veraPDF v1.14
449 commits
to integration
since this release
Version 1.14 (June 16, 2019)
- fixed installer CLI args not forwarded [#apps-253], [#iss-1021]
- fixed Java 11 XML bind dependencies [#apps-254], [#iss-986]
- command line application terminsation codes [#apps-255], [#apps-256], [#iss-841]
- All jars and applications signed [#iss-603]
PDF Model:
PDF Parser:
- fixed XRefStream handling for trailers [#par-359]
- fixed space skipping afer RD for type1 [#par-360], [#par-361]
- fixed various issues with AES decryption [#par-362], [#par-364], [#par-365]
- fixed font encoding issue [#par-363]
- fixed buffered in filter and COSStream problems [#par-366]
- fixed SOF exception for colorspaces [#par-368]
- fixed date parser issue [#par-368]
- fixed creation of PD resources from dictionary when cos object empty [#par-370]
- logging improvements [#par-367], [#par-371]
- fixed toUnicode for PDF/A-1 glyph name check [#par-372], [#iss-1012]
- add underlying color space for PDPattern [[#par-373][]], [#iss-984]
Core Library:
- fixed xmp-core byte buffer [#lib-974]
- logging improvements [#lib-980], [#lib-1023]
- input stream and file processing XML results now consistent [#lib-1020], [#iss-1014]
- fixed Java 11 XML bind dependencies [#lib-1022], [#iss-986]
- performance tweaks [#lib-1028]
PDF Validation:
- fix metadata creation [#val-270]
- fix null pointer exception when processing glyphs [#val-271]
- fix null pointer exception when validating embedded files [#val-273], [#iss-976]
- fxed graphic state initial colorspace creation and font inheritance [#val-274], [#iss-975], [#iss-978]
- deny operstors q, Q, cm inside Text object [#val-276], [#iss-985]
- preflight passes, veraPDF shows clause="" error [#val-277], [#iss-1019]
- fix Ignore trailing zero for info dictionary values during metadata info match xmp check [[#val-278][]], [#iss-1017]
- fixed Java 11 XML bind dependencies [[#val-279][]], [#iss-986]
- fix processColorspace model link implementation for PDDeviceN [#val-280], [#iss-902]
- added warning for invalid color space objects [#val-281], [#iss-797]
- fix process color operator flag logic, add underlying color space processing for PDPattern [#val-282], [#iss-984]