Welcome to the site of Dokku Thinking Sphinx plugin. Currently the plugin works "as it is" and further work on it will be probably suspended. Feel free to ask, patch, provide new functionalities and create pull requests.
- dokku 0.4.x+
- docker 1.8.x
# on 0.4.x+
dokku plugin:install https://github.com/yousty/dokku-sphinx.git sphinx
Plugin requires a directory to write to (default /var/lib/dokku/services/sphinx
) and a volume to read configuration from (default /var/lib/dokku/data/storage
sphinx:create <name> Create a sphinx service with environment variables
sphinx:destroy <name> Delete the service and stop its container if there are no links left
sphinx:start <name> Start a previously stopped sphinx service
sphinx:stop <name> Stop a running sphinx service
sphinx:restart <name> Graceful shutdown and restart of the sphinx service container
sphinx:link <name> <app> Link the sphinx service to the app
sphinx:unlink <name> <app> Unlink the sphinx service from the app
sphinx:info <name> Print the connection information
sphinx:list List all sphinx services
sphinx:logs <name> [-t] Print the most recent log(s) for this service
Important! Make sure to include listen ports listed below in your sphinx.conf:
searchd {
listen = 9306:mysql41
listen = 9312:mysql41
# create a sphinx service named foo
dokku sphinx:create foo
# you can also specify the image and image
# version to use for the service
# it *must* be compatible with the
# leodido/sphinxsearch image
export SPHINX_IMAGE="leodido/sphinxsearch"
export SPHINX_IMAGE_VERSION="2.2.10"
# you can also specify custom environment
# variables to start the sphinx service
# in semi-colon separated form
export SPHINX_CUSTOM_ENV="USER=alpha;HOST=beta"
# get connection information as follows
dokku sphinx:info foo
# a sphinx service can be linked to a
# container this will use native docker
# links via the docker-options plugin
# here we link it to our 'bar' app
# NOTE: this will restart your app
dokku sphinx:link foo bar
- fix rake tasks (provide pid file maybe?)
- create interface for stopping/starting the deamon
- remove volumes if they are not necessary
- read configuration from config directory (quit using shared)