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Geometric Models

Cameron Smith edited this page Apr 27, 2017 · 15 revisions

Discrete Models

Use the mkmodel tool to generate a discrete (.dmg) model from a mesh:

$ module load pumi
$ mkmodel
Create a discrete geometric model from a mesh
Usage: mkmodel <mesh> <out model (.dmg)>

Note, the model created with this code only exists to debug mesh related issues. A dummy model entity is created for the first call to retrieve classification for a given mesh entity.

Simmetrix GeomSim Models

A .smd Simmetrix model file is created by either translating a Parasolid or ACIS model OR by creating a Simmetrix discrete (i.e. topological info + bounding box) model directly.

Note, a Simmetrix .smd file can also contain problem definition and mesh generation attributes; e.g. SimModeler saves 'models' this way.

The core tool simTranslate does the Parasolid/ACIS conversion:

$ simTranslate
Usage: simTranslate <acis .sat or parasolid .xmt_txt> <output .smd>
       to translate a native model into a GeomSim model
   or: simTranslate <acis .sat or parasolid .xmt_txt> <attribute .smd> <output .smd>
       to do the above and combine it with attributes into one file

The mdlConvert tool can create a .dmg file from a Simmetrix model file.

$ mdlConvert
Convert simmetrix smd model to a gmi dmg model
Usage: mdlConvert <simmetrix smd model> <gmi dmg model>
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