This is a basic desktop cube effect for KWin. It's primarily intended to help you impress your friends with what one can do on "Linux."
Go to desktop effect settings, and enable the Cube effect. Once you've done that,
the Cube effect can be activated by pressing Meta+C
Note that you will need at least 3 virtual desktops in order to activate the effect.
Key navigation:
- quit the effectLeft
arrow keys - rotate the cube left or right, respectivelyEnter
- switch to the currently viewed desktop
Mouse navigation:
- LMB click - switch to the currently viewed desktop
- Press LMB and drag - rotate the cube
- Wheel up and down - move the cube farther or closer, respectively
Arch Linux:
For users who are using KF6/Plasma 6
yay -S kwin-effects-cube-git
For users who are using Plasma 5
yay -S kwin-effects-cube
You will need the following dependencies to build this effect:
- CMake
- any C++14 enabled compiler
- Qt
- qtbase
- qtdeclarative
- qtquick3d
- libkwineffects
- KDE Frameworks 5:
- Config
- CoreAddons
- Extra CMake Modules
- GlobalAccel
- WindowSystem
On Arch Linux
sudo pacman -S cmake extra-cmake-modules kwin qt5-quick3d
On Fedora
sudo dnf install cmake extra-cmake-modules kf5-kconfig-devel kf5-kcoreaddons-devel \
kf5-kglobalaccel-devel kf5-ki18n-devel kf5-kwindowsystem-devel kf5-kxmlgui-devel \
kwin-devel libepoxy-devel qt5-qtbase-devel
On Ubuntu
sudo apt install cmake extra-cmake-modules gettext kwin-dev libkf5config-dev \
libkf5configwidgets-dev libkf5coreaddons-dev libkf5globalaccel-dev
libkf5windowsystem-dev libkf5xmlgui-dev qtbase5-dev qtdeclarative5-dev
After you installed all the required dependencies, you can build the effect:
git clone
cd kwin-effects-cube
cmake -B build -S . \
cmake --build build --parallel
cmake --install build
Note that some distributions (e.g. Ubuntu or Fedora) don't package QtQuick 3D. If you use such a distro, you will have to build QtQuick 3D from source code.
Go to and download qtquick3d source
tarball (it's in submodules/
folder) for 5.15, unpack it and run the following commands
make install