Releases: xendit/kompare
Releases · xendit/kompare
The new version has the following improvements:
- It'sa able to save full output to a file with the -l option.
./kompare <options required> -l somename.txt
- Can evaluate kubernetes network policies.
- Removed a bug about iterating namespaces when you asked only for global kubernetes objects.
- Better readme docs to people to be able to get started more easily, added logo image.
- Better tests and actions for golinter and go test specially for tools and query package.
- Notify via output if there are no difds, so user knows it evaluated, but found no diffs.
- Improved various messages clarity and error messages in general.
- better code styles; e.g. remove caps.
- better tests for queries module.
- fixed hpa comparison bug.
Working release with test partial coverage.
This working release has improvements in
- Output style
- More tests coverage (still not finalised).
- Various bug fixes
- Code style improvements.