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@hai-cea hai-cea released this 13 Feb 21:08
· 25643 commits to master since this release
Breaking Changes
  • Removed Icon component - Replaced with FontIcon and SvgIcon (#318, #125, #148)
    • The main motivation here is to give developers more control over which font icons to include
      in their project. Instead of automatically including all material design icons in material-ui,
      developers can now create their own custom icon font file and just pass the icon className into
      the FontIcon component. Read more about FontIcons.
    • Upgrade path:
      • If you were using the Icon component before, you'll need switch to either using FontIcon or SvgIcon.
        For FontIcon, create a custom font file and include it in your project and just pass the Icon
        className into the FontIcon component. For SvgIcon, create a new React component that represents
        that particular icon. This will allow you to package your icons inside your js files. Examples
        can be found here.
      • Additionally, all components that had an icon prop now take an iconClassName prop instead. These
        include FloatingActionButton, IconButton, Menu, MenuItem, and DropDownIcon.
  • All jsx files are now being compiled before publishing to npm. (#179, #215)
  • Buttons
    • Fixed a bug that cause onClick to not fire in Safari (#307)
    • You can now pass down children into all buttons. This allows you to add icons to flat and raised buttons
      or to add a file input element. (#323, #189)
  • Menu Item
    • Fixed toggle display bug (#298)
    • Toggle props can now be passed in (#299)
  • Slider
  • Switches
    • Switches now support focusability and can be focused/changed via keyboard inputs. (#292)
    • Added focus and touch ripple animations.
    • All switches use the labelPosition prop (as opposed to labelPositionRight), including RadioButtonGroup.
    • Added innerClassName prop. (#309)
  • Tabs
    • Fixes width transition for ink bar (#280)
  • Text Field
    • Fixed a bug with using valueLink with a multiline Text Field (#311)
    • Fixed a bug with multiline defaultValues in a multiline Text Field (#296)