The plugin mps-plaintextgen has been moved from this repository to From now on, it will be maintained there. Please submit feedback and issues there.
This plugin is an alternative text generator for MPS, using the standard model to model generation mechanisms (node macros, loop macros, property macros, etc.) to generate plain text, as opposed to MPS's programmatical textgens.
It allows you to:
- generate directly to plain text without modeling your generation target language
- generate to multiple text formats in the same generator run
- create multiple textgens that obey generator priority rules
The plugin also enables copy/pasting an existing piece of text and parameterizing parts of this text using macros.
For fine-grained control of whitespaces and indent-characters, the plaintextflow extension is available. It can be imported as a separate language (extending the plaintextgen language), so it doesn't disrupt existing plaintextgen functionality.
The quickest way to install the plaintextgen plugin is to add it from the JetBrains plugins repository:
- in MPS, select
->Browse repositories...
- search for
- press
After installation, add com.dslfoundry.plaintextgen
to the Used Languages
of your generator (main@generator
model) and create a TextgenText
template in your generator.
For examples, see the test language in this repository.
- Group and layout your content using horizontal, vertical, and indented collections
- Split plain text into various cells to apply MPS generator macros to them
- Paste unstructured text from a buffer to MPS. The structure of this text (indentations, new lines, tabs) will be automatically analyzed and converted into a
structure which you can then parameterize at your convenience.
In short, this plugin brings MPS -> plaintext connectivity in a pretty usable way to MPS.
- Text generation can be part of your normal generator chain and can thus have a place in the generator priorities
- The language looks similar to the MPS editor language, which helps you to structure/layout your text, including indentation
- Different use cases are accomodated:
- Pasting in larger amounts of text from the clipboard and parametrizing some of it
- Making text from scratch and parameterizing some of it
The standard textgen approach assumes that you model your target language (e.g. XML, or C in mbeddr) as an MPS language with all its concepts. Concept textgens provide a simple translation from concept to text. This approach is great for language extensibility, but requires that you model concepts of your target language, which in some cases is too large an investment.
This plugin allows you to to write a text template and fill in the gaps using standard macros. For example: You generate from your DSL directly to VHDL, but VHDL has not yet been modeled in MPS.
Additionally, because text is now also an MPS model, all standard generator mechanisms (including reductions and generator priorities) apply. This is not the case for the default textgens, which are only triggered after all model to model transformations are complete. Also, this approach enables you to implement the textgen as a language extension (and therefore define multiple textgens for the same concept).
To run the build, you need ant
The build is run by performing the following command on the command line:
ant -Dmps_home=<your MPS install directory> clean generate assemble