ownCloud client: Windows | Windows en-US | macOS | Linux
Testpilotcloud branded client: Windows | Windows en-US | macOS | Linux (separate independent config directory)
Sources without optional dependencies: Sources (GPG signature)
ChangeLog (Since 2.5.0)
- OAuth2: Refresh the token without aborting the sync (#6814)
- OAuth2: Fix migration from BasicAuth when the server uses LDAP
- Linux: FolderWatcher: fix paths after dir renames (#6808)
- Sync: Always recurse within touched directory (#6804)
- Sync: Fixed crash when aborting sync of large files with older servers
- Sync: Don't error out if X-OC-MTime header is missing (#6797)
- Sync: Fix memory leak during upload (#6699)
- Sync: Server Move: Fix too many starting slashes in the destination header (#6824)
- Sync: Windows: Don't check if a server file name can be encoded (#6810)
- Virtual Files: Renaming a virtual files also rename the file on the server (#6718)
- Virtual Files: Disable the 'choose what to sync' in the new folder wizard when virtual files are selected
- Account Settings: Add a context menu entry to enable or disable virtual files (#6725)
- Account Settings: Fix progress being written in white when there are errors
- Account Settings: Link to about dialog from old about space in General Settings
- GUI: Plug a few smaller memory leaks
- Wizard: Reset the QSslConfiguration before checking the server (#6832)
- Wizard: Manual folder configuration should not create the local folder (#6853)
- Windows Shell Integration: No limit on the amount of selected files (#6780)
- Windows Shell Integration: Make OCUtil helper lib static and link it statically against crt
- Windows: Disable autostartCheckBox if autostart is configured system wide (#6816)
- Windows: Make qFatal() trigger the crash reporter on Windows (#6823)
- macOS: Fix icon name in Info.plist
- macOS: Do not select ownCloud in Finder after installation (#6781)
- macOS: Improve macdeployqt.py
- Discovery: Include path in error message (#6826)
- Database: Allow downgrade from 2.6
- Migration from 2.4: fallback to move file by file if directory move failled (#6807)
- owncloudcmd: Read server version and dav user id from the server (#6830)