- 👋 Hi, I’m Leonard
- 👀
- 🌱 Enjoy writing code in my spare time
- ⚡ Fun fact: I love sports and travelling
- 📫 How to reach me at
- Connect with me [[email protected]}
- Implement an Apache Web server on AWS with Terraform: https://github.com/leoimewore/Apache-Web-Server
- Use AWS Lambda for Amazon machine Image back-up on AWS : https://github.com/leoimewore/AWS-AMI-BACKUP
- Use github actions to deploy a containarized React app on Amazon ECS: https://github.com/leoimewore/job_search
- Dockerize a java app and deploy image on nginx proxy web: https://github.com/leoimewore/DockerizedApp
- React and Commerce JS project to create an Ecommerce website: https://github.com/leoimewore/ecommerce