Easily write Jasmine tests for your project in Atom.
$ apm install atom-jasmine
Or Settings ➔ Packages ➔ Search for jasmine
- Fixes duplicate key issue in snippets. 😬 (Thanks MoritzKn)
- Fixes formatting for JS and TS block-level snippets, particularly to correspond with ESlint's rule for not having whitespace before function parenthesis. (Thanks artemruts!)
- Added more snippets for Matchers. Thanks storor!
- Added extra (optional) breakpoints to some snippets to help with flow while stubbing out large amounts of tests at once. Thanks stramel!
- Added
file to give credit where credit is due. - Add Typescript grammar (thanks pringshia)
- Add project-dependent indentation (thanks stramel)
- Added more Expectation snippets via a pull request from aki77. Thanks!
- Adding more Expectation snippets. Modeling these after Pivotal's original plugin for TextMate. A very popular port to SublimeText has several thousand installs so these snippets and shortcuts are likely very well known. For those switching to Atom from either editor they should be ready to go out of the box.
Note: For initial release I've only added a couple quick snippets but have several things in mind that I'll be adding over time.
MIT © Zachary Jones