GMQ is a pure Go MQTT client. This library is compatible with MQTT Version 3.1.1. This library provides both a Go package and a command line application.
$ go get -u github.com/yosssi/gmq/...
package main
import (
func main() {
// Set up channel on which to send signal notifications.
sigc := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(sigc, os.Interrupt, os.Kill)
// Create an MQTT Client.
cli := client.New(&client.Options{
// Define the processing of the error handler.
ErrorHandler: func(err error) {
// Terminate the Client.
defer cli.Terminate()
// Connect to the MQTT Server.
err := cli.Connect(&client.ConnectOptions{
Network: "tcp",
Address: "iot.eclipse.org:1883",
ClientID: []byte("example-client"),
if err != nil {
// Subscribe to topics.
err = cli.Subscribe(&client.SubscribeOptions{
SubReqs: []*client.SubReq{
TopicFilter: []byte("foo"),
QoS: mqtt.QoS0,
// Define the processing of the message handler.
Handler: func(topicName, message []byte) {
fmt.Println(string(topicName), string(message))
TopicFilter: []byte("bar/#"),
QoS: mqtt.QoS1,
Handler: func(topicName, message []byte) {
fmt.Println(string(topicName), string(message))
if err != nil {
// Publish a message.
err = cli.Publish(&client.PublishOptions{
QoS: mqtt.QoS0,
TopicName: []byte("bar/baz"),
Message: []byte("testMessage"),
if err != nil {
// Unsubscribe from topics.
err = cli.Unsubscribe(&client.UnsubscribeOptions{
TopicFilters: [][]byte{
if err != nil {
// Wait for receiving a signal.
// Disconnect the Network Connection.
if err := cli.Disconnect(); err != nil {
// Create an MQTT Client.
cli := client.New(&client.Options{
ErrorHandler: func(err error) {
// Terminate the Client.
defer cli.Terminate()
// Connect to the MQTT Server.
err := cli.Connect(&client.ConnectOptions{
// Network is the network on which the Client connects to.
Network: "tcp",
// Address is the address which the Client connects to.
Address: "iot.eclipse.org:1883",
// TLSConfig is the configuration for the TLS connection.
// If this property is not nil, the Client tries to use TLS
// for the connection.
TLSConfig: nil,
// CONNACKTimeout is timeout in seconds for the Client
// to wait for receiving the CONNACK Packet after sending
// the CONNECT Packet.
CONNACKTimeout: 10,
// PINGRESPTimeout is timeout in seconds for the Client
// to wait for receiving the PINGRESP Packet after sending
// the PINGREQ Packet.
PINGRESPTimeout: 10,
// ClientID is the Client Identifier of the CONNECT Packet.
ClientID: []byte("clientID"),
// UserName is the User Name of the CONNECT Packet.
UserName: []byte("userName"),
// // Password is the Password of the CONNECT Packet.
Password: []byte("password"),
// CleanSession is the Clean Session of the CONNECT Packet.
CleanSession: true,
// KeepAlive is the Keep Alive of the CONNECT Packet.
KeepAlive: 30,
// WillTopic is the Will Topic of the CONNECT Packet.
WillTopic: []byte("willTopic"),
// WillMessage is the Will Message of the CONNECT Packet.
WillMessage: []byte("willMessage"),
// WillQoS is the Will QoS of the CONNECT Packet.
WillQoS: mqtt.QoS0,
// WillRetain is the Will Retain of the CONNECT Packet.
WillRetain: true,
if err != nil {
// Create an MQTT Client.
cli := client.New(&client.Options{
ErrorHandler: func(err error) {
// Terminate the Client.
defer cli.Terminate()
// Read the certificate file.
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile("/path/to/crtFile")
if err != nil {
roots := x509.NewCertPool()
if ok := roots.AppendCertsFromPEM(b); !ok {
panic("failed to parse root certificate")
tlsConfig = &tls.Config{
RootCAs: roots,
// Connect to the MQTT Server using TLS.
err := cli.Connect(&client.ConnectOptions{
// Network is the network on which the Client connects to.
Network: "tcp",
// Address is the address which the Client connects to.
Address: "iot.eclipse.org:1883",
// TLSConfig is the configuration for the TLS connection.
// If this property is not nil, the Client tries to use TLS
// for the connection.
TLSConfig: tlsConfig,
if err != nil {
// Create an MQTT Client.
cli := client.New(&client.Options{
ErrorHandler: func(err error) {
// Terminate the Client.
defer cli.Terminate()
// Subscribe to topics.
err = cli.Subscribe(&client.SubscribeOptions{
SubReqs: []*client.SubReq{
// TopicFilter is the Topic Filter of the Subscription.
TopicFilter: []byte("foo"),
// QoS is the requsting QoS.
QoS: mqtt.QoS0,
// Handler is the handler which handles the Application Message
// sent from the Server.
Handler: func(topicName, message []byte) {
fmt.Println(string(topicName), string(message))
TopicFilter: []byte("bar/#"),
QoS: mqtt.QoS1,
Handler: func(topicName, message []byte) {
fmt.Println(string(topicName), string(message))
if err != nil {
// Create an MQTT Client.
cli := client.New(&client.Options{
ErrorHandler: func(err error) {
// Terminate the Client.
defer cli.Terminate()
// Publish a message.
err = cli.Publish(&client.PublishOptions{
// QoS is the QoS of the PUBLISH Packet.
QoS: mqtt.QoS0,
// Retain is the Retain of the PUBLISH Packet.
Retain: true,
// TopicName is the Topic Name of the PUBLISH Packet.
TopicName: []byte("bar/baz"),
// Message is the Application Message of the PUBLISH Packet.
Message: []byte("testMessage"),
if err != nil {
// Create an MQTT Client.
cli := client.New(&client.Options{
ErrorHandler: func(err error) {
// Terminate the Client.
defer cli.Terminate()
// Unsubscribe from topics.
err = cli.Unsubscribe(&client.UnsubscribeOptions{
// TopicFilters represents a slice of the Topic Filters.
TopicFilters: [][]byte{
if err != nil {
// Create an MQTT Client.
cli := client.New(&client.Options{
ErrorHandler: func(err error) {
// Terminate the Client.
defer cli.Terminate()
// Disconnect the network connection.
if err := cli.Disconnect(); err != nil {
After the installation, you can launch an MQTT client command line application by executing the gmq-cli
$ gmq-cli
You can see all GMQ Client commands by executing the help
GMQ Client command.
gmq-cli> help
GMQ Client 0.0.1
conn establish a Network Connection and send a CONNECT Packet to the Server
disconn send a DISCONNECT Packet to the Server and disconnect the Network Connection
help print this help message
pub send a PUBLISH Packet to the Server
quit quit this process
sub send a SUBSCRIBE Packet to the Server
unsub send a UNSUBSCRIBE Packet to the Server
You can see all flags of a GMQ Client command by executing the command with the -help
gmq-cli> conn -help
-P="": Password
-c=true: Clean Session
-crt="": the path of the certificate authority file to verify the server connection
-ct=30: Timeout in seconds for the Client to wait for receiving the CONNACK Packet after sending the CONNECT Packet
-h="localhost": host name of the Server which the Client connects to
-i="": Client identifier for the Client
-k=60: Keep Alive measured in seconds
-n="tcp": network on which the Client connects to the Server
-p=1883: port number of the Server which the Client connects to
-pt=30: Timeout in seconds for the Client to wait for receiving the PINGRESP Packet after sending the PINGREQ Packet
-u="": User Name
-wm="": Will Message
-wq=0: Will QoS
-wr=false: Will Retain
-wt="": Will Topic