- $28,500 USDC main award pot
- $1,500 USDC gas optimization award pot
- Join C4 Discord to register
- Submit findings using the C4 form
- Read our guidelines for more details
- Starts Nov 14 00:00 UTC
- Ends Nov 16 23:59 UTC
ibBTC is a basket of BadgerSettToken (bTokens) These tokens can be used to mint or redeem from and into ibBTC
These are 4 zaps meant to:
- Facilitate minting of ibBTC
- Facilitate adding ibBTC to a Staking Vault
- Facilitate swapping to tokenized bitcoin and bTokens (Badger Vaults Tokens) to ibBTC via Zaps
- Providing liquidity of ibBTC in the ibBTC Curve Pool
The goal of this contest is to determine if the below listed zaps are:
- Safe to use
- Mathematically will provide the correct amount of tokens given the inputs
Specific care should be put in:
- Economic exploits
- Rug Vectors
- Risks for the users of the zaps
- Risks for the ibBTC Deposits
ibBTC Zap.sol Allows to mint ibBTC given tokenized bitcoin e.g. renBTC
ibBTC VaultZap.sol Given ibBTC deposit wibBTC (via the wrapper, part of the previous Badger contest) to mint the Curve LP Token for the ibBTC Curve Pool
ibBTC CurveZap.vy Given renBTC, mint ibBTC, use it to provide liquidity in the ibBTC Curve Pool and stake it in the ibBTC Staking Sett
SettToRenIbbtcZap.sol Given a Sett Token (badger vault), use the underlying to mint ibBTC via the renBTC Zap
See this Miro Board: https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_lj8o-EM=/?invite_link_id=980480935731
The wibBTC / sBTC Curve Pool: https://curve.fi/factory/60
The previous Badger Vaults Contest: https://code423n4.com/reports/2021-09-bvecvx/
The previous Badger Wrapper Contest: https://github.com/code-423n4/2021-10-badgerdao-findings - !!! Severity Ratings have yet to be judged !!!