This is a personal project complete a challenge on :
- Create an AWS Lambda function that backs-ups Amazon Machine Images of EC2 INSTANCES
- Deletes or Deregister AMIs that are not in use for over 30 days.
- Challenge request for Python, but i used Javascript for this problem.
- Make use of AWS Javascript SDK to implement the AWS Lambda function

- Break down Nodejs/ Javascript code for both creation and deregistering of AMIs
- Create Lambda Function
- Create Event schedule trigger for lambda function
- Create SNS Topic,Subscription,Cloud watch metric rules
- Import AWS SDK APIs and declare variables that will be used later in the async functions
// DescribeInstancesCommand: To determine all ec2 instances in the current region
// CreateImageCommand - Create images
// DeregisterImageCommand - Deregister images
import { EC2Client, DescribeInstancesCommand,CreateImageCommand,DeregisterImageCommand,DescribeImagesCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-ec2";
import { config } from "process";
let client = new EC2Client(config)
const date = new Date();
let currentDay= String(date.getDate()).padStart(2, '0');
let currentMonth = String(date.getMonth()+1).padStart(2,"0");
let currentYear = date.getFullYear();
let currentDate = `${currentDay}/${currentMonth}/${currentYear}`
let responseCode = 200
let command;
let data;
let ami_info =new Map()
let Instance_ids=[]
let Image_ids =[]
let deleted_Amis=[]
Develop the async functions that will be triggered by an event.
async/await API call that creates a JSON document of all EC2 instances in the current AWS- REGION command = new DescribeInstancesCommand({}) try{ data = await client.send(command) } catch(error){ return error } The next step run a for loop through the JSON document to get all the instance ID for(let info of data.Reservations){ let instance= info.Instances for(let i=0;i<instance.length;i++){ Instance_ids.push(instance[i].InstanceId) } }
Create Images for all instance Ids collected in the step 2
for(let k=0;k<Instance_ids.length;k++){ const id = Instance_ids[k] const idx=k let input = { "BlockDeviceMappings": [ { "DeviceName": "/dev/sdh", "Ebs": { "VolumeSize": "100" } }, { "DeviceName": "/dev/sdc", "VirtualName": "ephemeral1" } ], "Description": "An AMI for server"+"-"+`${idx+1}`, "InstanceId":id, "Name": "server"+"-"+`${idx+1}`+"-"+currentDate, "NoReboot": true, "TagSpecifications": [ { ResourceType:"image", "Tags": [ { Key:"server-name", Value: "dev" } ] }] } command =new CreateImageCommand(input) try{ data = await client.send(command) ami_info[data.ImageId]= currentDate //Saving the AMI in a Map or Object for easy access }catch(error){ throw Error(error) //Note this error is to ensure that users are notified when there is an issue } }
Final stage is to determine AMI not in use and over 30 days since it was created
command = new DescribeInstancesCommand({ // DescribeInstancesRequest Filters: [ // FilterList { // Filter Name: "instance-state-name", Values: [ // ValueStringList "running", ], }, ], // DryRun: true || false, // MaxResults: Number("int"), // NextToken: "STRING_VALUE", }) data =await client.send(command) for(let info of data.Reservations){ let instance= info.Instances for(let i=0;i<instance.length;i++){ //return instance[i].ImageId running_Images[instance[i].ImageId]=i //use map here and move forward } } //return running_Images command =new DescribeImagesCommand({ Owners:[""] }) data = await client.send(command) let images= data.Images images.forEach((imageInfo,index)=>{ Image_ids.push([imageInfo.ImageId,imageInfo.CreationDate]) }) //return Image_ids for (let image_Id of Image_ids){ if(running_Images[image_Id[0]]) continue; let image_date= image_Id[1].toString(); let date_now = new Date(); let now_utc = new Date(date_now.getTime() - date_now.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000).toISOString() console.log(image_date,now_utc) let date1=dateConversion(image_date); let date2= dateConversion(now_utc); let d1=new Date(date1); let d2=new Date(date2); console.log(d1,d2) let diffDays = Math.abs(d2.getTime()-d1.getTime()); if (diffDays>30){ const command = new DeregisterImageCommand({ImageId:image_Id[0]}); try{ const response = await client.send(command); deleted_Amis.push(image_Id[0]) } catch(error){ throw Error(error) } } }
6)Go to Cloudwatch and log groups
Click on Create Metric Filter
Filter Pattern: ERROR Filter Name: BACKUP-AMI-NOTIFICATION-ERROR Metric namespace: error-notification-namespace Metric name: error-notification Metric value:error-notification
Check box the metric filter created and create a Cloud watch alarm Create an alarm where when a threshold of 1 error is met a notification is sent by the SNS.
Finally we need to create and AmazonEventbridge schedules to trigger the backup lambda function every 7days
Ensure to use a recurring schedule and Rate based schedule
rate(7 days)
Select start time and end time and dates
Add the pay load and the lambda function
Create and this is the end of the project.