Releases: mui/material-ui
Releases · mui/material-ui
- Date Picker
- Added
props (#399)
- Added
- Dialog
- Flat Button
- Disabled primary buttons use disabled styling over primary (#432)
- Floating Action Button
- Left Nav
- Scrolling is prevented when displayed (#406)
- Menu
- Menu Item
- Added
prop (#402)
- Added
- Overlay
- Now control scroll un/locking. (#406)
- Paper
- Added
prop (#418)
- Added
- Raised Button
- Disabled primary buttons use disabled styling over primary (#432)
- Tabs
- Added
prop (#389)
- Added
- Allow removal of debug code in production builds (#349)
- AppBar
- Date Picker
- Fixed a bug that caused the date picker dialog window to ghost on small screen widths (#342)
- Dialog Window
- Window no longer loses scroll position after opening a dialog window. (#386)
- DropDown Icon
- Added closeOnMenuItemClick prop (#376)
- Flat Buttons
- Fixed a styling bug with touch ripples.
- Icon Buttons
- Fixed a styling bug with touch ripples. (#341)
- Menu Item
- Link targets can now be set on menu items. (#350)
- Slider
- Fixed percentage calculation in getInitialState (#382)
- Tabs
- The onChange event now passed in the tabIndex, and tab to the callBack (#384)
- Text Field
Breaking Changes
- Removed Icon component - Replaced with FontIcon and SvgIcon (#318, #125, #148)
- The main motivation here is to give developers more control over which font icons to include
in their project. Instead of automatically including all material design icons in material-ui,
developers can now create their own custom icon font file and just pass the icon className into
the FontIcon component. Read more about FontIcons. - Upgrade path:
- If you were using the Icon component before, you'll need switch to either using FontIcon or SvgIcon.
For FontIcon, create a custom font file and include it in your project and just pass the Icon
className into the FontIcon component. For SvgIcon, create a new React component that represents
that particular icon. This will allow you to package your icons inside your js files. Examples
can be found here. - Additionally, all components that had an icon prop now take an iconClassName prop instead. These
include FloatingActionButton, IconButton, Menu, MenuItem, and DropDownIcon.
- If you were using the Icon component before, you'll need switch to either using FontIcon or SvgIcon.
- The main motivation here is to give developers more control over which font icons to include
- Buttons
- Menu Item
- Slider
- Switches
- Tabs
- Fixes width transition for ink bar (#280)
- Text Field
- Fixed dependencies to prevent multiple versions of React getting loaded on the docs site (#194)
- Input - Please use TextField instead.
- Radio Button Group
- This component was created to make it easier to work with groups of radio buttons (#151)
- Tabs
- Added new Tabs component.
- TextField
- This component replaces Input. It extends the native input element and will support all of
its props and events. It also supports valueLink and can be controlled or uncontrolled. - MultiLine text fields now grow and shrink as the user inputs data.
- Allow for both floating labels and hint text in the same input.
- Floating labels now generate a label element.
- This component replaces Input. It extends the native input element and will support all of
- AppBar
- Added icon prop. (#250)
- Checkbox
- Checkbox styling now matches material design specs
- This component has been revamped and can now be controlled or uncontrolled.
- Date Picker
- Dialog
- Actions can now be passed in as an array of react elements. (#241)
- Menu Item
- Menu Items now respond to onTouchTap
- Radio Button
- Radio Button styling now matches material design specs
- This component has been revamped and can now be controlled or uncontrolled.
- Slider
- Snackbar
- Fixed Ghost hidden snackbar (#235)
- Toggle
- This component now extends a native input checkbox.
- It can now be controlled or uncontrolled.
- Toolbar
- Fixed FlatButton positioning inside toolbar (#224)
Breaking Changes
- Removed lesshat dependency. Be sure to change your build process to include an
- Buttons
- Ripple animations are much faster now. The animation starts onMouseDown or onTouchStart
and completes onMouseUp or onTouchEnd. Now we can spam buttons all day long. :) - Spacebar key up triggers button clicks. (#155)
- Ripple animations are much faster now. The animation starts onMouseDown or onTouchStart
- Slider
- Changed slider cursor (#187)
- Snackbar (New)
- Added a snackbar component.
- Updated to react 0.12.2; browserify 7.0.3
- Fixed ripple animation on Firefox (#129)
- Updated red, green, and blue color variables to match specs (#177)
- Buttons
- Added secondary button colors
- Removed underline styles on link buttons (#172)
- Date Picker (New)
- Added new date picker component.
- Dialog version is implemented, inline version to follow in upcoming release.
- Has both portrait and landscape modes.
- Keyboard support: arrow keys advance dates, shift+arrow advances month.
- Dialog
- Dialog actions now generate buttons with secondary colors.
- Added contentClassName prop. This is used to style the actual dialog window.
For example, setting its width. - Dialog contents no longer are removed from the DOM when the dialog is dismissed.
- Disabled scrolling when the dialog window is open.
- Input
- Slider
- Trigger onChange when clicking on slider (#153)
Breaking Changes
- Removed PaperButton - Use FlatButton, RaisedButton, or FloatingActionButton
- Removed Roboto font import (#104) - Be sure to include the Roboto font in your project.
- Added react-draggable2 dependency
- Buttons
- Added linkButton functionality (#130)
- Icon Buttons
- Added tooltip functionality
- Input
- Added method to set focus
- Left Nav
- Added method to open left nav panel
- Radio Button
- Added defaultChecked prop
- Slider (New)
- Added slider component
- Toggle
- Updated styles to match material design specs
- Added a basic example project in /example
- Dialog
- Actions are now real buttons
- Added transitions
- Prefixed classNames with mui
- Cleaned up styles
- Input
- Fixed a bug that caused placeholder to not show on focus (#112)
- Placeholders can now be displayed in-line by setting inlinePlaceholder to true.
- The initial number of rows can now be set with the rows prop.
- Toggle
- Fixed alignment issue (#118)
- The inital state of the toggle can now be set with the toggled prop.