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Level Editor and Modeling Tools

chino edited this page Jan 13, 2013 · 1 revision

Keep It Open

Ideally we would like to stick to open source products so Forsaken stays open and accessible to all.


To that extent Blender is a fully featured open source tool that can be used for modeling, shading, animating, rendering, compositing, and even has a game engine with Bullet physics integration for writing interactive 3d applications.


Currently we have an import script that was put together as a quick proof of concept.

It's currently written to load from json file formats that are exported using PXR from Forsaken mx files.

You can see a video of the prototype which uses Blender Game Engine allowing you to fly through Forsaken's Ship level with full collision detection provided by Bullet and real mouse/keyboard inputs.


There is a milestone setup for organizing further development:

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