You can use the APIs below to interface with Xendit's PaymentMethodApi
To start using the API, you need to configure the secret key and initiate the client instance.
package main
import (
xendit ""
func main() {
xenditClient := xendit.NewClient("API-KEY")
All URIs are relative to
Method | HTTP request | Description |
CreatePaymentMethod | Post /v2/payment_methods | Creates payment method |
GetPaymentMethodByID | Get /v2/payment_methods/{paymentMethodId} | Get payment method by ID |
GetPaymentsByPaymentMethodId | Get /v2/payment_methods/{paymentMethodId}/payments | Returns payments with matching PaymentMethodID. |
PatchPaymentMethod | Patch /v2/payment_methods/{paymentMethodId} | Patch payment methods |
GetAllPaymentMethods | Get /v2/payment_methods | Get all payment methods by filters |
ExpirePaymentMethod | Post /v2/payment_methods/{paymentMethodId}/expire | Expires a payment method |
AuthPaymentMethod | Post /v2/payment_methods/{paymentMethodId}/auth | Validate a payment method's linking OTP |
SimulatePayment | Post /v2/payment_methods/{paymentMethodId}/payments/simulate | Makes payment with matching PaymentMethodID. |
Creates payment method
Name | Value |
Function Name | CreatePaymentMethod |
Path Parameters | CreatePaymentMethodPathParams |
Request Parameters | CreatePaymentMethodRequestParams |
Return Type | PaymentMethod |
This endpoint does not need any path parameter.
Parameters that are passed through a pointer to a apiCreatePaymentMethodRequest struct via the builder pattern
Name | Type | Required | Default |
forUserId | string | ||
paymentMethodParameters | PaymentMethodParameters |
package main
import (
xendit ""
payment_method ""
func main() {
forUserId := "5f9a3fbd571a1c4068aa40cf" // [OPTIONAL] | string
paymentMethodParameters := *payment_method.NewPaymentMethodParameters(payment_method.PaymentMethodType("CARD"), payment_method.PaymentMethodReusability("MULTIPLE_USE")) // [OPTIONAL] | PaymentMethodParameters
xenditClient := xendit.NewClient("API-KEY")
resp, r, err := xenditClient.PaymentMethodApi.CreatePaymentMethod(context.Background()).
PaymentMethodParameters(paymentMethodParameters). // [OPTIONAL]
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `PaymentMethodApi.CreatePaymentMethod``: %v\n", err.Error())
b, _ := json.Marshal(err.FullError())
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full Error Struct: %v\n", string(b))
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
// response from `CreatePaymentMethod`: PaymentMethod
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `PaymentMethodApi.CreatePaymentMethod`: %v\n", resp)
Get payment method by ID
Name | Value |
Function Name | GetPaymentMethodByID |
Path Parameters | GetPaymentMethodByIDPathParams |
Request Parameters | GetPaymentMethodByIDRequestParams |
Return Type | PaymentMethod |
Name | Type | Description | Required | Default |
ctx | context.Context | context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. | ☑️ | |
paymentMethodId | string | ☑️ |
Parameters that are passed through a pointer to a apiGetPaymentMethodByIDRequest struct via the builder pattern
Name | Type | Required | Default |
| | forUserId |string| | |
package main
import (
xendit ""
payment_method ""
func main() {
paymentMethodId := "pm-1fdaf346-dd2e-4b6c-b938-124c7167a822" // [REQUIRED] | string
forUserId := "5f9a3fbd571a1c4068aa40cf" // [OPTIONAL] | string
xenditClient := xendit.NewClient("API-KEY")
resp, r, err := xenditClient.PaymentMethodApi.GetPaymentMethodByID(context.Background(), paymentMethodId).
ForUserId(forUserId). // [OPTIONAL]
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `PaymentMethodApi.GetPaymentMethodByID``: %v\n", err.Error())
b, _ := json.Marshal(err.FullError())
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full Error Struct: %v\n", string(b))
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
// response from `GetPaymentMethodByID`: PaymentMethod
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `PaymentMethodApi.GetPaymentMethodByID`: %v\n", resp)
Returns payments with matching PaymentMethodID.
Name | Value |
Function Name | GetPaymentsByPaymentMethodId |
Path Parameters | GetPaymentsByPaymentMethodIdPathParams |
Request Parameters | GetPaymentsByPaymentMethodIdRequestParams |
Return Type | map[string]interface{} |
Name | Type | Description | Required | Default |
ctx | context.Context | context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. | ☑️ | |
paymentMethodId | string | ☑️ |
Parameters that are passed through a pointer to a apiGetPaymentsByPaymentMethodIdRequest struct via the builder pattern
Name | Type | Required | Default |
| | forUserId |string| | | | paymentRequestId |string[]| | | | paymentMethodId2 |string[]| | | | referenceId |string[]| | | | paymentMethodType |PaymentMethodType[]| | | | channelCode |string[]| | | | status |string[]| | | | currency |string[]| | | | createdGte |time.Time| | | | createdLte |time.Time| | | | updatedGte |time.Time| | | | updatedLte |time.Time| | | | limit |int32| | |
package main
import (
xendit ""
payment_method ""
func main() {
paymentMethodId := "pm-1fdaf346-dd2e-4b6c-b938-124c7167a822" // [REQUIRED] | string
forUserId := "5f9a3fbd571a1c4068aa40cf" // [OPTIONAL] | string
paymentRequestId := []string{"Inner_example"} // [OPTIONAL] | []string
paymentMethodId2 := []string{"Inner_example"} // [OPTIONAL] | []string
referenceId := []string{"Inner_example"} // [OPTIONAL] | []string
paymentMethodType := []payment_method.PaymentMethodType{payment_method.PaymentMethodType("CARD")} // [OPTIONAL] | []PaymentMethodType
channelCode := []string{"Inner_example"} // [OPTIONAL] | []string
status := []string{"Inner_example"} // [OPTIONAL] | []string
currency := []string{"Inner_example"} // [OPTIONAL] | []string
createdGte := time.Now() // [OPTIONAL] | time.Time
createdLte := time.Now() // [OPTIONAL] | time.Time
updatedGte := time.Now() // [OPTIONAL] | time.Time
updatedLte := time.Now() // [OPTIONAL] | time.Time
limit := int32(56) // [OPTIONAL] | int32
xenditClient := xendit.NewClient("API-KEY")
resp, r, err := xenditClient.PaymentMethodApi.GetPaymentsByPaymentMethodId(context.Background(), paymentMethodId).
Limit(limit). // [OPTIONAL]
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `PaymentMethodApi.GetPaymentsByPaymentMethodId``: %v\n", err.Error())
b, _ := json.Marshal(err.FullError())
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full Error Struct: %v\n", string(b))
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
// response from `GetPaymentsByPaymentMethodId`: map[string]interface{}
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `PaymentMethodApi.GetPaymentsByPaymentMethodId`: %v\n", resp)
Patch payment methods
Name | Value |
Function Name | PatchPaymentMethod |
Path Parameters | PatchPaymentMethodPathParams |
Request Parameters | PatchPaymentMethodRequestParams |
Return Type | PaymentMethod |
Name | Type | Description | Required | Default |
ctx | context.Context | context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. | ☑️ | |
paymentMethodId | string | ☑️ |
Parameters that are passed through a pointer to a apiPatchPaymentMethodRequest struct via the builder pattern
Name | Type | Required | Default |
| | forUserId |string| | | | paymentMethodUpdateParameters |PaymentMethodUpdateParameters| | |
package main
import (
xendit ""
payment_method ""
func main() {
paymentMethodId := "pm-1fdaf346-dd2e-4b6c-b938-124c7167a822" // [REQUIRED] | string
forUserId := "5f9a3fbd571a1c4068aa40cf" // [OPTIONAL] | string
paymentMethodUpdateParameters := *payment_method.NewPaymentMethodUpdateParameters() // [OPTIONAL] | PaymentMethodUpdateParameters
xenditClient := xendit.NewClient("API-KEY")
resp, r, err := xenditClient.PaymentMethodApi.PatchPaymentMethod(context.Background(), paymentMethodId).
PaymentMethodUpdateParameters(paymentMethodUpdateParameters). // [OPTIONAL]
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `PaymentMethodApi.PatchPaymentMethod``: %v\n", err.Error())
b, _ := json.Marshal(err.FullError())
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full Error Struct: %v\n", string(b))
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
// response from `PatchPaymentMethod`: PaymentMethod
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `PaymentMethodApi.PatchPaymentMethod`: %v\n", resp)
Get all payment methods by filters
Name | Value |
Function Name | GetAllPaymentMethods |
Path Parameters | GetAllPaymentMethodsPathParams |
Request Parameters | GetAllPaymentMethodsRequestParams |
Return Type | PaymentMethodList |
This endpoint does not need any path parameter.
Parameters that are passed through a pointer to a apiGetAllPaymentMethodsRequest struct via the builder pattern
Name | Type | Required | Default |
forUserId | string | ||
id | string[] | ||
type_ | string[] | ||
status | PaymentMethodStatus[] | ||
reusability | PaymentMethodReusability | ||
customerId | string | ||
referenceId | string | ||
afterId | string | ||
beforeId | string | ||
limit | int32 |
package main
import (
xendit ""
payment_method ""
func main() {
forUserId := "5f9a3fbd571a1c4068aa40cf" // [OPTIONAL] | string
id := []string{"Inner_example"} // [OPTIONAL] | []string
type_ := []string{"Inner_example"} // [OPTIONAL] | []string
status := []payment_method.PaymentMethodStatus{payment_method.PaymentMethodStatus("ACTIVE")} // [OPTIONAL] | []PaymentMethodStatus
reusability := payment_method.PaymentMethodReusability("MULTIPLE_USE") // [OPTIONAL] | PaymentMethodReusability
customerId := "customerId_example" // [OPTIONAL] | string
referenceId := "referenceId_example" // [OPTIONAL] | string
afterId := "afterId_example" // [OPTIONAL] | string
beforeId := "beforeId_example" // [OPTIONAL] | string
limit := int32(56) // [OPTIONAL] | int32
xenditClient := xendit.NewClient("API-KEY")
resp, r, err := xenditClient.PaymentMethodApi.GetAllPaymentMethods(context.Background()).
Limit(limit). // [OPTIONAL]
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `PaymentMethodApi.GetAllPaymentMethods``: %v\n", err.Error())
b, _ := json.Marshal(err.FullError())
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full Error Struct: %v\n", string(b))
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
// response from `GetAllPaymentMethods`: PaymentMethodList
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `PaymentMethodApi.GetAllPaymentMethods`: %v\n", resp)
Expires a payment method
Name | Value |
Function Name | ExpirePaymentMethod |
Path Parameters | ExpirePaymentMethodPathParams |
Request Parameters | ExpirePaymentMethodRequestParams |
Return Type | PaymentMethod |
Name | Type | Description | Required | Default |
ctx | context.Context | context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. | ☑️ | |
paymentMethodId | string | ☑️ |
Parameters that are passed through a pointer to a apiExpirePaymentMethodRequest struct via the builder pattern
Name | Type | Required | Default |
| | forUserId |string| | | | paymentMethodExpireParameters |PaymentMethodExpireParameters| | |
package main
import (
xendit ""
payment_method ""
func main() {
paymentMethodId := "pm-1fdaf346-dd2e-4b6c-b938-124c7167a822" // [REQUIRED] | string
forUserId := "5f9a3fbd571a1c4068aa40cf" // [OPTIONAL] | string
paymentMethodExpireParameters := *payment_method.NewPaymentMethodExpireParameters() // [OPTIONAL] | PaymentMethodExpireParameters
xenditClient := xendit.NewClient("API-KEY")
resp, r, err := xenditClient.PaymentMethodApi.ExpirePaymentMethod(context.Background(), paymentMethodId).
PaymentMethodExpireParameters(paymentMethodExpireParameters). // [OPTIONAL]
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `PaymentMethodApi.ExpirePaymentMethod``: %v\n", err.Error())
b, _ := json.Marshal(err.FullError())
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full Error Struct: %v\n", string(b))
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
// response from `ExpirePaymentMethod`: PaymentMethod
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `PaymentMethodApi.ExpirePaymentMethod`: %v\n", resp)
Validate a payment method's linking OTP
Name | Value |
Function Name | AuthPaymentMethod |
Path Parameters | AuthPaymentMethodPathParams |
Request Parameters | AuthPaymentMethodRequestParams |
Return Type | PaymentMethod |
Name | Type | Description | Required | Default |
ctx | context.Context | context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. | ☑️ | |
paymentMethodId | string | ☑️ |
Parameters that are passed through a pointer to a apiAuthPaymentMethodRequest struct via the builder pattern
Name | Type | Required | Default |
| | forUserId |string| | | | paymentMethodAuthParameters |PaymentMethodAuthParameters| | |
package main
import (
xendit ""
payment_method ""
func main() {
paymentMethodId := "pm-1fdaf346-dd2e-4b6c-b938-124c7167a822" // [REQUIRED] | string
forUserId := "5f9a3fbd571a1c4068aa40cf" // [OPTIONAL] | string
paymentMethodAuthParameters := *payment_method.NewPaymentMethodAuthParameters("AuthCode_example") // [OPTIONAL] | PaymentMethodAuthParameters
xenditClient := xendit.NewClient("API-KEY")
resp, r, err := xenditClient.PaymentMethodApi.AuthPaymentMethod(context.Background(), paymentMethodId).
PaymentMethodAuthParameters(paymentMethodAuthParameters). // [OPTIONAL]
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `PaymentMethodApi.AuthPaymentMethod``: %v\n", err.Error())
b, _ := json.Marshal(err.FullError())
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full Error Struct: %v\n", string(b))
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
// response from `AuthPaymentMethod`: PaymentMethod
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `PaymentMethodApi.AuthPaymentMethod`: %v\n", resp)
Makes payment with matching PaymentMethodID.
Name | Value |
Function Name | SimulatePayment |
Path Parameters | SimulatePaymentPathParams |
Request Parameters | SimulatePaymentRequestParams |
Return Type | (empty response body) |
Name | Type | Description | Required | Default |
ctx | context.Context | context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. | ☑️ | |
paymentMethodId | string | ☑️ |
Parameters that are passed through a pointer to a apiSimulatePaymentRequest struct via the builder pattern
Name | Type | Required | Default |
| | simulatePaymentRequest |SimulatePaymentRequest| | |
package main
import (
xendit ""
payment_method ""
func main() {
paymentMethodId := "pm-1fdaf346-dd2e-4b6c-b938-124c7167a822" // [REQUIRED] | string
simulatePaymentRequest := *payment_method.NewSimulatePaymentRequest() // [OPTIONAL] | SimulatePaymentRequest
xenditClient := xendit.NewClient("API-KEY")
r, err := xenditClient.PaymentMethodApi.SimulatePayment(context.Background(), paymentMethodId).
SimulatePaymentRequest(simulatePaymentRequest). // [OPTIONAL]
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `PaymentMethodApi.SimulatePayment``: %v\n", err.Error())
b, _ := json.Marshal(err.FullError())
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full Error Struct: %v\n", string(b))
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
Use the following callback objects provided by Xendit to receive callbacks (also known as webhooks) that Xendit sends you on events, such as successful payments. Note that the example is meant to illustrate the contents of the callback object -- you will not need to instantiate these objects in practice
Callback for active or expired E-Wallet or Direct Debit account linking, Virtual Accounts or QR strings
Model Documentation: PaymentMethodCallback
Note that the example is meant to illustrate the contents of the callback object -- you will not need to instantiate these objects in practice
PaymentMethodCallbackJson := `{
"event" : "payment_method.activated",
"data" : {
"id" : "pm-6ff0b6f2-f5de-457f-b08f-bc98fbae485a",
"card" : null,
"type" : "DIRECT_DEBIT",
"status" : "ACTIVE",
"country" : "PH",
"created" : "2022-08-12T13:30:26.579048Z",
"ewallet" : null,
"qr_code" : null,
"updated" : "2022-08-12T13:30:58.908220358Z",
"metadata" : null,
"customer_id" : "e2878b4c-d57e-4a2c-922d-c0313c2800a3",
"description" : null,
"reusability" : "MULTIPLE_USE",
"direct_debit" : {
"type" : "BANK_ACCOUNT",
"debit_card" : null,
"bank_account" : {
"bank_account_hash" : "b4dfa99c9b60c77f2e3962b73c098945",
"masked_bank_account_number" : "XXXXXX1234"
"channel_code" : "BPI",
"channel_properties" : {
"failure_return_url" : "",
"success_return_url" : ""
"failure_code" : null,
"reference_id" : "620b9df4-fe69-4bfd-b9d4-5cba6861db8a",
"virtual_account" : null,
"over_the_counter" : null,
"billing_information" : null,
"direct_bank_transfer" : null
"created" : "2022-08-12T13:30:59.074277334Z",
"business_id" : "5f27a14a9bf05c73dd040bc8"
You may then use the callback object in your webhook or callback handler like so,
package main
import (
xendit ""
payment_method ""
func main() {
// get callback object here
// define jsonData
// unmarshal callback object jsonData
var PaymentMethodCallback payment_method.PaymentMethodCallback
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(PaymentMethodCallbackJson), &PaymentMethodCallback)
if err == nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Callback Object ID: %v\n", PaymentMethodCallback.GetId())
// do things here with the callback