sqlc generates type-safe code from SQL. Here's how it works:
- You write queries in SQL.
- You run sqlc to generate code with type-safe interfaces to those queries.
- You write application code that calls the generated code.
- support in syntax Check out an interactive example to see it in action.
#安装 go get -u github.com/xiazemin/sqlc go get -u github.com/xiazemin/sqlc/cmd/sqlc #使用 实例:https://github.com/xiazemin/sqlc_study
sqlc development is funded by our generous sponsors, including the following companies:
If you use sqlc at your company, please consider becoming a sponsor today.
Sponsors receive priority support via the sqlc Slack organization.
支持驼峰格式 支持生成mock代码
//go:generate mockgen -source=./querier.go -destination=./mock/querier.go
go generate ./...
解决聚合函数返回值是interface{} 必须用下面函数解析的问题
func ParseInt64(v interface{}) (int64, error) {
if v == nil {
return 0, nil
raw, ok := v.([]uint8)
if !ok {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("type assert failed")
return strconv.ParseInt(string(raw), 10, 64)
//解决null 问题 sql: Scan error on column index 0, name "sum(size)": converting NULL to int64 is unsupported
问题1: 如果字段定义了default null 返回的是sql.Nullxxx
问题2: 如果 字段定义了 NOT NULL,但是没有命中记录 返回null怎么处理,怎么扫描? 所以安全起见 应该都是返回sql.Nullxxx
使用聚合函数的情况下 如果NOT NULL,没有命中会返回 NULL ,且走了索引才会,in 不会 命中了 返回默认值 如果DEFAULT NULL,但是没有插入数据,且没有命中会返回NULL 用了sql.null不会报错 命中了 返回NULL 如果插入数据了,没有命中会返回NULL 命中了 返回NULL
//安全起见 1,规范写ifnull 0 2,聚合函数都返回sqlNullxxx √ 这个更安全,拿到0值更符合预期
//修复bug 如果 有两个IN ,第一个参数长度是 1 时候,会把第二个参数替换到第一个位置 IN (?) AND cond IN (?) 应该被替换成 IN (?) AND cond IN (?,?,?) 实际替换成 IN (?,?,?) AND cond IN (?)
//枚举支持中文,default null A const declaration gives names to constants, that is, values that are fixed at compile time. The value of a constant must be a number, string, or boolean. const的值只能是数字,字符串或者布尔值。所以不能生成sql.NullString
brew install antlr cd internal/engine/sqlite/parser/ make /opt/homebrew/Cellar/antlr/4.9.3 go get -u github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/[email protected]
支持 insert values 语法 例子:
/* name: BatchCreateAuthor :execresult */
INSERT INTO authors (
?,?, ?,1
?,?, ?,1