A curated list of awesome MPS extensions/libraries, software and resources.
Inspired by awesome-python and awesome-rust.
- ANTLR_MPS - An ANTLR language for MPS, and the ToMPS language to help create MPS languages and ANTRL visitors from an ANTLR 4 grammar.
- mps-code-reviewer - Code Review for JetBrains MPS providing integration with Bitbucket
- ecmascript4mps - ECMAScript language implementation for JetBrains MPS
- Editor2PDF - Serialises editor into PDF files
- ingrid - Ingrid is a plugin for JetBrains MPS allowing import of ANTLRv4 grammars and create an MPS language out of it.
- MPS Extensions - Various extensions to simplify language development.
- MPS gradle plugin - A Gradle plugin to build & test langauges and to support various tasks related to custom RCP packaging.
- PlantUML - Language for PlantUML models, also useful to generate PlantUML diagrams from custom DSL.
- Simple Generator Editors - Simplified editors to increase readability of generators.
- Text Generator Plugin - Alternative Textgen for JetBrains MPS using the standard model to model generation mechanisms.
- Nyan Progress Bar - Pretty progress bars for IJ based IDEs.
- MPS JSON Language - A JSON implementation for MPS.
- digitalember.extensions - MPS baseLanguage editor extensions for better readability.
- FormatsDSL - A DSL to describe formats and generate loaders
- Hardella IDE - Smart programming environment for PLC
- iets3 - Base language for system modelling and specification including basics abstractions for components, expression, variability, etc
- mbeddr - An extensible C implementation in MPS to support embedded software development.
- MetaR - A IDE for R for people with limited computer science background.
- PeoPL - A full IDE build upon MPS to manage Software Product Lines.
- Learning
- MPS User Guide
- The MPS Language Workbench
- DSL Engineering - Contains a detailed discussion of the concepts behind MPS in its Part III on language implementation.
- Fast track tutorial
- Creating a simple language using JetBrains MPS - The objective of this project is to construct a language to define mindmaps.
- Slack
- JetBrains MPS slack channel
- Websites
- languageengineering.io - A blog focused in language engineering with many examples implemnted using MPS.
- Official Website
- Programming Basics - Uses MPS to teach the basics of programming to none computer science people.
- Papers
- Domain-Specific Languages for Efficient Satellite Control Software Development
- Using C Language Extensions for Developing Embedded Software - A Case Study
- Automated Testing of DSLs Implementations: Experiences from Building mbeddr
- Lessons Learned from Developing mbeddr - A Case Study in Language Engineering with MPS
- Efficient Development of Consistent Projectional Editors using Grammar Cells
- IncA: A DSL for the Definition of Incremental Program Analyses
- An Extensible Framework for Variable-Precision Data-Flow Analyses in MPS
- Towards Usable Projectional Editors
- Websites
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