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abinition edited this page Sep 30, 2014 · 12 revisions

Welcome to the HS documentation.

HS is an interpretive programming language with a C-like syntax used for developing client/server factory automation applications, primarily SECS/GEM, over serial or TCP lines, HSMS or SECS I protocols.

It is strongly data typed, and coverts data easily between XML, JSON, SECS, and native formats.

HS supports both client and server side HTTP, and can integrate any protocol within an openSSL stack.

HS is a standalone application that runs under UNIX, Win32, VMS, or Mac OS environments. On VMS, HS can also be integrated into the PROMIS MES to access properties, database, and scripting.

HS can also directly access ORACLE, MySQL, or SQLSERVER databases.

HS codes executes in a single-threaded, synchronous, non-blocking mode. In contrast, a language like JavaScript executes in single-threaded, asynchronous, non-blocking mode. Refer to the wiki for more details.

An HS program is re-entrant, in other words, HS can return to the calling program (UNIX shell or host application) without losing its state and position and can then be re-called to continue.

HS is a software product of Abinition

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