to improve robustness (#177)
- JTAG and NoC synchronizers are now optional for ASIC designs
- ESP GUI: add more configuration options and remove dependence on GRLIB GUI
- Various Genus errors and warnings
- Busy handling from AHB bus in ahbslv2noc
- Combinational loop in Ibex AHB wrapper
- Ariane L1 cacheable length to support SoCs with and without ESP caches
- Use correct RTL sources for NVDLA in ASIC designs
- Xcelium simulation support
- Toolchains: fix cloning issue for RISC-V, change default install path to remove sudo dependence
- Stratus HLS flow
- FFT2: improves upon the FFT accelerator with support for batching, FFT sizes larger than accelerator private local memory, and inverse FFT
- Stratus HLS flow
Accelerator design flows
- RTL accelerator design flow (#123)
- Move NoC and JTAG to the top level of the tile (#122)
- Reset of asynchronous FIFOs
- Stratus HLS flow
- FFT: add batching
- Nightvision: handle larger image sizes (#130)
- Increase number of accelerator configuration registers from 14 to 48
- Ensure accelerator reset is synchronous by adding register to DMA FSM
- Stratus HLS flow
- Use local paths for toolchain installation (#119)
- Standardize selection of the number of LLC sets across cache implementations
- Upgrade riscv-pk and update baremetal probe library (#120)
- Overflow issue in axislv2noc
- CPU DMA to SLM tile
- Proxies for ASIC memory link
- Various latches and incomplete sensitivity lists
- Xcelium compilation
- RCU stall issue during Linux boot on Ariane mitigated with new kernel configuration
- Various accelerator applications
- Stratus HLS flow
- MRI-Q: advanced MRI reconstruction algorithm (#112)
- Cholesky: Cholesky decomposition (#113)
- Conv2D: 2D convolution with optional pooling (max or avg), bias addition, and ReLU; supported kernel sizes 1x1, 3x3, or 5x5; supported stride 1x1, or 2x2 (#115)
- GeMM: dense matrix multiplication supporting arbitrary input size and optional ReLU (#115)
- Stratus HLS flow
Accelerator design flows
Cache hierarchy
- Handle RISC-V atomic operations (#114)
- Preliminary support for Spandex caches [Alsop et al., ISCA'18] (#114)
(FPGA implementation needs to improve to meet timing)
Scratchpad (shared-local memory) tile
- Optional LPDDR controller from Basejump STL [Taylor, DAC'18] (#114)
ASIC Design
- Template design for ASIC flow (requires access to GF12 technology) (#114)
- Chip-to-FPGA link that replaces on-chip DDR controllers when not available for the target technology (#114)
- Digital clock oscillator (DCO) instance (#114)
- Technology-specific SRAM wrappers (#114)
- Technology-specific PAD wrappers with configuration pins and orientation selection (#114)
- Preliminary FPGA proxy design to simulate the chip-to-FPGA link (#114)
- Single tile, trace-based simulation target to test the chip JTAG debug interface (#114)
- SDF back-annotation of user-selected IPs (#114)
NoC Architecture
- Increased reserved field of the packet headers from 4 to 8 bits (#114)
- Support up to 256 interrupt lines
- Support Spandex extended message types
- Increased reserved field of the packet headers from 4 to 8 bits (#114)
- Ibex
- Enable ESP cache hierarchy with Ibex core (#92)
Toolchain scripts
- Update URL of Leon3 prebuilt files (#96) -
Cache hierarchy
- Fix endianness of the SystemC implementation for instances of ESP using a RISC-V core (#92) -
- Use Xilinx primitives for Ibex implementation on FPGA
- Disable ESP L2 invalidation master port on AHB bus (#92) -
- Fix link update of the object dump used in full-system RTL simulations (#93)
- Save HLS log files for the cache hierarchy into log folder
- Restore optimized floorplanning for proFPGA XCVU440 (#94)
- Accelerator design flows
- Keras/Pytorch/ONNX with hls4ml
- Accelerator templates
- Accelerator and test applications generation with AccGen
- Tutorial
- C/C++ with Xilinx Vivado HLS
- Accelerator templates
- Accelerator and test applications skeleton generation with AccGen
- Tutorial
- Sample accelerators: adder (element-wise addition)
- C/C++ with Mentor Catapult HLS
- SystemC with Cadence Stratus HLS
- Accelerator templates (includes, skeleton templates)
- Accelerator and test applications skeleton generation with AccGen
- Tutorial
- Sample accelerators: dummy (identity mapping), fft (Fast Fourier Transform 1D), sort, spmv (sparse matrix-vector multiplication), synth (synthetic traffic generator), nightvision (night-vision kernels), vitbfly2 (Viterbi butterfly), vitdodec (Viterbi decoder)
- Chisel
- Accelerator templates
- Sample accelerators: adder (element-wise addition), counter, fft (Fast Fourier Transform 1D)
- Keras/Pytorch/ONNX with hls4ml
- Third-party accelerator integration flow
- SoC design flow
- High-level SoC configuration (batch or GUI)
- Automatic SoC generation
- Push-button full-system RTL simulation of bare-metal programs
- Supported simulators: Mentor Modelsim SE, Cadence Incisive, Cadence Xcelium
- Push-button FPGA bitstream generation
- Supported FPGA tools: Xilinx Vivado
- Architecture
- NoC
- Packet-switched NoC with lookahead routing, single-cycle hop, and configurable bitwidth
- ESP SoCs use 6 bidirectional physical NoC planes
- 3 for cache coherence messages (32-bits or 64-bits based on processor architecture)
- 2 for DMA messages (32-bits or 64-bits based on processor architecture)
- 1 32-bit plane for the other messages (interrupts, memory-mapped IO and configuration registers)
- Processor tile
- Processor
- L2 private cache (optional)
- NoC-based directory-based MESI protocol
- Available implementations: SystemVerilog, SystemC
- Bus
- Memory request bus options: AXI, AHB
- Memory-mapped IO requests bus options: APB
- Support for SoCs with multiple processor tiles
- Accelerator tile
- Accelerator (see accelerator design flow options above)
- Accelerator socket
- Accelerator configuration registers (default registers + user-defined registers)
- Miss-free accelerator TLB for low overhead virtual memory support
- Accelerator DMA engine
- Private cache (optional)
- Same as the L2 private cache in the processor tile
- Cache coherence
- Supported options: coherent with private cache, coherent DMA, LLC-coherent DMA, non-coherent DMA
- Configurable at run-time
- Point-to-point accelerator communication
- Configurable at run-time
- Support for SoCs with multiple accelerator tiles
- Third-party accelerator tile
- Accelerator socket
- Bus-to-NoC bridges
- Memory requests bus options: AXI
- Memory-mapped IO requests bus options: AXI-Lite, APB
- Bus-to-NoC bridges
- Support for SoCs with multiple third-party accelerator tiles
- Accelerator socket
- Memory tile
- Last-level cache slice (optional)
- NoC-based directory-based MESI protocol
- Support for coherent DMA and LLC-coherent DMA
- Available implementations: SystemVerilog, SystemC
- Memory channel
- Optionally include AHB bus and memory controller in the memory tile
- Memory simulation model for full-system RTL simulation
- Support for all accelerator cache coherence options
- Support for SoCs with multiple memory tiles
- Up to 2 memory tiles on proFPGA Virtex7 XC7V2000T FPGA module and up to 4 memory tiles on proFPGA Virtex UltraScale XCVU440 FPGA module
- Last-level cache slice (optional)
- Auxiliary tile
- Peripherals: Ethernet, UART, DVI (only on proFPGA FPGA modules with DVI interface board)
- ESP Link debug unit
- SoC initialization unit
- Interrupt controller: Leon3 multiprocessor interrupt controller or RISC-V platform interrupt controller
- Timer: GRLIB general-purpose timer or RISC-V core-local interrupt controller
- Frame buffer
- Scratchpad (shared-local memory) tile
- Shared software-managed addressable memory
- Support for multiple SLM tiles
- SLM can replace external memory when configuring ESP with no memory tiles and selecting the Ibex core
- Additional SoC services
- ESP tile CSRs: memory mapped and accessible from software
- Configuration registers: PADs configuration, clock generators configuration, tile ID configuration, core ID configuration (processor tile only), Ethernet and UART scalers configuration (auxiliary tile only), soft reset
- Performance counters: accelerators activity, caches hit and miss rates, memory accesses, NoC routers traffic, dynamic voltage-frequency scaling operation
- With proFPGA FPGA modules, performance counters can be accessed via Ethernet as well through an MMI64-based monitor interface (see ESP software tools below)
- NoC adapters: AXI (to-NoC), AHB (to-NoC, from-NoC), APB (to-NoC, from-NoC), DMA (to/from-NoC), interrupt line (to-NoC, from-NoC)
- Other adapters: APB-to-AXI-Lite, custom memory link for ESP instances w/o integrated DDR controller (link-to-AHB, cache/DMA-to-link)
- NoC queues in every tile (processor, accelerator, memory, auxiliary, scratchpad)
- Dynamic Voltage-Frequency Scaling controller in every tile
- Single-tile test unit in every tile
- ESP tile CSRs: memory mapped and accessible from software
- NoC
- ESP software stack
- Support for Ariane, Leon3, and Ibex processors
- Linux SMP support (Ariane and Leon3 only)
- Bare-metal support
- Multi-core support (Leon3 only)
- Leon3 bare-metal multi-core test suite
- Accelerator-specific software
- ESP accelerator device driver
- LibESP: the ESP accelerator invocation API
- 3 functions:
- Manage the execution of multiple accelerators in parallel and/or in a pipeline
- 3 functions:
- Bare-metal unit-test sample applications for accelerators
- Linux unit-test sample applications for accelerators
- Multi-accelerator Linux applications examples
- ESP software tools
- AccGen: accelerator skeleton generator, including testbench, device driver and test applications
- PLMGen: multi-port and multi-bank memory generator for SystemC accelerators
- SoCGen: configure and generate an ESP SoC (batch or GUI)
- SocketGen: generate the RTL for some of the ESP tile sockets
- ESPLink: debug link via Ethernet from a host machine
- ESPMon: collection of hardware performance monitors accessed via Ethernet through the proFPGA MMI64 interface (batch or GUI)
- Supported FPGA development boards
- Xilinx Virtex UltraScale+ FPGA VCU118
- Xilinx Virtex UltraScale+ FPGA VCU128
- Xilinx Virtex-7 FPGA VC707
- proFPGA Virtex7 XC7V2000T
- proFPGA Virtex Ultrascale XCVU440
- Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC ZCU102 (WIP)
- Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC ZCU106 (WIP)
- Supported OS
- CentOS 7 (recommended)
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.8
- Ubuntu 18.04 (Cadence Stratus HLS not fully supported)