Package villa contains some helper types for Go: priority queue, slice wrapper, binary-search, merge-sort.
GoDoc Link: (packages that import villa)
A generic struct, named PriorityQueue, whose element is an interface{} and some structs whose element is a specific number type.
Using a priority queue requires a less function, with two elements to be compared as the arguments.
It encapsulates the heap
package using the Slice
pq := villa.NewPriorityQueue(
func (a, b interface{}) int {
if a.(int) < b.(int) {
return -1
} else if a.(int) > b.(int) {
return 1
return 0
vl := pq.Pop()
It reimplements the algorithm in heap
package. Integers are internally stored in an int
pq := villa.NewIntPriorityQueue(villa.IntValueCompare)
vl := pq.Pop()
is a wrapper for go slices. It is useful when one needs some modification
options on a slice. Implemented methods include: Add, AddSlice, Insert, Swap,
Remove, RemoveRange, Fill, Clear
type A struct {
B, C int
var s Slice
s.Add(10, "20", 30)
s.InsertSlice(len(s), []A{A{50, 60}, A{70, 80}})
s.Insert(1, 40, 50)
s.Swap(1, len(s) - 1)
s.RemoveRange(1, 3)
s.Fill(0, len(s), 55)
StringSlice is a wrapper for []string. Using Add/Insert/InsertSlice methods, the values of other type can be converted and added to the string slice. Usage:
type A struct {
B string
C int
var s StringSlice
s.Add(10, "B", 30)
s.InsertSlice(len(s), []A{A{"E", 60}, A{"G", 80}})
s.Insert(1, "D", "E")
s.Swap(1, len(s) - 1)
s.RemoveRange(1, 3)
s.Fill(0, len(s), "EE")
The following int can be replace with float or complex types(complex compare function needs rewriting). Usage(of IntSlice):
var s IntSlice
s.Add(10, 20, 30)
s.Insert(1, 40, 50)
s.Swap(1, len(s) - 1)
s.RemoveRange(1, 3)
s.Fill(0, len(s), 55)
The common comparator function which compares elements and return the value <0, =0 or >0, if a < b, a==b, or a > b respectively.
Some algorithms that needs a comparator are defined in their methods, including sort(using build-in sort package algorithm), binary-search, and merge. Cast your own comparator function to the corresponding comparator type to use them:
func MyCmp(a, b int) int {
var s, l []int
cmp := IntCmpFunc(MyCmp)
cmp.BinarySearch(s, e)
sl := cmp.Merge(s, l)
Two comparators are defined for natual orders of ints and floats.
var IntValueCompare IntCmpFunc
var FloatValueCompare FloatCmpFunc
is 2D array of integers. Elements are stored in a single int
and slices of each row are created.
This library is distributed under BSD license.