Releases: decidim/decidim
Upgrade Notes
Bump Ruby to v2.7
We've bumped the minimum Ruby version to 2.7.1, thanks to 2 PRs:
Comments no longer use react
As per #6498, the comments component is no longer implemented with the react component. In case you had customized the react component, it will still work as you would expect as the GraphQL API has not disappeared anywhere. You should, however, gradually migrate to the "new way" (Trailblazer cells) in order to ensure compatibility with future versions too.
Consultations module deprecation
As the new Votings
module is being developed and will eventually replace the Consultations
module, the latter enters the deprecation phase.
Authorization metadata is now encrypted in the database
As per #6947, the JSON values for the authorizations' metadata
and verification_metadata
columns in the decidim_authorizations
database table are now automatically encrypted because they can contain identifiable or sensitive personal information connected to a user account. Storing this data in plain text in the database would be a security risk.
You need to do changes to your code if you have been querying these tables in the past through the Decidim::Authorization
model as follows:
name: "your_authorization_handler"
).where("metadata ->> 'gender' = ?", "f").find_each do |authorization|
puts "#{} is a #{authorization.metadata["gender"]}"
The problem with this code is that the data in the metadata ->> 'gender'
column is now encrypted, so your search would not match any records in the database. Instead, you can do the following:
name: "your_authorization_handler"
).find_each do |authorization|
next unless authorization.metadata["gender"] == "f"
puts "#{} is a #{authorization.metadata["gender"]}"
As you notice, when you are accessing the metadata
or verification_metadata
columns through the Active Record object, you can utilize the data in plain text. This is because the accessor method for these columns will automatically decrypt the data in the hash object.
This is less performant but it is more secure. Security weighs more.
- decidim-initiatives: Show draft initiatives #6584
- decidim-budgets: Add scope to proposals import in budgets #6525
- Add new languages: Korean, Vietnamese and Chinese #6648
- decidim-core, decidim-meetings: Add online meetings #6572
- decidim-core: Allow customization of the upload help messages #6683
- decidim-admin, decidim-assemblies, decidim-elections: Add elections trustees role #6535
- decidim-elections: Add the trustee zone for users #6615
- decidim-elections: Elections design improvements #6721
- decidim-elections, decidim-forms: Election feedback form #6548
- decidim-meetings: Missing i18n on closed debate notification #6746
- decidim-admin, decidim-core, decidim-debates, decidim-meetings, decidim-proposals: Improve moderation panel #6677
- decidim-budgets: Budget voting projects rule (select min-max projects) #6753
- decidim-meetings: Let users close meetings from public pages #6703
- decidim-elections: Add preview of questions to an election #6749
- decidim-core: feat: send notification to reported content authors #6747
- decidim-core: Allow subhero content block to hold HTML tags #6810
- decidim-core: Add info to report email for moderators #6725
- decidim-meetings: Add registration system to meetings #6662
- decidim-initiatives: Filter created initiatives only by author #6658
- decidim-proposals: Add locales for cost report #6767
- decidim-admin, decidim-core: Detect the use of spam-bots and ban non compliant users (part 1) #6696
- decidim-core: Send report email when reported resource is translated to default org language #6726
- decidim-elections: Setup election for bulletin board #6813
- decidim-initiatives: Edit initiative as promoter #6790
- decidim-admin, decidim-core: Send notification to resource's authors when it is hidden by a moderator #6885
- decidim-meetings: Add a config flag to disable the registration code #6698
- decidim-elections: Show election results #6768
- decidim-admin: Add HTML titles in Admin panel #6666
- decidim-core, decidim-elections: Export election results #6846
- decidim-admin, decidim-participatory processes: Implement ContentBlock for Process Groups (Admin UI) #6655
- decidim-meetings: Automatically enable registrations when meeting is "on this platform" #6874
- decidim-core, decidim-proposals: Allow user to drag address on proposal map #6291
- decidim-conferences: Localize a string in conference speaker #6866
- decidim-participatory processes: Add HTML Content Blocks in Process Groups #6823
- decidim-core: Adds spinner to block page while ajax petition is executed #6611
- decidim-participatory processes: Add Metadata Content Block in Process Groups #6699
- decidim-participatory processes: Add Participatory Processes Content Block in Process Groups #6826
- decidim-admin: Add a general moderation panel #6955
- decidim-participatory processes: Edit link in groups and show group in processes #6827
- decidim-participatory processes: Improve highlights of Process Groups #6828
- decidim-participatory processes: Improvements in Process Groups and processes block #6853
- decidim-debates: Archive Debates #6940
- decidim-admin, decidim-core: Let components define settings with type time #6948
- decidim-debates: Export debate comments #6962
- decidim-elections: Add and use decidim-bulletin_board gem #6997
- decidim-meetings: Allow creation of hybrid meetings #6891
- decidim-core, decidim-verifications: Encrypt authorization metadata #6947
- decidim-admin, decidim-core, decidim-system: Make it possible to allow some pages to display publicly even when organization access is limited #6951
- decidim-surveys: Start and end dates for survey #7016
- decidim-admin, decidim-core, decidim-verifications: Improve management of managed user #6748
- decidim-participatory processes: Let admins enter the Space Private Users section in admin #7067
- decidim-admin, decidim-core: Detect the use of spam-bots and ban non compliant users (part 2) #6804
- decidim-meetings: Add comments export to meetings #6946
- decidim-consultations: See a deprecation callout in Consultations #7095
- decidim-debates: Add scope to debates #6326
- decidim-budgets: Sum Budgets finished and pending orders in admin panel #7010
- decidim-admin, decidim-assemblies, decidim-participatory processes: Allow admin to be registered as a participatory space user [#6890](http...
- decidim-initiatives: Raise an alert when there's an error signing an initiative #7407
- decidim-proposals: Let admins delete proposal attachments #7435
- decidim-initiatives: Fix initiatives type permissions page #7357
- decidim-meetings: Fix etherpad compatibility for old meetings #7387
- decidim-core: Fix subhero content block removing strip_tags from it #7414
- decidim-admin: Allow selecting multiple files on gallery forms #7064
- decidim-proposals: Fix proposals admin form when editing. Closes #7031 (#7042) #7051
- decidim-admin, decidim-assemblies, decidim-core: Add some missing i18n keys (#7039) #7043
- decidim-participatory_processes: Fix ParticipatoryProcess metrics ajax call in show (#6971) #6977
- decidim-core: Backport "Fix newsletter html containing style tag content" to 0.23-stable #6963
- decidim-core, decidim-meetings: Backport to 0.23-stable release of fix access to detail on a visible meeting #6934
- decidim-meetings: Backport to 0.23-stable release of fix visible_meetings_for scope #6932
- decidim-all: Fix broken dashboard action logs under certain conditions (#6857) #6930
- decidim-assemblies, decidim-core, decidim-dev: Fix traceability logs with invalid record (#6879) #6928
- decidim-forms: Backport "Fix mixing answers exports and admin management in questionnaires" to v0.23 #6906
- decidim-templates: Backport "Fix decidim-templates gem definition to include templates migrations" to v0.23 #6900
- decidim-core, decidim-dev, decidim-system: Backport 'Correct smtp_settings keys type #6908' on release/0.23-stable #6904
- decidim-admin, decidim-core: Fix newsletter delivery issue to all recipients with no scopes (#6875) #6909
- decidim-core: Backport 'backport smtp settings correction' to 0.23 #6877
- decidim-all: Backport "Add margin between back link and title" to v0.23 #6858
- decidim-admin: Backport "Fix color text on unpublish button" to v0.23 #6848
- decidim-blogs: Backport Add logic in view to prevent visual error in blog post #7278
- decidim-consultations: Backport 'Restore consultation's description rich text format' to v0.23 #7219
- decidim-admin, decidim-budgets, decidim-comments, decidim-core, decidim-debates, decidim-dev, decidim-proposals: Backport "Fix comments newsletter participant ids" to v0.23 #7184
- decidim-core: Quickfix bug in seeds for 0.23-stable #7061
- decidim-participatory_processes: Fix space private user in process admin #7073
- decidim-core: Backport "fix avoid removing tag style on custom sanitize" to v0.23-stable #7019
- decidim-admin, decidim-core: Fix editor image alt tag (#6920) #6990
- decidim-meetings: Backport "Fix visible_meeting_for scope if Decidim::Conference is not defined" to v0.23 #6980
- decidim-admin, decidim-core: Backport "Fix private participants pagination crash" #7000
- decidim-core: Remove sticky from tos agreement (#6716) #6954
- decidim-admin, decidim-assemblies, decidim-participatory_processes: Allow admin to be registered as a participatory space user #7316
- decidim-core: Fixing error caused by Missing Organization #7317
- decidim-core: Adding Organization scopes to uploaders #7318
- decidim-core, decidim-forms, decidim-meetings: Fix security token generation in anonymous surveys and pads #7327
- decidim-core: Fix searchable issues with resources with unexisting organization (#6839) #6843
- decidim-proposals: Fix issues with move proposal fields to i18n (#6838) #6842
- decidim-forms: Backport "fix display conditions validations with choices" to 0.23 #6840
- decidim-budgets: Backport "Fix broken notifications page due to multi-budget changes" to 0.23 #6840
- decidim-core, decidim-surveys: Fix dependency between surveys and templates #6814
Upgrade Notes
- Bump Ruby to v2.6
As per #6320 we've bumped the minimum Ruby version to 2.6.6.
- Stable branches nomenclature changes
Since this release we're changing the branch nomenclature for stable branches. Until now we were using x.y-stable
, now we will use release/x.y-stable
Legacy names for stable branches will be kept for a while but won't be created anymore, so new releases won't have the old x.y-stable
The plan is to keep new and old nomenclatures until the release of v0.25, so they will coexist until that release.
When releasing v0.25 all stable branches with the nomenclature x.y-stable
will be removed.
- Maps
Maps functionality is now fully configurable. It defaults to HERE Maps as you'd expect when upgrading from an older version and it works still fine with your legacy style geocoder configuration after the update. This is, however, deprecated and it is highly recommended to define your maps configuration with the new style:
# Before:
Decidim.configure do |config|
config.geocoder = {
static_map_url: "",
here_api_key: Rails.application.secrets.geocoder[:here_api_key],
timeout: 5,
units: :km
# After (remember to also update your secrets):
Decidim.configure do |config|
config.maps = {
provider: :here,
api_key: Rails.application.secrets.maps[:api_key],
static: { url: "" }
config.geocoder = {
timeout: 5,
units: :km
- Debates and Comments are now in global search
Debates and Comments have been added to the global search and need to be
indexed, otherwise all previous content won't be available as search results.
You should run this in a Rails console at your server or create a migration to
do it.
Please be aware that it could take a while if your database has a lot of
- Settings
moved to organization system settings
As per #6377, the maximum_attachment_size
and maximum_avatar_size
settings will no longer have any effect if configured through the Decidim initializer configurations. Instead, these are now configured from the organization system settings at the /system
path of your installation.
Note that if you had these previously configured in the initializer, these previous settings have been automatically migrated to all organizations in your installation after running the Decidim upgrade migrations.
- decidim-initiatives: Initiatives signature gauge #6143
- decidim-i18n: Complete Latvian language translation #6424
- decidim-templates: Templates module #6247
- decidim-admin, decidim-core, decidim-elections: Configure Decidim Bulletin Board #6420
- decidim-core, decidim-app_design: Process groups template #6530
- decidim-comments, decidim-core, decidim-debates, decidim-dev, decidim-meetings, decidim-proposals: Add hashtags to comments #6429
- decidim-accountability, decidim-blogs, decidim-budgets, decidim-comments, decidim-consultations, decidim-core, decidim-debates, decidim-initiatives, decidim-meetings, decidim-proposals, decidim-sortitions: Debates filtering #6438
- decidim-budgets, decidim-core, decidim-debates, decidim-meetings, decidim-proposals, decidim-surveys: Add scope to Budgets, Debates, Meetings, Proposals and Surveys components #6309
- decidim-all: Share unpublished components with manageable tokens #6271
- decidim-budgets: Selected projects on budgets #6365
- decidim-debates, decidim-meetings, decidim-proposals: Meetings by participants or groups #6095
- decidim-core, docs: Add a task to fix locale issues #6510
- decidim-elections: Add NOTA option to election questions #6519
- decidim-core: Implement self-XSS console warning #6489
- decidim-core, decidim-debates, decidim-proposals: Add hashtags to debate #6396
- decidim-core, decidim-debates, decidim-accountability, decidim-proposals and decidim-meetings: Keep filter and ordering params #6432
- decidim-elections, decidim-design_app: Add elections list filter and sorting #6386
- decidim-initiatives: Image on the Initiatives page and card #6427
- decidim-core, decidim-debates: Add comments metadata to debates #6428
- decidim-debates, decidim-proposals, decidim-docs: Users can endorse debates. #6368
- decidim-all: Feature: Machine translation for user-generated content #6127
- decidim-debates: Close debates #6278
- decidim-all, decidim-debates: Embed debates #6306
- decidim-core, decidim-initiatives, decidim-verifications: Better initiative button #6375
- decidim-elections: Create voting booth #6294
- decidim-core: Add CSV/Excel exporter sanitizer #6325
- decidim-debates: Edit debates #6268
- decidim-dev, decidim-generators, decidim-docs: Setup profiling tooling #6281
- decidim-accountability, decidim-admin, decidim-blogs, decidim-budget, decidim-comments, decidim-core, decidim-debates, decidim-dev, decidim-meetings, decidim-proposals, decidim-sortition: Make character limit for comments configurable #6280
- decidim-elections: Elections authorizations #6181
- decidim-core: Add Romanian as a new language #6231
- decidim-docs: Document when contributors should contribute to changelog #6209
- decidim-core, decidim-processes: Add custom steps CTA for Process cards index #6284
- decidim-accountability, decidim-budgets, decidim-meetings, decidim-proposals, decidim-sortitions, decidim-core, decidim-consultations: Make proposals handle i18n #6285
- decidim-proposals: Add migration to update Proposal endorsement Notifications #6367
- decidim-docs: Documentation: Add "not up to date" next to official documentation links #6364
- decidim-docs: Add official documentation in the readme #6354
- decidim-surveys: Do not migrate surveys that were already migrated in the past #6380
- decidim-surveys: Add a migration to migrate data from legacy surveys' tables #6299
- decidim-core: Polymorphic route support for ResourceLocatorPresenter #6274
- decidim-surveys: View and manage responses to surveys directly in the admin #5770
- decidim-core: Introduce a standardized branch naming #6210
- decidim-all: Add line feeds at the end of paragraphs and lists #6200
- decidim-proposals: Add tests to proposal_presenter #6265
- decidim-core: Rename stable branches and add changelog upgrade note #6222
- decidim-assemblies: Import and export for Assemblies #5624
- decidim-elections: Publish and unpublish an election #6152
- decidim-proposals: Import from proposals to answers #6163
Upgrade notes
- Endorsements
This new version of Decidim has extracted the Endorsement feature into a generic concern that can now be applied to many resources.
To keep current Decidim::Proposals::Proposal's endorsement information, endorsements are copied into the new Decidim::Endorsable
tables and counter cache columns. This is done via migrations.
After this, Decidim::Proposals::ProposalEndorsement
and the corresponding counter cache column in decidim_proposals_proposal.proposal_endorsements_count
should be removed. To do so, Decidim will provide the corresponding migration in the next release.
- Data portability
Thanks to #5342, Decidim now supports removal of user's data portability expired files from Amazon S3. Check out the scheduled tasks in the getting started guide for information in how to configure it.
- SSL is forced on by default
Due to #5553, SSL is turned on by default.
- New "extras" key in authorization metadata
#6044 adds the possibility to have an "extras" key in the Authentication metadata that will be ignored. For example when
signing an initiative (decidim-initiatives/app/forms/decidim/initiatives/vote_form.rb) or on Authorization renewal (decidim-verifications/app/cells/decidim/verifications/authorization_metadata/show.erb).
This key may be used to persist whatever information related to the user's authentication that should not be used for authenticating her.
The use case that originated this change is the persistence of the user's gender for statistical uses.
- decidim-initiative: Skip initiative type selection if there is only one initiative type. #5835
- decidim-docs: Add doc in how to release following Gitflow. #5766
- decidim-docs: Add documentation related with the permissions system. #6160
- decidim-participatory_processes: Add related assemblies to participatory processes #5868
- decidim-comments: Fix comment link on Last Activity. #5999
- decidim-system: Add from_label to Organization SMTP settings. #\6125
- decidim-initiatives: Send notification when signature threshold reached. #6098
- decidim-proposals: Add an information message when there aren't proposals. #6063
- decidim-core: Set email asset host dynamically. #5888
- decidim-meetings: Include year in meetings' card #6102
- decidim-initiatives: Add attachments to initiatives #5844
- decidim-proposals: Improve proposal preview: Use proposal card when previewing a proposal draft. #6064
- decidim-core: Allow groups to have private conversations with other users or groups. #6009
- decidim-api: Use organization time zone #6088
- decidim-docs: Add helpful info to install docs for seed errors during installation process. #6085
- decidim-forms: Collapse and expand questions when editing questionnaire #5945
- decidim-forms: New question type "Matrix" #5948
- decidim-core: Notify admins o user_group created or updated. #5906
- decidim-comments: Notify user_group followers when it posts a comment. #5906
- decidim-initiatives: Notify admins when an initiative is sent to technical validation. #5906
- decidim-proposals: Notify admins and valuators when someone leaves a private note on a proposal. #5906
- decidim-forms: Update move up and down buttons after dragging questions when managing questionnaire. #5947
- decidim-meetings: Automatic task for deleting Meeting Inscription data. #5989
- decidim-core: Don't follow the header x forwarded host by default. #5899
- decidim-initiative: Add CTA on initiative submission. #5838
- decidim-core: Allow users to register with a preferred language. #5789
- decidim-dev: Retry failed test to avoid flaky. #5894
- decidim-core: Filter options to Timeline and Activity tabs. #5845
- decidim-core: Add scroll to last message and apply it on conversations. #5718
- decidim-core: Allow to restric direct messages to only people followed by the user. #5720
- decidim-comments: Comments can mention groups and its members are notified. #5763
- decidim-core: Now messages inside conversations have their urls identified as links. #5755
- decidim-verifications: Added Verification's Revocation #5814
- decidim-verifications: Participants can renew verifications #5854
- decidim-core: Support node.js semver rules for release candidates. #5828
- decidim-proposals, decidim-core, decidim-blogs: Extract proposals' endorsements into a polymorphic concern that can now be applied no any resource. It has, in turn, been aplied to blog posts. #5542
- decidim-proposals, decidim-core, decidim-blogs: Apply generalized endorsements to the GraphQL API and add it to the blog posts query. #5847
- decidim-core: Allow users to have private conversations with more than one participant. #5861
- decidim-budgets: Allow projects to be sorted by different criteria #5808
- decidim-budgets: Request confirmation to exit budgets component #5765
- decidim-budgets: Add minimum projects rule to Budgets #5865
- decidim-proposals: Proposals selector added #5863
- decidim-admin: Allow to see a participant's email from the admin panel #5849
- decidim-admin: As an Admin, add existing participant to an assembly by searching their email #5952
- decidim: Add missing indexs on foreign keys on the DB #5885
- decidim-core: Redesign activity cards for the home page #5672
- decidim-core: Redesign activity cards on Timeline and Activity Tabs for a consistent user experience #5779
- decidim-admin: Counter of active users. #5907
- decidim-proposals: Update rspec proposal_activity_cell_spec to check existence of card__content css class instead of car-data css class #5779
- decidim-comments: Update rspec comment_activity_cell_spec to check existence of card__content css class instead of car-data css class#5779
- decidim-core: Add newsletter templates #5887
- decidim-core: Fix clearing the current_user after sign out #5823
- decidim-budgets: Send email with summary on order checkout #6006
- decidim-admin: Show activity charts on admin dashboard #6030
- decidim-budgets: Projects filter by multiple categories #5992
- decidim-budgets: Improve the budget page and the project card #5809
- decidim-assemblies decidim-conferences decidim-participatory-processes: Notify users on adding roles. #5886
- decidim-budgets: Projects filter by multiple categories /#5992
- decidim-initiatives: Add option to enable/disable attachments to initiatives /#6036
- decidim-core: Adds new language: Slovak #6039
- decidim-core: Add redesign for responsive public profile navigat...
Deprecation warnings
PR #5676 introduced a deprecation warning:
should be renamed tolink_participatory_space_resources
(notice singularspaces
PR #5768 introduced a deprecation warning:
that might be configured inconfig/initializers/decidim.rb
are no longer valid authorization key-values for the HERE Maps API. Now it is required to generate and API key using the keyword:here_api_key
to replace the old ones:
Geocoder configuration
config.geocoder = {
here_api_key: Rails.application.secrets.geocoder[:here_api_key],
Upgrade notes
- Geocoder
Here maps API has changed, including the way clients authenticate. Thus, former app_id
and app_code
credentials are now deprecated in favour of a unique api_key
token. For your current application to continue working with Here maps services generate an api_key
and configure it as explained in Decidim's geocoding documentation.
If you would like to stay with the old api (app_id + app_code), you should force geocoder
gem version to 1.5.2
in your application. This is because geocoder v1.6.0
only supports the new Here api (app_key).
Here is a summary of the different configurations depending on the Here api that is going to be used.
Old/legacy Here api:
- geocoder 1.5
- initializer with:
New Here api:
geocoder >= 1.6
initializer with:
Assembly types
In order to prevent errors while upgrading multi-servers envirnoments, the fields assembly_type
and assembly_type_other
are maintained. Future releases will take care of this.
- Organization Time Zones
Now is its possible to configure every organization (tenant) with a different time zone by any admin in the global configuration. We recommend to not define any specific config.time_zone
in Rails so it uses UTC internally. In any case Rails configuration will be ignored in the context of the controller (users will be using always organization's configured time zone).
To upgrade it is recommended to configured the proper time zone in the admin for the organization and remove any config.time_zone
personalization in Rails (unless you know what you are doing).
For those who have not changed the Rails config.time_zone
(thus using UTC globally) but using dates as if they were non-UTC zones might notice that changing the organization time zone will shift all presented dates accordingly. This might require to re-edit any scheduled date in meetings or debates in order be properly displayed.
- Data portability
Thanks to #5342, Decidim now supports removal of user's data portability expired files from Amazon S3. Check out the scheduled tasks in the getting started guide for information in how to configure it.
- decidim-core: Add new language: Greek #5597
- decidim-initiatives: An admin can only send the initiative to technical validation if it has enough committee members. #5762
- decidim-proposals: Add images to proposal cards #5640
- decidim-api: Added documentation to use the API (newcomers friendly). #5582
- decidim-blogs: GraphQL API: Complete Blogs specification. #5569
- decidim-debates: GraphQL API: Complete Debates specification. #5570
- decidim-surveys: GraphQL API: Complete Surveys specification. #5571
- decidim-sortitions: GraphQL API: Complete Sortitions specification. #5583
- decidim-accountability: GraphQL API: Complete Accountability specification. #5584
- decidim-budgets: GraphQL API: Complete Budgets specification. #5585
- decidim-assemblies: GraphQL API: Create fields for assemblies types and specs. #5544
- decidim-core: Add search and order capabilities to the GraphQL API. #5586
- documentation: Added documentation in how Etherpad Lite integrates with the Meetings component. #5652
- decidim-meetings: GraphQL API: Complete Meetings specification. #5563
- decidim-meetings: Follow a meeting on registration #5615
- decidim-admin, decidim-assemblies, decidim-conferences, decidim-consultations, decidim-core, decidim-initiatives, decidim-participatory_processes, decidim-proposals: Add filters, search and pagination to participatory spaces in admin panel. #5558
- decidim-admin: Extend search, add pagination and change filters styling to participants/officializations in the admin panel. #5558
- decidim-admin: Added filters, search and pagination into admin proposals. #5503
- decidim-consultations: GraphQL API: Create fields for consultations types and specs. #5550
- decidim-conferences: GraphQL API: Create fields for conferences types and specs. #5551
- decidim-initiatives: GraphQL API: Create fields for initiatives types and specs. #5544
- decidim-proposals: GraphQL API: Complete Proposals specification. #5537
- decidim-participatory_processes: GraphQL API: Add participatory process groups specification. #5540
- decidim-participatory_processes: GraphQL API: Complete fields for participatory processes. #5562
- decidim-admin Add terms of use for admin. #5507
- decidim-assemblies: Added configurable assembly types. #5616
- decidim-core: Added configurable time zones for every tenant (organization). #5607
- decidim-admin: Display the number of participants subscribed to a newsletter. #5555
- decidim-accountability, decidim-admin, decidim-budgets, decidim-core, decidim-debates, decidim-generators, decidim-meetings, decidim-proposals, decidim_app-design: Change: Extend the capabilities of the Quill text editor. #5488
- decidim-core: Add docs in how to fix metrics problems. #5587
- decidim-core: Data portability now supports AWS S3 storage. #5342
- decidim-system: Permit customizing omniauth settings for each tenant #5516
- decidim-core: Add the
value to therel
attribute on parsed links #5651 - decidim-proposals: Allow admins to set a predefined template #5613
- decidim-comments: Let users check a single comment in a commentable resource #5662
- decidim-participatory-processes: Link processes and only show published ones #5676
- decidim-proposals: Automatically link proposals and meetings when creating a proposal authored by a meeting #5674
- decidim-proposals: Add proposal page with all info in admin section #5671
- decidim-proposals: Add a navbar link to answer a proposal in the admin #5706
- decidim-participatory_processes Statistics and Metrics Improvements#5688
- decidim-proposals and decidim-budgets: Improve navigation and visualization of proposals and projects by scope, category, origin and status #5654
- decidim-proposals: Let admins add cost reports to proposals #5695
- decidim-conferences: Add Valuator role #5687
- decidim-initiatives: Add Valuator role #5687
- decidim-participatory_processes: Add Valuator role #5687
- decidim-proposals: Let Valuators only answer and leave private notes on proposal...
Upgrade notes
- Geocoder
Here maps API has changed, including the way clients authenticate. Thus, former app_id
and app_code
crfedentials are now deprecated in favour of a unique api_key
token. For your current application to continue working with Here maps services generate an api_key
and configure it as explained in Decidim's geocoding documentation.
If you would like to stay with the old api (app_id + app_code), you should force geocoder
gem version to 1.5.2
in your application. This is because geocoder v1.6.0
only supports the new Here api (app_key).
Here is a summary of the different configurations depending on the Here api that is going to be used.
Old/legacy Here api:
- geocoder 1.5
- initializer with:
New Here api:
- geocoder >= 1.6
- initializer with:
Deprecation warnings
PR #5768 introduced a deprecation warning:
that might be configured inconfig/initializers/decidim.rb
are no longer valid authorization key-values for the HERE Maps API. Now it is required to generate and API key using the keyword:here_api_key
to replace the old ones:
Geocoder configuration
config.geocoder = {
here_api_key: Rails.application.secrets.geocoder[:here_api_key],
- decidim-core: Upgrade geocoder to be able to use the new Here geolocation API. #5644
- decidim-core: Upgrade leaflet-HERE Maps javascript library to use new apiKey authentication method #5768
- decidim-core Fixes the integration between the use of older and new versions of geocoder using HERE maps #5822
- decidim-core: Apply security patch for GHSA-65cv-r6x7-79hv #5896
- decidim-core: Loofah has deprecated the use of WhiteList in favour of SafeList. #5576
- many modules: Added all spaces and many entities to global search, see Upgrade notes for more detail. #5469
- decidim-core: Add weight to categories and sort them by that field. #5505
- decidim-proposals: Add: Additional sorting filters for proposals index. #5506
- decidim-core: Add a searchable users endpoint to the GraphQL api and enable drop-down @mentions helper in comments. #5474
- decidim-consultations: Create groups of responses in multi-choices question consultations. #5387
- decidim-core, decidim-participatory_processes: Export/import space components feature, applied to for ParticipatoryProcess. #5424
- decidim-participatory_processes: Export/import feature for ParticipatoryProcess. #5422
- decidim-surveys: Added a setting to surveys to allow unregistered (aka: anonymous) users to answer a survey. #4996
- decidim-core: Added Devise :lockable to Users #5478
- decidim-meetings: Added help texts for meetings forms to solve doubts about Geocoder fields. # #5487
- decidim-proposals, decidim-debates and decidim-initiatives: Improved visiblity of buttons: new proposal, debate and initiative. #5535
- decidim-proposals: Add a filter "My proposals" at the list of proposals. #5512
- decidim-meetings: Change: @meetings_spaces collection to use I18n translations #5494
- decidim-core: Add @ prefix to the nickname field in the registration view. #5482
- decidim-core: Introduce the ActsAsAuthor concern. #5482
- decidim-core: Extract footers into partials. #5461
- decidim-initiatives: UX improvements to initiatives #5369
- decidim-core: Update to JQuery 3 #5433
- decidim_participatory_process: Admin: move
#5545 - decidim-core: Remove the Continuity badge #5565
- decidim-core: Remove resizing for banner images #5567
- decidim-conferences: Fix: Cluttered conference sessions in confirmation mail.#5524
- decidim-core: Security upgrade: puma. #5556
- decidim-admin: Fix: Edit component permissions when PermissionsForm validations fail #5458
- decidim-core: Security upgrade: rack-cors. #5527
- decidim-core, decidim-proposals: Fix: diffing attributes with integer values #5468
- decidim-consultations: Fix: current_participatory_space raises error in ConsultationsController.#5513
- decidim-admin: Admin HasAttachments forces the absolute namespace for the AttachmentForm to
.#5511 - decidim-participatory_processes: Fix participatory process import when some imported elements are null #5496
- decidim-core: Security upgrade: loofah. #5493
- decidim-core: Fix: misspelling when selecting the meetings presenter. #5482
- decidim-core, decidim-participatory_processes: Fix: Duplicate results in
#5462 - decidim-participatory_processes: Fix: flaky test when mapping Rails timezone names to PostgreSQL #5472
- decidim-conferences: Fix: Add pagination interface to some sections #5463
- decidim-sortitions: Fix: Don't include drafts in sortitions #5434
- decidim-assemblies: Fix: Fixed assembly parent_id when selecting itself #5416
- decidim-core: Fix: Search box on mobile (menu) #5502
- decidim-core: Fix dynamic controller extensions (undefined method
) #5533 - decidim-proposals: Standardize proposal answer callout styles #5530
- decidim-core: Fix dynamic controller extensions (undefined method
) #5475 - decidim-consultations: Fix: current_participatory_space raises error in ConsultationsController.#5517
- decidim-core: Upgrade rack-cors for security. #5528
- decidim-core: Fix: Duplicate results in Decidim::HasPrivateUsers::visible_for(user) #5473
- decidim-meetings: Admin HasAttachments forces the absolute namespace for the AttachmentForm to
.#5510 - decidim-participatory_processes: Fix: flaky test when mapping Rails timezone names to PostgreSQL #5484
- decidim-core: Fix metrics graphql query #5442