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Git Commands

Dan Ibanez edited this page Aug 25, 2016 · 8 revisions

This page lists common Git commands that SCOREC developers have used. Please review our Git Theory page to help gain an understanding of how Git works before reading this page.

Command Description
git help View summary of common commands
git help commit View documentation about the git commit command
git init Create a new Git repository with the current directory as the source directory
git clone pumi Clone a remote repository, creating source directory pumi
git status Display a variety of current status info. When in doubt, run this.
git log Show history in a linear fashion with full commit metadata
git log --oneline --graph --all --decorate Show the history graph including where branches point to
git show abcd123 Show all the information about commit abcd123, including what changes it made
git add myfile.cpp Accept all changes to myfile.cpp into the index. If untracked, start tracking.
git add --patch myfile.cpp Interactively accept some changes into the index.
git add -u Accept all modifications and removals of tracked files into the index.
git add -A Like git add -u, also start tracking all untracked files.
git commit Create a commit from the index, opens environment variable $EDITOR to write commit message
git commit -m 'Renamed a function' Specify the commit message on the command line
git commit -a Same as git add -u followed by git commit
git diff Show changes between the index and the source directory
git diff --cached Show changes between the index and HEAD
git diff --stat Summarize differences as number of lines changed
git branch List the local branches
git branch -vv List local branches and what remote branches they track
git branch api-work Create a branch called api-work, by default points to HEAD
git checkout api-work Switch the current branch to be api-work
git merge api-work Merge the top commit of the api-work branch into the current branch
git merge --no-ff api-work Same as api-work, but create a merge commit even if fast-forward is possible
git branch -d api-work Delete branch api-work after it is merged
git branch -D api-work Delete branch api-work even if it is not merged
git fetch origin Download the latest state of the origin remote repository
git merge origin/master Merge the latest commit from origin/master into the current local branch
git pull Same as git fetch origin followed by git merge origin/master
git push Pushes your latest commits to the origin remote, tries to fast-forward origin/master to your master
git push origin api-work Make your new api-work branch visible at origin; creates origin/api-work
git push -u origin api-work Same as git push origin api-work, Also sets api-work to track origin/api-work
git push origin --delete api-work Remove the branch api-work from the origin remote
git remote show List your remotes
git remote show origin List information about the origin remote: URL, which branches are tracked, etc.
git remote add core-sim Add a new remote called core-sim
git cherry-pick abcd123 Add a duplicate of commit abcd123 to the current branch
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