woording-api is a RESTful API that is being used in all other woording projects such as woording-web, woording-ios and woording-android.
First, install docker
, after that do this
first, run woording-db
, then
docker build -t woording-api .
docker run --name woordapi -P -v "$PWD":/source-files --link woorddb:woording-db -d woording-api
Now run docker ps
and look for the correct container, and use the mapped port to access the api
All user data gets stored in a SQL database, and database.py let's you use that database with Python functions, api.py uses Flask with a REST plug in and calls those functions.
For full explaination of all different requests, please check the wiki.
You will first need to get a token from the server, to do this, send a POST to request to https://api.woording.com/authenticate
This post request should have Content-Type: application/json
in the header and also contain the username and password in json format as data, like this:
"username" : "cor",
"password" : "Hunter2"
This will send you a new JSON object containing the token:
"token" : "jkdlf;adsfkjl;adsjkfk;lasdfjkdfjk3849347"
To retrieve data from the API, use POST requests with the token json object (see above)
Then, use the super simple url schema
https://api.woording.com/cor # loads user cor
https://api.woording.com/cor/engelse_woorden # loads the cor/engelse_woorden list
This is done just by using the standard http status codes wich are defined here. I will short descripe some examples of when you get what error below.
You get this error when your request is not in JSON format and/or you did not fill in all needed fields. E.g. sending an authorization request without sending an password.
When you send an expired token or a wrong token get this error. NOTE: When you send no token you get a bad request (400) error.