🚨 Deprecation Notice: 🚨 As of December 2017 this project has been deprecated and will no longer be updated. The code is here for historical purposes only.
We encourage you to try Aztec, our new, open-source fully native HTML editor.
If you find Aztec is missing some functionality you were relying on from this editor, please file an issue in the Aztec repo.
The WordPress-Editor-iOS is the text editor used in the WordPress iOS app to create and edit pages & posts. In short it's a simple, straightforward way to visually edit HTML.
You can install the editor in your app via CocoaPods:
platform :ios, '10.0'
pod 'WordPress-iOS-Editor'
Or, you can just try out the demo by using the CocoaPods try command:
pod try WordPress-iOS-Editor
WordPress-iOS-Editor requires iOS 10.0 or higher. It depends on the following Apple frameworks:
- Foundation.framework
- UIKit.framework
- CoreGraphics.framework
- CoreText.framework
and the following CocoaPods:
See the podspec for more details.
There are three things that you need to do in order to use the WordPress-iOS-Editor in your app.
Create a ViewController that extends
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h> #import <WordPress-iOS-Editor/WPEditorViewController.h> @interface WPViewController : WPEditorViewController <WPEditorViewControllerDelegate> @end
Implement any of the optional
methods in your view controller. -
properties can be used to set and get the title and body of the text document.
For more details, you can review the EditorDemo project included in this repo.
Blog: http://make.wordpress.org/mobile
Handbook: http://make.wordpress.org/mobile/handbook
GitHub: https://github.com/wordpress-mobile/WordPress-iOS-Editor
The following projects were used in the WordPress-iOS-Editor codebase:
Component | Description | License |
ZSSRichTextEditor | ZSSRichTextEditor is a rich text WYSIWYG Editor for iOS and was the basis for this project. | MIT |
CYRTextView | CYRTextView is a UITextView subclass that implements a variety of features that are relevant to a syntax or code text view. | MIT |
HRColorPicker | Simple color picker for iPhone | BSD |
jQuery | jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. | MIT |
JS Beautifier | Makes ugly Javascript pretty | MIT |
WordPress-iOS-Editor is available under the GPL license. See the LICENSE file for more info.