The computational pipeline of CAPE (CRISPR-Cas12a promoter editing)
- Python >= 3.5
- Open chromatin data (profiles in BigWig format, peaks in BED format)
- TF binding motifs (identified by FIMO, matrix files are from PlantTFDB or JARSPR)
- Sequence conservation (Scores are from PhastCons/mVISTA, or manually calculate with PHAST package)
- Genome annotation file (in GFF3 format) and chromosome sizes file
- (Optional) H3K27ac histone modification profile (BigWig format), genomic variations and phenotypes from rice3K/RFGB/MBKBase/etc.
# Install CAPE dependencies
git clone
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Run test for single gene
cd test/single
python ../../ config.ini
# Modify the config.ini file
workdir = results
binsize = 10
step = 10
upstream = 2000
slop = 200
withutr = 0
threads = 16
ocfiles =,
ocpeaks = TIGR7_DHSs.bed
ptmfiles =
motifs = genome_wide_motifs_JASPAR.bed
cnss = Osj_PhastCons.bedGraph
genopheno =
phenodata =
gene_file = gene.bed
gff_file =
chrom_sizes = osativa_7.chrom.sizes
# Run the pipeline
python config.ini
# Modify the config.ini file
workdir = results
binsize = 10
step = 10
upstream = 2000
slop = 200
withutr = 0
threads = 16
ocfiles =,
ocpeaks = TIGR7_DHSs.bed
ptmfiles =
motifs = genome_wide_motifs_JASPAR.bed
cnss = Osj_PhastCons.bedGraph
genopheno =
phenodata =
gene_file =
gff_file = TIGR7_all.gff3
chrom_sizes = osativa_7.chrom.sizes
# Run the pipeline
python config.ini
The instruction of how to generate feature data for calculation:
- Open chromatin data:
(1) Raw sequencing data (from DNase-seq/ATAC-seq/MNase-seq) first align to reference genome by BWA/Bowtie2;
(2) Call peaks from the alignment using Macs2/Genrich/F-seq2/Popera;
(3) Generate profiles from the alignment (BigWig format, using DeepTools/F-seq2/Popera). - TF binding motifs:
(1) Download the TF PFM data from database (PlantTFDB/JASPAR/CisBP);
(2) Find the occurrences of TF motifs in the genome by FIMO;
(3) Merge results of all TF motifs (BED format, TFs from the same family can be merged into one). - Sequence conservation:
(1) Pre-calculated sequence conservation of plant genomes can be retrieved from PlantRegMap database;
(2) If no existed result for the target genome, calculate conservation scores using multiple close related genomes with PHAST/mVISTA. - H3K27ac histone modification:
(1) Raw sequencing data (from ChIP-seq) first align to reference genome by BWA/Bowtie2;
(2) Generate profiles from the alignment (BigWig format, using DeepTools). - Relationships between genomic variations and phenotypes (GenoPheno):
(1) Get the genotype data from public database, in FASTA format (for rice, using rice3K/RFGB/MBKBase/etc);
(2) Get the corresponding phenotype data from public database.
(two column tab format, first column is Genotype_ID, second is Phenotype_Values separated by comma) - Genome annotation file (BED/GFF3 format) is required for getting the promoter of target gene.
- Chromosome sizes file is required for converting input file format.
(two column tab format, first column is chromosome name, second is chromosome length)
* Note that H3K27ac and GenoPheno data are optional for analysis.
All output files are stored in the workdir defined in the config.ini file.
A folder will be created for each gene analyzed.
In the output gene folder, several files are generated:
- analysis_region.bed (File records the analyzed regions in the genome for this gene)
- OCpeaks_*_raw.bed (Open chromatin regions overlap with the analysis region)
- OCscores*.bedGraph (Open chromatin scores for the analysis region, suffix 'raw' means raw scores from BigWig file, others are normalized in range 0 to 1)
- motifs*.bedGraph (Raw file contains motifs identified in the analysis region, another file is the normalized motifs scores)
- CNS*.bedGraph (Raw file contains raw conserved score in the analysis region, another file is the normalized CNS scores)
- PTM*.bedGraph (H3K27ac profile for the analysis region, scores from BigWig file, others are normalized in range 0 to 1)
- aggregate.bedGraph (The aggregate scores (AS) calculated from all above features)
- key_regions_*.bed (Merged file means merged key regions when two key regions are adjacent)
- core_regions.bed (Core regions which have high AS within the key regions)
( Optional: if CRISPR edited phenotype data are provided, also export the statistical analysis results. ) - phenoscores_*.bedGraph (phenotype scores, measured by kmeans-like method)
- scores_by_sample.txt (Features scores and aggregate scores for each CRISPR edited sample)
- plot_scores.txt (Comparison between phenotype difference and estimated scores)
- statistics.txt (Cutoff for defining key regions and significance analysis)