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Releases: MonkeyModdingTroop/MonkeyLoader


26 Nov 21:26
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If you're looking to install MonkeyLoader for Resonite, you can find the releases here:

What's Changed

  • Log patches and potential conflicts by @Nytra in #41
  • Make GetFeaturePatches virtual so you don't need to override it by @Nytra in #39
  • Update System.Text.Json by @Nytra in #40
  • Add (nearest) parent search for identifiables by @Banane9 in #42
  • Call shutdown on monkeys that fail to run by @Banane9 in #44
  • Ensure log messages are written in order by @Banane9 in #46
  • Add EnabledToggle as property for Monkeys by @Banane9 in #49

Full Changelog: v0.23.1...v0.24.0


Unzip the provided into your game's install folder to install the latest versions of MonkeyLoader, and the basic Game Pack for Unity games.

While MonkeyLoader itself is built against netstandard2.0 now, the Harmony dependency only has reference assemblies for that. The included 0Harmony.dll is for net4.6.2, but can be swapped out for any other supported .net version.

To develop with, add the following to your project file or Directory.Build.props file and reference the necessary packages through NuGet:


You may also need to add the URLs as a package source inside VS and set up package mappings.


03 Oct 10:13
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If you're looking to install MonkeyLoader for Resonite, you can find the releases here:

What's Changed

  • Fix base event dispatching by @Banane9 and @Nytra in #37
  • Spin logging Console off into a separate process by @Banane9 in #38
    • Fixes closing the Console killing Resonite
    • Fixes Console being forcefully opened
    • Console can be opened / closed with toggle in game at runtime
  • Tweaks logging to spawn Tasks to execute the potentially blocking logging methods by @Banane9

Full Changelog: v0.22.11...v0.23.1


This update includes new, separate application in the MonkeyLoader/Tools/ folder that hosts the console. It seems to have worked well in testing (on Windows), but please report any issues you might have.


Unzip the provided into your game's install folder to install the latest versions of MonkeyLoader, and the basic Game Pack for Unity games.

While MonkeyLoader itself is built against netstandard2.0 now, the Harmony dependency only has reference assemblies for that. The included 0Harmony.dll is for net4.6.2, but can be swapped out for any other supported .net version.

To develop with, add the following to your project file or Directory.Build.props file and reference the necessary packages through NuGet:


You may also need to add the URLs as a package source inside VS and set up package mappings.


01 Oct 20:30
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If you're looking to install MonkeyLoader for Resonite, you can find the releases here:

What's Changed

  • Fix base event dispatching by @Banane9 and @Nytra in #37
  • Spin logging Console off into a separate process by @Banane9 in #38
    • Fixes closing the Console killing Resonite
    • Fixes Console being forcefully opened
    • Console can be opened / closed with toggle in game at runtime

Full Changelog: v0.22.11...v0.23.0


This update includes new, separate application in the MonkeyLoader/Tools/ folder that hosts the console. It seems to have worked well in testing (on Windows), but please report any issues you might have.


Unzip the provided into your game's install folder to install the latest versions of MonkeyLoader, and the basic Game Pack for Unity games.

While MonkeyLoader itself is built against netstandard2.0 now, the Harmony dependency only has reference assemblies for that. The included 0Harmony.dll is for net4.6.2, but can be swapped out for any other supported .net version.

To develop with, add the following to your project file or Directory.Build.props file and reference the necessary packages through NuGet:


You may also need to add the URLs as a package source inside VS and set up package mappings.


26 Aug 18:11
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If you're looking to install MonkeyLoader for Resonite, you can find the releases here:

What's Changed

  • Add more checks to AddMod, ShutdownMod(s) and RunMod(s) by @Banane9 in #28
  • Allow the EnumerableInjector to allow entirely new items by @Banane9 in #30
  • Remove text auto from .sh files by @ljoonal in #32
  • Adds an ItemChanged event to ConfigSections and fixes its FullId by @Banane9 in #33
  • Adds an AsyncEnumerableInjector by @Banane9 in #34
  • Move from bundled types and extensions to EnumerableToolkit by @Banane9 in #36
  • Add being able to sort ConfigSections based on a Priority (default 0, sorting by Name) by @Banane9
  • Add option to set a DefiningConfigKeys's Priority in the Initializer - if components are being added, it still has to be via the ConfigKeyPriority component though - by @Banane9
  • Add configuration for logging handling by @Banane9
    • Set LogLevel
    • Set target folder for logs
    • Set how many recent logs to keep
    • Optionally spawn a console to show messages as they appear (may not work on Linux Native, but should work on Wine or Proton)

Full Changelog: v0.19.1-beta...v0.22.11


Unzip the provided into your game's install folder to install the latest versions of MonkeyLoader, and the basic Game Pack for Unity games.

While MonkeyLoader itself is built against netstandard2.0 now, the Harmony dependency only has reference assemblies for that. The included 0Harmony.dll is for net4.6.2, but can be swapped out for any other supported .net version.

To develop with, add the following to your project file or Directory.Build.props file and reference the necessary packages through NuGet:


You may also need to add the URLs as a package source inside VS and set up package mappings.


11 Jul 22:34
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If you're looking to install MonkeyLoader for Resonite, you can find the releases here:

What's Changed

  • Make Configs IIdentifiables and move FullId to IIdentifiable by @Banane9 in #25
  • Add implicit operator to DefiningConfigKey to get the value more easily by @Nytra in #26

Full Changelog: v0.18.0-beta...v0.19.1-beta


Unzip the provided into your game's install folder to install the latest versions of MonkeyLoader, and the basic Game Pack for Unity games.

To develop with, add the following to your project file or Directory.Build.props file and reference the necessary packages through NuGet:


You may also need to add the URLs as a package source inside VS and set up package mappings.


07 Jul 20:07
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If you're looking to install MonkeyLoader for Resonite, you can find the releases here:

What's Changed

  • Add OnEnabled and OnDisabled hooks to MonkeyBase by @Banane9 in #24

Full Changelog: v0.17.4-beta...v0.18.0-beta


Unzip the provided into your game's install folder to install the latest versions of MonkeyLoader, and the basic Game Pack for Unity games.

To develop with, add the following to your project file or Directory.Build.props file and reference the necessary packages through NuGet:


You may also need to add the URLs as a package source inside VS and set up package mappings.


14 Jun 20:46
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If you're looking to install MonkeyLoader for Resonite, you can find the releases here:

What's Changed

  • Added Ben.Demystifier for more helpful stack traces and exception
    • The enhanced stack traces are automatically applied for the ToString methods of Exceptions and the Environment.StackTrace property

Full Changelog: v0.17.2-beta...v0.17.4-beta


Unzip the provided into your game's install folder to install the latest versions of MonkeyLoader, and the basic Game Pack for Unity games.

To develop with, add the following to your project file or Directory.Build.props file and reference the necessary packages through NuGet:


You may also need to add the URLs as a package source inside VS and set up package mappings.

Beta Release v0.17.2

05 Jun 23:21
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If you're looking to install MonkeyLoader for Resonite, you can find the releases here:

What's Changed

  • Add branding icon by @ljoonal in #4
  • Packaging automation by @ljoonal in #5
  • Make config keys configurable with components by @ColinTimBarndt in #14
  • Separate Sync from Async Events; Add support for dispatching base events by @Banane9 in #13
  • Add quick links to readme by @Nytra in #16
  • Fix DefiningConfigKey.Description throwing when there's no description by @Banane9 in #17
  • Add an IConfiguredMonkey interface and make the ConfigSection public. by @Banane9 in #18
  • Fix different requisites for descriptions by @Banane9 in #20
  • Add generalized identifiables and collections of them that can be searched by @Banane9 in #22
  • Add ConfigKeyPriority component and Priority property to defining config keys - they're automatically sorted based on that when using ConfigSection.Keys by @Banane9.
  • Make "old" RML configs with dummy keys look pretty (see Screenshots below) by @Banane9
  • Update dependencies, including the "LoadedNuGetPackage" ones by @Banane9
  • Enum Values now get saved as the names of the option, not as the numbers by @Banane9

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.11.0-beta...v0.17.2-beta


Unzip the provided into your game's install folder to install the latest versions of MonkeyLoader, and the basic Game Pack for Unity games.

To develop with, add the following to your project file or Directory.Build.props file and reference the necessary packages through NuGet:


You may also need to add the URLs as a package source inside VS and set up package mappings.

Beta Release v0.11.0

05 Apr 11:41
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Beta Release v0.11.0 Pre-release

New Features

  • (Basic) Hot Reloading - debugging hot reloaded code doesn't quite work yet, as the PDBs still need to be modified along with the loaded assembly.
  • (Automatically) flushing loggers.
  • Base for wrappers for (defining) config keys.

A good chunk of internal changes and improvements.


To install, unzip the provided into the (Unity) game's install folder.

To develop with, add the following to your project file or Directory.Build.props file and reference the necessary packages through NuGet:


You may also need to add the URL as a package source inside VS and set up a package mapping.

Beta Release v0.4.0

14 Feb 15:38
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Beta Release v0.4.0 Pre-release

What's Changed

  • Some minor fixes by @ErrorJan in #1
  • Minor changes to config internals, added HasChanges tracking to DefiningConfigKey
  • Fix dependency resolution of MonkeyLoader and other default dependencies

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


To install, unzip the provided into the (Unity) game's install folder.

To develop with, add the following to your project file or Directory.Build.props file and reference the necessary packages through NuGet:


You may also need to add the URL as a package source inside VS and set up a package mapping.