Releases: FenyoLab/transposcope
Security Fix
This release includes the UI that was updated to fix dependencies with security vulnerabilities.
Example Files links:
TranspoScope v2
The new version includes an updated UI as well as an updated pipeline.
The backend now outputs cram files which are then processed by the visualization.
This allows for the visualization to be updated without the need to reprocess the original BAM files.
Updated UI to include help
Updated UI to view entire region (previously 160bp of L1 were shown)
Added parsers for MELT and TIPseqHunter output files
Bioconda Test Release
The first release of TranspoScope.
TranspoScope uses a list of coordinates specifying regions flanking mobile element insertions to create a localized reference sequence which includes the mobile element. A local realignment is then performed using this localized reference to evaluate the read coverage in this region.
There is a web-based user interface for viewing the locally realigned read coverage.
Example files can be found at the following link example.tar.gz