Bug: customer creation - field birthDate form control validation not working (red/green border)
Bug: Customer in CustomerList(PDF) still visible after deletion of ticketNumber! - caching?
Impro: Send mail with boxes to put back (list with amount of boxes per type and per shop)
Statistics Module: Show charts / CSV Export
Statistics: Show live data on dashboard
impro 1: Ticket-Monitor layout-error when rendering the preview (order of tickets wrong sometimes)
impro 1: Show additional persons on checkin page (could reduce id-card details afterwards)
impro 5: scanner-phones, 3d modeling table-holders
impro 5: Maybe decouple reporting from closing? Favor auto-closing, how to deal with multiple distributions?
duplicates (customers) showing late? - current duplicate already longer there but only shown now
advanced logging monitor / ticket numbers
ticketmonitor control shows nothing when loaded initially
customer-creation: Advanced postalCode validation (only numbers from 03. and 01. district / Vienna)
Improve creation / enforce search before creating
Add "supervisor" role (can force-fully create customers even when exceeding the income limit)
Fix menu when collapsed - first character of text is shown
- add alleinerzieher flag
- dailyreport
- Mitarbeiter Anzahl an diesem Samstag
- Summe der betreuten Personen in den Notschlafstellen (Wenn es geht eine Addition der beiden Personengruppe unter dem Titel "versorgte Personen")
Christian - Statistik:
Anzahl Personen/Mitarbeiter pro Ausgabe
Anzahl Personen in NOST
Kinder < 3
Summe der Haushalte / Kunden (Hauptbezieher)
Warenmenge gesamt
Km gesamt pro Ausgabe
JA_TOeT_Spenden_Rohdaten - pro Filiale vor allem zum Filtern wo nichts herkommt
Anz. gültige Bezugskarten - Wichtig! Anzahl Personen auch wichtig, Anzahl Kinder
Extra-Mail Vorkomnisse an Christian (KFZ Hinweis)
Fixe Autos zur Auswahl
Goods recording - implement proper mobile view
Goods recording - tests in FoodCollectionRecordingComponent
Edit Route / also contact-person needs to be editable
Edit route - Person-select (Dropdown) incl. Search?
- Auto-create persons without dedicated maintenance
Route only needs a time and no separate order (sorting)
Validation necessary for KM Abfahrt < KM Ankunft
Recording of food: Unit = kg, only for input in boxes but stored in kg
- Shop needs unit-type (kg/box)
Route: Model extra-stops in DB (needs to part of the route, comment is not enough)
All forms - change to updateOn: 'blur'
- add document upload
use semantic versioning ?
provide jar-file releases via github ?
switch to signals
switch to control flow syntax @if, @for, @switch
tech: switch to spring boot layered build: https://www.baeldung.com/docker-layers-spring-boot
Move statistics package into reporting?
Improve module communication by using async events (https://docs.spring.io/spring-modulith/docs/current/reference/html/#events)
- Change all with distribution direct-related apis to /distributions (eg. collections)
- Create a central interceptor/aspect to handel distribution not active state
Please help us on Product Hunt and Designer News. Thanks in advance!
Curious why I decided to create CoreUI? Please read this article: Jack of all trades, master of none. Why Bootstrap Admin Templates suck.
CoreUI is an Open Source Bootstrap Admin Template. But CoreUI is not just another Admin Template. It goes way beyond hitherto admin templates thanks to transparent code and file structure. And if that's not enough, let’s just add that CoreUI consists bunch of unique features and over 1000 high quality icons.
CoreUI is based on Bootstrap 4 and offers 6 versions: HTML5 AJAX, HTML5, Angular 2+, React.js, Vue.js & .NET Core 2.
CoreUI is meant to be the UX game changer. Pure & transparent code is devoid of redundant components, so the app is light enough to offer ultimate user experience. This means mobile devices also, where the navigation is just as easy and intuitive as on a desktop or laptop. The CoreUI Layout API lets you customize your project for almost any device – be it Mobile, Web or WebApp – CoreUI covers them all!
- CoreUI Free Angular 2+ Admin Template
CoreUI is built on top of Bootstrap 4 and supports popular frameworks.
- CoreUI Free Bootstrap Admin Template
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- CoreUI Free Angular 2+ Admin Template
- CoreUI Free React.js Admin Template
- CoreUI Free Vue.js Admin Template
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Before you begin, make sure your development environment includes Node.js®
and an npm
package manager.
Angular 11 requires Node.js
version 10.13 or later.
- To check your version, run
node -v
in a terminal/console window. - To get
, go to nodejs.org.
Install the Angular CLI globally using a terminal/console window.
npm install -g @angular/cli
Angular 11 requires Node.js
version 10.13 or newer
Update guide - see: https://update.angular.io
# clone the repo
$ git clone https://github.com/coreui/coreui-free-angular-admin-template.git my-project
# go into app's directory
$ cd my-project
# install app's dependencies
$ npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:4200.
$ ng serve
# build for production with minification
$ ng build
Within the download you'll find the following directories and files, logically grouping common assets and providing both compiled and minified variations. You'll see something like this:
├── e2e/
├── src/
│ ├── app/
│ ├── assets/
│ ├── environments/
│ ├── scss/
│ ├── index.html
│ └── ...
├── .angular-cli.json
├── ...
├── package.json
└── ...
The documentation for the CoreUI Free Angularp Admin Template is hosted at our website CoreUI
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For transparency into our release cycle and in striving to maintain backward compatibility, CoreUI Free Admin Template is maintained under the Semantic Versioning guidelines.
See the Releases section of our project for changelogs for each release version.
Łukasz Holeczek
Andrzej Kopański
Get updates on CoreUI's development and chat with the project maintainers and community members.
- Follow @core_ui on Twitter.
- Read and subscribe to CoreUI Blog.
Some of projects created by community but not maintained by CoreUI team.
copyright 2017-2021 creativeLabs Łukasz Holeczek. Code released under the MIT license. There is only one limitation you can't re-distribute the CoreUI as stock. You can’t do this if you modify the CoreUI. In past we faced some problems with persons who tried to sell CoreUI based templates.
CoreUI is an MIT licensed open source project and completely free to use. However, the amount of effort needed to maintain and develop new features for the project is not sustainable without proper financial backing. You can support development by donating on PayPal, buying CoreUI Pro Version or buying one of our premium admin templates.
As of now I am exploring the possibility of working on CoreUI full-time - if you are a business that is building core products using CoreUI, I am also open to conversations regarding custom sponsorship / consulting arrangements. Get in touch on Twitter.