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chino edited this page Jan 5, 2013
1 revision
Changes of interest to end users of Forsaken.
= CHANGES IN MARCH 2011 (2172) =
* Logs will contain a reason why someone disconnected from you:
a) Failed to synch (includes the id of player who couldn't connect to you).
b) The host said to disconnect from you.
c) I quit the game.
* Logs will be named named after the current date * time * zone.
* Logs will now prefix every line with seconds and milliseconds.
* Network logs: fixed typos, fixed text formatting, added relevant info.
* Noisy Logs: reduced allot of output from sound routines and others.
* Pickup Logs: prefixed all pickup messages with "pickups: ".
* Others: Changed some other things to avoid potential bugs.
* Watch player menu now uses player names and only shows valid players
* Players in watch mode can now see locations of all players
* added 15 new quake sounds
* now uses first blood quake sound;
first to fifty kills gets impressive;
killed with a gravgon gets humiliation;
killed with a titan gets holy shit
* killed with a direct titan gets holy shit -
plays for everybody (this is rare)
* included self in the list of watch players so can rejoin
the game from watch mode - ommitted previously
* default biker is now Lokasenna instead of Beard
* added observatory option to watch mode which will display the
first four active ship cameras simultaneously
* added local option in team games to view the first active team
mate's camera in the lower left corner.
On/off setting in Options -> Visuals
* fixed host dynamically setting packet rate
* fixed host dynamically setting collisions and short packets
* added in-game text scaling option (selectable via options -
visuals from within a started game)
* in-game menu colour now customisable (through options - visuals;
same place as other custom colour options). default message colours
changed to yellow for system (i.e., joining/leaving etc.) and player
messages and blue for flag messages
* HUD colour now customisable (from options - visuals)
* added option to show all weapons and ammo currently possessed on the
middle right of the HUD (selectable from the options menu);
defaults to off
* added new bigger font textures and offset file; bigger font
textures are used only if the scaling is increased above one,
otherwise original textures are used
* turning off cursor while in menu
* hiding orbital circles if current in menu
* fixed the typing of text messages in the game from scrolling
off of the screen
* stopped 'first blood' from triggering for suicides
* mature content is now optional; defaults to 'tom cruise';
from the in-game menu (detail levels) user can cycle disabled-tom
cruise-guts; from the out of game menu (detail levels) can toggle mature
content on or off (with on being tom cruise). minimum permissible mouse
sensitivity set to 0 (previously 1).
* default packet rate lowered from 30 to 10
* fixed requesting all players' version numbers by typing 'version'
as a text message
* using full text names for hud
* support for full inventory list on the right
* power pod counter has been moved to above primary/secondary on the
bottom right so we can use the middle bottom for something else like
splitting chat/system messages between the top/bottom of the screen
* fixed the nitro bar to shrink if you have a gpp based on the gpp timer
* player text messages now go into their own que and are displayed at the
bottom of the screen; these messages will stay on the screen for 5x longer
than normal messages
* adjusted the team camera viewport to move out of the way of the shield/hull
with text scaling and set the player's name to use the small font in white
* changed nitro/gpp bar calculation from int to float making the reduction
continuous rather than discrete
* fixed bounty/flag from showing up in bounty and flag chase modes - this
fixes bounty hunt although the bounty still wont show up for people without
this fix; there is still a bug which crashes when a ship collects a flag
which must be fixed before flag chase and ctf are useable
* fixed a bad attempt to save code causing mega crashes from revision 2130;
ctf and bounty etc. should all work fine now
* long message history now clears out after quitting the game, before it
would still show up old messages unless you completely exited the game
before starting another
* fixed player name flashing
* fixed hud display of power level (power level starts at 1 not 0)
* offset the upper centre message system to the right slightly to stop
overlap with ping
* changed default font to use the original small font for resolutions below
1024 width - this can still be overridden in the text scaling option if
* now always using original texture file for trojax charge, i.e., it wont
scale with text (similar to cross-hair)
* missing function includes for mature content toggle
* removed bar icons from shield and hull on the hud
* player text messages spacing adjusted
* fixed (hopefully) insertion of odd characters into text messages
* tidied up the watch mode hud to work with the text scaling and the player
messaging at the bottom
* the current maximum score width is calculated to permit the alignment of
the pings in a straight column
* quake sounds now play in watch mode
* chaos shield now lets through 80% damage instead of 33%
* added special characters such as exclaimation point and question mark to
font textures and set the in-game font to use this - note at the moment the
percentage sign on line 1999 of text.c is commented out and needs to be
fixed before its useable
** Changes into the new Branch
* ported efferts now allow forsaken to run on linux natively and other platforms !
- d3d9 is a major improvement over d3d6 in speed and rendering technology
- opengl is a cross platform graphics layer allowing forsaken to render on various platforms.
- openal is a 3d cross platform sound api allowing forsaken to run on various platforms and allowing true 3d stereo sound.
- sdl is a project which abstracts the platform so a developer can build a project once and have it work everywhere !!
support for: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, IPhone, the PSP, Syllable, Haiku/BeOS, OpenVMS, WebOS, MorphOS, AmigaOS, and AmigaOS 5.
* sound fixes
- removed many bugs
- few versions away from true 3d sound!
- stopped re-loading of all sound saving time and memory / crashes
- only load unique sounds once and reuse them for each source that plays that sound saving memory
- sounds are only loaded as required
* user interface
- made the in game hud show kills as the default metric, ability to select real-score as the metric in options ui
- various bug fixes in navigation
- ability to use number pad, symbols (such as $), and capital letters in text entry
- restored the biker photographs on biker selection screen
* graphics
- ability to select massively more resolutions or to pick any resolution you want in window mode
- speed improvements
- all bliting has been replaced with polys making rendering faster
- opengl and d3d9 rendering modes offer more up to date graphics abilities and effeciency
- got rid of many down grading visual features where not needed anymore
game doens't even loose a frame with them all on now !!!
- mip mapping, bike detail, smoke detail, etc...
- added visual affects
- anisotropic texture filtering for viewing textures at a flat angle
- support for 3d stereo rendering thanks to Lion !
this means you can use those colored 3d glasses to see in 3d !!!
- increased max gamma to 300
- fixed the scan lines that would move over players in bike selection screen
- added a more robust wireframe mode
- level of detail fixes
- degrades much farther away beyond point of perception
- enabled level of detail scaling in rear view camera !!!
- real time lights
- documented the file format
- created a binary to text parser
- removed old ugly fonts that were for resolutions bellow 640x480
- texturing
- centralized as many texture files as possibly to data/textures,
this allows textures to be reused by many levels saving space,
and allowing for new levels to reuse the old textures!!!
a level can override any texture name by adding it's own texture folder...
- default mode is now 32 bit textures because it's just as fast at 16 bit now
- dynamic textures are only loaded when required saving load time and memory
- all textures have been converted to png to save space and have richer color spectrum
- fixed an enemy texture so it looks like it was always meant to look like :]
- cleaned up the window edges in ship's control room
- stopped textures from reloading by simply entering the gamma config screen
- general
- removed thousands of lines of pointless out dated unrequired code :]
- various bug fixes along the way
- documentation updates
- command line options cleaning
- load time to start up, enter game or leave game has been reduced to basically nothing!
- added ability to produce profiler output if your system supports it and to run using a debugger to catch trace backs
- added support for up to 255 mouse buttons !!!
- player config files code has been updated
- easy to use basic names, such as "a" for "a" key
** Changes Since 1.13.1069
* fixed bug in the new built in game list.
** Changes Since 1.13.1066
* built in game list !!!
** Changes Since 1.13.1052
* bug fixes
* new player event for wrong player fixed
* host migration issues fixed
** Changes Since 1.13.1049
* added proper error messages during network setup.
** Changes Since 1.13.1047
* bug fixes
* added a remote port field to support varried keyboards.
* fixes thanks to amgoz and brady for crash reports
* other bugs
** Changes Since 1.13.1038
* bug fixes
- routers that assign random port now supported
** Changes Since 1.13.1037
* network updates
- added a synch failure screen so you know why it failed.
* bug fixes
- network disconnects when closing the window.
- fixed screen from hanging on synch state.
** Changes Since 1.13.1033
* network updates
- joiners must fully synch with network before being allowed in.
- host tells players to reconnect if they loose connection.
* features
- added -port option on command line for local port.
** Changes Since 1.13.1027
* bug fixes
- window now remembers location correctly
- window will never start off screen
** Changes Since 1.13.1022
* bug fixes
- new host message now works.
** Changes Since 1.13.1017
* bug fixes
- secondary weapon order fixed.
** Changes Since 1.13.1015
* bug fixes
- screen position now saves xy instead of xx
- host settings do not get saved to your own settings
- stopped mugs and solaris from turning off in host game
** Changes Since 1.13.1003
* bug fixes
- Your valid pickups do not get overwritten by the hosts valid pickups.
** Changes Since 1.13.1003
* old players who left were on the players list on HUD
now it doesn't show the player names on the HUD who left
they are on the stats screen anyway... hud has limited space
** Changes Since 1.13.1002
* fixed two crashes.
** Changes Since 1.13.1000
* fixed host migration
** Changes Since 1.13.999
* added title screen menu option to change to window mode
* remembers if you were in window mode or fullscreen on next start
** Changes Since 1.13.998
* default mode now set to fullscreen
this is because mouseExclusive sucks in window mode
yet it causes people to crash so until it's fixed
better to stay in fullscreen by default for less complaints
-fullscreen has been converted to -window
-mouseExclusive has been converted to -mouseNonExclusive
* last window position is now remembered.
* added overall scores to player list on hud for bully
* bug fixes:
- resolution is now remebered both in window and fullscreen
- window mode starts up in last resolution size
- changing resolutions in window mode does not go fullscreen
- menus now look fine after changing window/fullscreen resolution/size
- fixed the bug that would cause "loading.." to go on forever on window changes
- fixed bug on player list in game thanks to bully's bug report.
- attempted to fix another bug from bully in loading joysticks...
if anyone gets a dead axis let me know...
- fixed random crashes
** Changes Since 1.13.987
* compiler optimizations making the exe smaller / faster...
* bug fixes:
- network layer bug fixed thanks to report from Amgoz :]
** Changes Since 1.13.984
* Lowered the synching time to 15 seconds instead of 2 MINUTES !!!!
* bug fixes:
- multiple players will not be created for the same connection.
** Changes Since 1.13.981
* added crash reports to projectx for tracking down crashes...
* bug fixes:
- one of the crashing sound bugs is fixed.
** Changes Since 1.13.959
* bug fixes:
- correct name now blinks on stats screen
- stats screen does not show on watch mode
- configs saved after changing local port or typing in address of host
- you now see everyones names when you join late
- saved some packets from being broadcasted
* probable bug fixes:
- hopefully sound bug dissapears
(bike engine sound would not go away)
** Changes Since 1.13.944
* -quickjoin -tcp option on command line will beginning joining right away
-quickjoin alone will take you to the join screen
* the join screen and host's network options now allow you to change your local port
you must have a 1 to 1 mapping of ports
so if your 2nd computer has port 2301 you must configure local port option to be 2301 too...
do not attempt to forward 2301 to 2300 on the 2nd pc cause you will break the net tracker
and then people won't be able to join your game once you become the host...
* the join screen allows you to type in the port number in url syntax (ip:port)
* join address and local port are saved to config files.
* fixed a bug in the tracker that allows a "new host" (aka wasn't host at start of game) to work...
** Changes Since 1.13.935
* fixed message box covering first line in title chat.
* fixed host's name not showing after joining late.
* fixed another sound bug.
** Changes Since 1.13.932
* fixed bug that caused connection failure, if you left the join room and then entered it again...
* fixed problem rejoining a game that you would never connect to the game...
* player stats are remembered until their there is no more free player slots for a new player.
** Changes Since 1.13.928
* fixed some config file bugs
* bounty bonus interval had a bug should be fixed now.
* sound bug temporarly patched to not crash game.
** Changes Since 1.13.922
* last selected level is remembered
* fixed joystick and kill message bugs...
* game publishing to the server is now integrated (your games show up on the server)
* Migrated windows registry to custom configuration system
* Now attempts to detect that your in the right directory.
* Lua has been integrated into the game :]
** Changes Since 1.12.882
* Moved to a new networking layer.
* Forsaken now runs rather gold list on wine...
* You only need port 2300 udp open now...
* Added version checking to the game...
** Changes Since 1.06.791
* Removed Forsaken's built in Reliability layer (aka guaranteed packets).
Now using the built in direcplay layer.
** Changes Since 1.05.790
* Network updates to the guaranteed layer built into forsaken
Lots of uneeded packets removed.
Saved 120bits on the guaranteed packet.
Guaranteed packets are now sent out right away with no delay.
** Changes Since 1.04.789
* Hopefully fixed up a bug in 786 that would cause game to crash.
** Changes Since 1.04.786
* fixed pings (hopefully for good this time)
* made a few bradcast packets to reply only to the sender.
* ship updates set to 10ms timeout (most get out in 1ms).
** Changes Since 1.04.770
* moved f12 to Shift+f12
* organized up the create game menu
- created network options menu
- created game type menu
- got rid of more options menu
* fixed sending of version to other players
** Changes Since 1.04.752
* stats screen updates
- made players who aren't in the game turn gray
- moved overall column next to kills and deaths (easier to glance at)
- added connection status (blue dot) to left of names
** Changes Since 1.04.749
* Average frame duration added to the fps line.
* Added multiplayer preference to enable showing players on the hud.
** Changes Since 1.04.741
* Fixed pings
-- calculation was broken.
-- ping reply now only goes to sender (instead of broadcasting it).
-- ping interval option was moved from host options to in game options of any player.
I get 1ms using icmp pings on my lan and 32ms ping in game with 45fps.
There is lots of other things happening in a game that make in game ping higher.
Use icmp ping to get the internet delay between you and a remote party.
Then minus that from the in game ping to get the game overhead.
Because of this at start of game ping is always higher.
Players are still loading the level while pings start to get sent...
** Changes Since 1.04.733
* Stats screen.
- Show kill matrix on the stats screen.
- Shows pings on the stats screen.
* Set ping mode to gaurenteed.
* Removed player names from the top left.
** Changes Since 1.04.725
* Shows stats while your dead.
* Says "press any key to continue" when the respawn timer is up.
* Changed the coloring in the stats screen a bit to make it easier to see in more backgrounds.
** Changes Since 1.04.703
* Fixed the score sort to use real score metric.
* Removed score from the main in game ui.
Players must now hit the Show Stats key to see score breakdown.
Show Stats button is on the last page of the player configuration.
** Changes Since 1.04.701
* Stopped window context menu from initiating in fullscreen
* Added two extra lines to the title screen chat
* Score is now, points + kills - suacides - friendly - deaths
* Stats screen shows effeciency of player: (kills/kills-deaths)
* Fixed up ping calculations
** Changes Since 1.04.691
* Fixed problem with loading nightship-fzk
** Changes Since 1.04.686
* Stopped mouse from being able to grab borders in fullscreen mode...
* Got rid of window mode regression (keyboard not focusing on window click)
* Got rid of math error window from coming up.
** Changes Since 1.04.680
* Fixed "Score Limit" from causing the levels to restart over and over...
You can now set a score limit and it will all work properly...
** Changes Since 1.04.671-Sleep
* Fixed the alt key from causing the game to freeze...
** Changes Since 1.04.669-Sleep
* Added -sleep:<number> command line option to make game sleep
every loop for the specified <number> milliseconds...
** Changes Since 1.04.667-NoVsync
* disables vsync on any hardware by default in fullscreen
* -sync command line option used to enable vsync in fullscreen
** Changes Since 1.04.666-SATAN "Satan's Release"
* Polished up the window mode to behaive nicely as a desktop app.
Minimize, maximize, close, taskbar, titlebar actions all work.
Normal window handeling key strokes work like alt+tab...
Window icon shows up 16x16 in titlebar and 24x24 in alt+tab
Create a ProjectX.ico with 16x16 and 24x24 icons to override.
Starts up in window mode by default (see -fullscreen bellow)
Default window size is 640x480 (see -mode option bellow)
* Keyboard shortcuts
F12 key anywhere to go fullscreen.
Pause/Break key anywhere to release / acquire mouse input.
* Command line additions
General syntax is now: -<option>:<arg>:<arg>...
* Command line changes
-fullscreen start in fullscreen mode
-mode:W:H screen resolution / window size to start in
-debug -log causes forsaken to log to Log/projectx.log
* Command line removals
-noFullscreen, -pw, -ph
* Linux/Wine related command line changes
Read http://fly.thruhere.net/wine/SETUP.txt
-mouseExclusive sets the mouse cooperative mode to exclusive
-noCursorClip stops forsaken from clipping the cursor
-actLikeWindow used for wine (linux) desktop emulation mode
-debug turns on debuggin with WINEDEBUG="+debugstr"
** Changes Since 1.04.665-1
* Added 16x16 icon to ProjectX.ico for window title bar
* Window Title Bar improvements to add improvements:
lower,maximize,close,icon,version number
** Changes Since 1.04.646 and 647
* Fixed various bugs that caused Level Changing to crash :]
** Changes Since 1.04.633
* Moved Wine Mouse Hacks into main stream code.
Enable it via the -wine command line option.
* Altered the IP line in the join screen to be more informative.
* Removed the annoying quit button in multiplayer screens.
** Changes Since 1.04.621
**** RUNS LINUX ON LINUX !!! 03/09/09
Do to the fix bellow Forsaken now runs FAST!!!
on Linux even using DirectPlay native dll's :]
* Ported dynamic sfx sound thread into main thread.
Game is now single threaded... This fixes some fps
regression issues that appeared when we gave this
thread higher priority to fix the sound lag.
** Changes Since 1.04.613
* Got rid of annoying spam messages when you don't have computer voice enabled.
** Changes Since 1.04.611
* Enabled rendering fog and added menu option for it.
** Changes Since 1.04.604
* Enabled processing of primaries and certain secondaries that are not visible.
This fixes mines not blowing up and the shockwave issue to blow up other mines nearby.
Also if bullets were not registered do to being unvisible you would not have seen them if you nitro'd up to where they should be.
** Changes Since 1.04.602
* Mines will now blow up locally... Mine/Missile shockwaves will blow up other mines... Mine processing will work if your not in a visible group as well.
** Changes Since 1.04.601
* Fixed bug from 1.04.600 which caused secondary bullets to blow up from mine shockwaves.
** Changes Since 1.04.600
* fixed mine bug
** Changes Since 1.04.598
* removed uneeded messages
** Changes Since 1.02.545
* Increated max primary weapon setting to be 2*maxplayers
** Changes Since 1.02.543
* bug: fixed the multiple primary weapons
** Changes Since 1.02.504 **
* changed network connection flags to optimize for latency instead of bandwidth
** Changes Since 1.02.502 **
* fixed ability to limit max players
** Changes Since 1.02.451 **
* added support for newest version of game launcher (0.0.5)
** Changes Since 1.02.415 **
* added support for new game launcher
* added ability for the host to dynamically set collision perspective and short packets
* new score system implemented - more details and more accurate
* host updates new players of everybody's current milestone kills (so now if you join late you will be synchronised with everybody else)
* host updates new players of game statistics/score
* scores/stats are calculated locally instead of being constantly broadcast (results in fewer packets being sent/recieved)
* ship bob now works with high frame rates
* host now saves a list of player's IP addresses and will give the same player number back to someone who leaves and rejoins with the same address (thereby you get your old score back)
** Changes Since 1.02.413 **
* fixed tracking missiles: now correctly home in on enemy mines
* bike co-ord update packets are only sent if the queue of messages will allow the receipt within 100ms. This should allow other players as much fidelity as bandwidth permits, yet not lag behind if flow control conditions change.
** Changes Since 1.02.410 **
* in-game text messages now scale according to screen-size
* maximum length of a text message increased to 512
* text message history now left-aligns to use screen space more efficiently
** Changes Since 1.02.409 **
* added cross-hair to watch mode
* added missile camera to watch mode and demo playback
* added display of golden power pod, invulnerability, stealth to watch mode
* name of player currently being watched now displays in yellow
** Changes Since 1.02.385 **
* cleaned up the single-player in-game menu - no longer shows the host options or ip address
* optimised shockwave messages (i.e. informing everybody when you die of the blast radius) - previously it was broadcasting this to everybody - now it only sends to players who are within close range
* fixed demo playback - watch mode was previously stealing the camera view
* removed bomb tag game (wasn't complete) and all related checks
* removed a lot of unnecessary network messages that were not being used
* fixed a bug possibly causing the host not to send important information (e.g. collision perspective and kill limit - this completes the bug fix from earlier)
** Changes Since 1.02.376 **
* added version query ability. Type a normal text message consisting of just 'version' and all players should automatically respond with their version numbers.
* watch mode now displays the name of the player whom you are watching.
* optimised player sound taunts so that it only sends to players if they are within range. Previously it was broadcasting to everybody even if they were not in range and would never play the sound.
* removed a lot more server checks improving performance and further reducing size of exe
** Changes Since 1.02.369 **
* changed in-game version number from 1.01 to 1.02
* turned on UseSendAsync mode which should improve network/rendering.
* removed a lot of server checks improving performance and shrinking size of exe some what.
* fixed bug resulting in host not sending important information (e.g. ctf flag rules) to joiners.
** Changes Since 1.02.368 **
* fixed individual primary weapon select keys - previously pyrolite key was selecting sussgun and vice versa.
** Changes Since 1.02.361 **
* added watch mode which enables you to watch others players - option is available as a slider from the in-game menu (under quit to desktop - this option will probably be moved in the future to a more appropriate location). A message is broadcast to all players informing then when you enter and exit this mode. Upon entering the mode, any weapons you have are scattered and you 'die' but no points are added/subtracted.
* 'leave blank to scan for lan games' message when joining a multiplayer game is no longer selectable since it is not a button.
** Changes Since 1.02.358 **
* compiled without OPT_ON - was causing lag problems. (USEINLINE,FINAL_RELEASE still on)
* fixed too many spaces when somebody kills someone, was: X KILLED Y__WITH WEAPON ON SAME TEAM
* fixed logging (use -Debug on the cli... Works on linux too.)
** Changes Since 1.01.358 **
* compiled with all optimisations on (OPT_ON,USEINLINE,FINAL_RELEASE).
** Changes Since 1.01.356 **
* player speech taunts enabled - on pressing a key, a biker voice taunt is played on your machine and on the enemy's machine (you must be in close proximity to the enemy for them to hear it). To set the key, go to in-game biker setup and bike controls, it's at the bottom of the first page, underneath roll mode. (Note: other player's will also need to be using version 1.01.358 or later.)
* registry mechanism simplified - no longer need to run ProjectX.exe with the full path in Wine.
** Changes Since 1.01.347 **
* compiled with optimisations on (OPT_ON,USEINLINE,FINAL_RELEASE) - this should improve performance.
* added Show Statistics key to config and to the in-game biker controls (next to Show Messages key previously added). It will show detailed kill stats while the key is held down. This is still a major work in progress - do not trust the stats to be accurate yet (at best it will only show you stats from since you have joined the game - it does not get an update from the host when you join)
** Changes Since 1.01.346 **
* changed multiplayer host defaults to short packets off, packet grouping off, packet rate 10.
** Changes Since 1.01.344 **
* added flag sfx volume control to the menus which controls the volume for flag pickup and scoring.
* reduced game text message widths from 62 to 48 to stop long messages from becoming scrambled.
** Changes Since 1.01.343 **
* improvements to the customise message colour options. Introduced a setting for own messages, taunt messages, and pickup messages. Thus, now you can differentiate easily between taunt messages and a player's typed messages by the colour, or even block taunt messages from being displayed entirely.
** Changes Since 1.01.341 **
* added ability to display the last 50 messages (or whatever fits on the screen) by holding down a key during the game. To set the key go to Setup Biker->Bike Controls->Configure Controls and hit scroll down until you come to the last page and at the bottom is "Show Messages".
** Changes Since 1.01.340 **
* fixed bug causing customisable message colours to not reload settings correctly from registry
** Changes Since 1.01.337 **
* customisable message colours now saves and reloads settings to/from registry
* set multiplayer collision perspective to default to COLPERS_Descent (i.e. target decides a.k.a. lag tol off)
** Changes Since 1.01.335 **
* added ability from the in-game menu (options->visuals) to customise the colour of most of the messages displayed... however doesn't save these settings after being shut down yet.
* fixed cluttering of in-game menu for Detail Levels (under visuals)
** Changes since 1.01.332 **
* Milestone kill messages (e.g. YOU ARE ON A KILLING SPREE (3 KILLS)) now default display in red.
* Killing someone by crashing into them now displays as 'A KAMIKAZE'. E.g. YOU KILLED BDB WITH A KAMIKAZE.
* Fixed too many spaces when killing someone on same team. Previous example: YOU KILLED BDB WITH__TROJAX ON THE SAME TEAM.
** Significant changes prior to 1.01.332 **
* Mouse wheel now able to scroll the menus, left mouse button = forward menu, right mouse button = back menu
* Config files are located in Pilots folder.
* Config files are now .txt and not .cfg (rename old cfg files to .txt to work.)
* Config files now save correctly.
* Utilises DirectX 7, DirectPlay 4A
* Bike headlights
* Full rear-view screen
* Single player enemies made 50% weaker
* Reverse nitro no-longer works
* Suss/Pyro ammo bug now only regenerates ammo to 3000 not infinity
* Killing team mate minuses a point
* Maximum ping time raised from 30 to 60 seconds
* Maximum packet rate raised from 30 to 100 pps
* Flygirl always available for selection
* Kill message now displays which weapon was used e.g. XXXXXXX KILLED DEADLY WITH TROJAX
* Whisper message (control+enter) now shows that it's a whisper message e.g. DEADLY WHISPERS YOOOO
* Thief missile and spider mines added to menus (but not to level pickup files)
* Show weapon kills info functional (in-game: options -> show extra info on & show weapon kills on)
* All multiplayer levels added (total now 37)
* Join game screen displays number of players, type of game (CTF, flag chase etc.), level, ping, time game started and other options such as lag tolerance on/off etc.
* All CD checks removed
* Multiple primary weapons selectable from multiplayer host menu
* Bomb-tag multiplayer game added (but not fully functional)
* Windowed mode (non-full screen)
* Forsaken install can be located anywhere
* Registry files created automatically
* Multiplayer defaults now more in-line with commonly accepted standards
* Opt files are no-longer necessary
* No pause when entering create game menu
* Ship level randomise pickups bug fixed
* Added quit to desktop option from in-game menu
* In-game menu changed to include Host Options which encompasses ping refresh, packet rate, level select etc.
* Renamed Lag Tolerance On/Off to Collision Perspective Shooter/Target
* Flygirl now has engine lights to make the bike fair for multiplayer
* Host has ability to kick other players out of multiplayer games.
* Different messages (and sounds) are displayed after a player achieves a certain amount of kills without dying in multiplayer e.g. XXXXXXX IS ON A KILLING SPREE (3 KILLS)
* Mature content switched to 'Tom Cruise mode' - after killing a player, their body flies out of the bike. To enable, turn on mature content in the normal way (i.e. under Detail Levels)
* Added Quake type milestone kill messages (and sounds) after achieving a number of kills without dying in multiplayer. E.g YOU ARE ON A KILLING SPREE (3 KILLS)
Changes of interest to end users of Forsaken.
** Changes Since 1.04.646 and 647
* Fixed various bugs that caused Level Changing to crash :]
** Changes Since 1.04.633
* Moved Wine Mouse Hacks into main stream code.
Enable it via the -wine command line option.
* Altered the IP line in the join screen to be more informative.
* Removed the annoying quit button in multiplayer screens.
** Changes Since 1.04.621
**** RUNS LINUX ON LINUX !!! 03/09/09
Do to the fix bellow Forsaken now runs FAST!!!
on Linux even using DirectPlay native dll's :]
* Ported dynamic sfx sound thread into main thread.
Game is now single threaded... This fixes some fps
regression issues that appeared when we gave this
thread higher priority to fix the sound lag.
** Changes Since 1.04.613
* Got rid of annoying spam messages when you don't have computer voice enabled.
** Changes Since 1.04.611
* Enabled rendering fog and added menu option for it.
** Changes Since 1.04.604
* Enabled processing of primaries and certain secondaries that are not visible.
This fixes mines not blowing up and the shockwave issue to blow up other mines nearby.
Also if bullets were not registered do to being unvisible you would not have seen them if you nitro'd up to where they should be.
** Changes Since 1.04.602
* Mines will now blow up locally... Mine/Missile shockwaves will blow up other mines... Mine processing will work if your not in a visible group as well.
** Changes Since 1.04.601
* Fixed bug from 1.04.600 which caused secondary bullets to blow up from mine shockwaves.
** Changes Since 1.04.600
* fixed mine bug
** Changes Since 1.04.598
* removed uneeded messages
** Changes Since 1.02.545
* Increated max primary weapon setting to be 2*maxplayers
** Changes Since 1.02.543
* bug: fixed the multiple primary weapons
** Changes Since 1.02.504 **
* changed network connection flags to optimize for latency instead of bandwidth
** Changes Since 1.02.502 **
* fixed ability to limit max players
** Changes Since 1.02.451 **
* added support for newest version of game launcher (0.0.5)
** Changes Since 1.02.415 **
* added support for new game launcher
* added ability for the host to dynamically set collision perspective and short packets
* new score system implemented - more details and more accurate
* host updates new players of everybody's current milestone kills (so now if you join late you will be synchronised with everybody else)
* host updates new players of game statistics/score
* scores/stats are calculated locally instead of being constantly broadcast (results in fewer packets being sent/recieved)
* ship bob now works with high frame rates
* host now saves a list of player's IP addresses and will give the same player number back to someone who leaves and rejoins with the same address (thereby you get your old score back)
** Changes Since 1.02.413 **
* fixed tracking missiles: now correctly home in on enemy mines
* bike co-ord update packets are only sent if the queue of messages will allow the receipt within 100ms. This should allow other players as much fidelity as bandwidth permits, yet not lag behind if flow control conditions change.
** Changes Since 1.02.410 **
* in-game text messages now scale according to screen-size
* maximum length of a text message increased to 512
* text message history now left-aligns to use screen space more efficiently
** Changes Since 1.02.409 **
* added cross-hair to watch mode
* added missile camera to watch mode and demo playback
* added display of golden power pod, invulnerability, stealth to watch mode
* name of player currently being watched now displays in yellow
** Changes Since 1.02.385 **
* cleaned up the single-player in-game menu - no longer shows the host options or ip address
* optimised shockwave messages (i.e. informing everybody when you die of the blast radius) - previously it was broadcasting this to everybody - now it only sends to players who are within close range
* fixed demo playback - watch mode was previously stealing the camera view
* removed bomb tag game (wasn't complete) and all related checks
* removed a lot of unnecessary network messages that were not being used
* fixed a bug possibly causing the host not to send important information (e.g. collision perspective and kill limit - this completes the bug fix from earlier)
** Changes Since 1.02.376 **
* added version query ability. Type a normal text message consisting of just 'version' and all players should automatically respond with their version numbers.
* watch mode now displays the name of the player whom you are watching.
* optimised player sound taunts so that it only sends to players if they are within range. Previously it was broadcasting to everybody even if they were not in range and would never play the sound.
* removed a lot more server checks improving performance and further reducing size of exe
** Changes Since 1.02.369 **
* changed in-game version number from 1.01 to 1.02
* turned on UseSendAsync mode which should improve network/rendering.
* removed a lot of server checks improving performance and shrinking size of exe some what.
* fixed bug resulting in host not sending important information (e.g. ctf flag rules) to joiners.
** Changes Since 1.02.368 **
* fixed individual primary weapon select keys - previously pyrolite key was selecting sussgun and vice versa.
** Changes Since 1.02.361 **
* added watch mode which enables you to watch others players - option is available as a slider from the in-game menu (under quit to desktop - this option will probably be moved in the future to a more appropriate location). A message is broadcast to all players informing then when you enter and exit this mode. Upon entering the mode, any weapons you have are scattered and you 'die' but no points are added/subtracted.
* 'leave blank to scan for lan games' message when joining a multiplayer game is no longer selectable since it is not a button.
** Changes Since 1.02.358 **
* compiled without OPT_ON - was causing lag problems. (USEINLINE,FINAL_RELEASE still on)
* fixed too many spaces when somebody kills someone, was: X KILLED Y__WITH WEAPON ON SAME TEAM
* fixed logging (use -Debug on the cli... Works on linux too.)
** Changes Since 1.01.358 **
* compiled with all optimisations on (OPT_ON,USEINLINE,FINAL_RELEASE).
** Changes Since 1.01.356 **
* player speech taunts enabled - on pressing a key, a biker voice taunt is played on your machine and on the enemy's machine (you must be in close proximity to the enemy for them to hear it). To set the key, go to in-game biker setup and bike controls, it's at the bottom of the first page, underneath roll mode. (Note: other player's will also need to be using version 1.01.358 or later.)
* registry mechanism simplified - no longer need to run ProjectX.exe with the full path in Wine.
** Changes Since 1.01.347 **
* compiled with optimisations on (OPT_ON,USEINLINE,FINAL_RELEASE) - this should improve performance.
* added Show Statistics key to config and to the in-game biker controls (next to Show Messages key previously added). It will show detailed kill stats while the key is held down. This is still a major work in progress - do not trust the stats to be accurate yet (at best it will only show you stats from since you have joined the game - it does not get an update from the host when you join)
** Changes Since 1.01.346 **
* changed multiplayer host defaults to short packets off, packet grouping off, packet rate 10.
** Changes Since 1.01.344 **
* added flag sfx volume control to the menus which controls the volume for flag pickup and scoring.
* reduced game text message widths from 62 to 48 to stop long messages from becoming scrambled.
** Changes Since 1.01.343 **
* improvements to the customise message colour options. Introduced a setting for own messages, taunt messages, and pickup messages. Thus, now you can differentiate easily between taunt messages and a player's typed messages by the colour, or even block taunt messages from being displayed entirely.
** Changes Since 1.01.341 **
* added ability to display the last 50 messages (or whatever fits on the screen) by holding down a key during the game. To set the key go to Setup Biker->Bike Controls->Configure Controls and hit scroll down until you come to the last page and at the bottom is "Show Messages".
** Changes Since 1.01.340 **
* fixed bug causing customisable message colours to not reload settings correctly from registry
** Changes Since 1.01.337 **
* customisable message colours now saves and reloads settings to/from registry
* set multiplayer collision perspective to default to COLPERS_Descent (i.e. target decides a.k.a. lag tol off)
** Changes Since 1.01.335 **
* added ability from the in-game menu (options->visuals) to customise the colour of most of the messages displayed... however doesn't save these settings after being shut down yet.
* fixed cluttering of in-game menu for Detail Levels (under visuals)
** Changes since 1.01.332 **
* Milestone kill messages (e.g. YOU ARE ON A KILLING SPREE (3 KILLS)) now default display in red.
* Killing someone by crashing into them now displays as 'A KAMIKAZE'. E.g. YOU KILLED BDB WITH A KAMIKAZE.
* Fixed too many spaces when killing someone on same team. Previous example: YOU KILLED BDB WITH__TROJAX ON THE SAME TEAM.
** Significant changes prior to 1.01.332 **
* Mouse wheel now able to scroll the menus, left mouse button = forward menu, right mouse button = back menu
* Config files are located in Pilots folder.
* Config files are now .txt and not .cfg (rename old cfg files to .txt to work.)
* Config files now save correctly.
* Utilises DirectX 7, DirectPlay 4A
* Bike headlights
* Full rear-view screen
* Single player enemies made 50% weaker
* Reverse nitro no-longer works
* Suss/Pyro ammo bug now only regenerates ammo to 3000 not infinity
* Killing team mate minuses a point
* Maximum ping time raised from 30 to 60 seconds
* Maximum packet rate raised from 30 to 100 pps
* Flygirl always available for selection
* Kill message now displays which weapon was used e.g. XXXXXXX KILLED DEADLY WITH TROJAX
* Whisper message (control+enter) now shows that it's a whisper message e.g. DEADLY WHISPERS YOOOO
* Thief missile and spider mines added to menus (but not to level pickup files)
* Show weapon kills info functional (in-game: options -> show extra info on & show weapon kills on)
* All multiplayer levels added (total now 37)
* Join game screen displays number of players, type of game (CTF, flag chase etc.), level, ping, time game started and other options such as lag tolerance on/off etc.
* All CD checks removed
* Multiple primary weapons selectable from multiplayer host menu
* Bomb-tag multiplayer game added (but not fully functional)
* Windowed mode (non-full screen)
* Forsaken install can be located anywhere
* Registry files created automatically
* Multiplayer defaults now more in-line with commonly accepted standards
* Opt files are no-longer necessary
* No pause when entering create game menu
* Ship level randomise pickups bug fixed
* Added quit to desktop option from in-game menu
* In-game menu changed to include Host Options which encompasses ping refresh, packet rate, level select etc.
* Renamed Lag Tolerance On/Off to Collision Perspective Shooter/Target
* Flygirl now has engine lights to make the bike fair for multiplayer
* Host has ability to kick other players out of multiplayer games.
* Different messages (and sounds) are displayed after a player achieves a certain amount of kills without dying in multiplayer e.g. XXXXXXX IS ON A KILLING SPREE (3 KILLS)
* Mature content switched to 'Tom Cruise mode' - after killing a player, their body flies out of the bike. To enable, turn on mature content in the normal way (i.e. under Detail Levels)
* Added Quake type milestone kill messages (and sounds) after achieving a number of kills without dying in multiplayer. E.g YOU ARE ON A KILLING SPREE (3 KILLS)