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SECS/GEM Clients (Host) and Servers (Equipment)

HS supports SECS1 over serial and TCP terminal server connections, as well as HSMS over TCP.

Opening the connection


SECS1 Serial Host

  handle COM = secs_open ( "COM7:" , 9600) ;
  int SECS_ID = 1 ;
  secs_assign ( SECS_ID, COM, 1 ) ;

SECS1 Serial Equipment

  handle COM = secs_open ( "COM1:" , 19200) ;
  int SECS_ID = 1 ;
  secs_assign ( SECS_ID, COM ) ;


  handle COM = secs_open ( "", 3001 ) ;
  int SECS_ID = 1 ;
  secs_assign ( SECS_ID, COM, 1 ) ;

SECS1 TCP Equipment

  handle COM = secs_service ( 3001 ) ;
  int SECS_ID = 1 ;
  secs_assign ( SECS_ID, COM ) ;


  handle COM = secs_open ( "", 5000 ) ;
  int SECS_ID = 1 ;
  secs_assign ( SECS_ID, COM, 1 ) ;

HSMS Equipment

  handle COM = secs_hsms ( 5000 ) ;
  int SECS_ID = 1 ;
  secs_assign ( SECS_ID, COM, 1 ) ;

Enabling incoming methods


SECS_S1F13() {
  describe S1F13 ;
  list S1F14 = {
	char MDLN = "hyperscript",
	char REV = version()
  } ;
  global S1F14 ;
} ;
secs_enable ( SECS_S1F13, 1,1,13 ) ;

SECS_S6F3() {
  describe S6F3 ;
  binary S6F4 = 0 ;
  global S6F4 ;
} ;
secs_enable ( SECS_S6F11, 1,6,11 ) ;

Sending SECS Events and Queries


   list S1F13 = {
      binary go = 1,
      list x = {
        char mdln = "Host",
        char ver = "0.9"
    } ;

    timeout 30 ;
    ret = secs_query ( SECS_ID, 1, 13, S1F13 ) ;
    if ( !ret ) puts ret ;
    if ( exists ( S1F14 ) ) describe S1F14 ;
  list S6F3 = {
    ushort DATAID = 1,
    ushort CEID = 99,
    list data = {
      binary data = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}
  } ;
  describe S6F3 ;
  ret = secs_event ( SECS_ID, 6, 3, S6F3 ) ;
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