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The "Pool Monitor Card" is a home assistant plugin that display information of 1 to 20 pre-defined sensors of your swimming pool : temperature, pH, ORP levels and TDS but also if you need them : salinity, CYA, calcium, phosphate, alkalinity, filter pressure , free chlorine, total chlorine

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Pool Monitor Card

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all Click here to see various configurations and visual tests for Pool Monitor V2

⚠️ BREAKING CHANGE: Version 2.0 ⚠️

🚀 Version 2.0 is here! This release is a complete overhaul, bringing exciting new features, a more intuitive user experience, and a more maintainable structure.

Major Changes:

  • Improved User Experience:
    • Added support for multiple entities per sensor type (#25, #43)
    • Organized sensor display for a more intuitive layout (#11)
    • Introduced a new display mode with gradient bars and flexible layout options (#48)
    • ⚠️ Updated configuration structure: sensors object for defining sensor parameters and display object for customizing the layout.
      🔴 You will need to migrate your YAML configuration from version 1 to version 2.

📖 Migration Guide To help you transition your configuration from v1 to v2, follow these steps:

  1. Replace old sensor definitions with the new sensors object.
  2. Update display settings using the new display object.
  3. Refer to the updated documentation for detailed YAML examples.

👉 View the Full Migration Guide


The "Pool Monitor Card" is a Home Assistant plugin that displays information from 20 predefined sensors for your pool, allowing you to easily monitor these important aspects of your swimming pool and make any necessary adjustments to ensure that the water is safe and comfortable for swimming.

Icons Category Parameters
Temperature pH ORP TDS EC Essential Parameters temperature, pH, ORP, TDS and EC
Salinity Cyanuric acid Calcium Phosphate Alkalinity Chemical Balance salinity, cyanuric acid, calcium, phosphate and alkalinity
Free chlorine Total chlorine Filter pressure Specific gravity Magnesium Treatment free/total chlorine, filter pressure, specific gravity and magnesium
Water level Flow rate UV radiation Product volume Product weight Maintenance water level, flow rate, UV radiation and product management

For detailed information about all available sensors and their ideal ranges, please see our Sensors Documentation.


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Table of Contents


Install Pool Monitor Card via HACS

  1. Open HACS: Go to the Frontend tab.
  2. Search: Look for Pool Monitor Card.
  3. Install: Select the card and click Install.
  4. Refresh: Reload Home Assistant with Ctrl + F5 or Shift + ⌘ + R.
  5. Add: Edit your Lovelace dashboard and add Pool Monitor Card.

or click on:

Open your Home Assistant instance and open a repository inside the Home Assistant Community Store.


Click to expand installation instructions
  1. Download the pool_monitor_card.js file from the latest release available and save it in your configuration/www folder.
  2. Go to Configuration > Lovelace dashboard > Resources in Home Assistant and click on Add resource.
    1. Add /local/community/pool-monitor-card/pool_monitor_card.js to the URL.
    2. Choose Javascript Module as Resource type.

Lovelace Set up

Using UI

Not yet possible.

Using YAML

  1. You just need to add a new empty card with type: 'custom:pool-monitor-card' to your cards list and any of the config that you will find below if you want to customize more your card.

Example of code

type: 'custom:pool-monitor-card'
    - entity: sensor.your_temperature_sensor
    - entity: sensor.your_ph_sensor


Name Type Requirement Description Default
type string Required custom:pool-monitor-card
title string Optional Pool Monitor Card Title none
display object Optional UI display settings. See Display Options for details. {}
colors object Optional Color settings for the card. See Color Options for details. {}
sensors object Required Configuration for various pool sensors. See Sensors Options for details. {}
type: 'custom:pool-monitor-card'
  language: 'fr'
  normal_color: '#00b894'
    - entity: sensor.pool_temperature

Display Options

You can go further with the card by modifying the user interface (UI).

Name Type Requirement Description Default
title string Optional Pool Monitor Card Title none
compact boolean Optional Compact Mode false
show_names boolean Optional Display the name of the entity true
show_labels boolean Optional Display the state qualification (Low, Ideal, High) true
show_last_updated boolean Optional Display the last updated sensor relative date [Only for compact = false] false
show_icons boolean Optional Display the icons of the entities true
show_units boolean Optional Display the units of the entities true
gradient boolean Optional Display the gradient bar true
language string Optional Interface language (12 languages supported) - (GB en, FR fr, ES es, DE de, IT it, NL nl, PT pt, BR pt-br, RO ro, SK sk, IL he, RU ru) en
  compact: false
  show_names: true
  show_labels: true
  show_last_updated: false
  show_icons: true
  show_units: true
  gradient: true
  language: 'en'

Color Options

Name Type Requirement Description Default
normal_color String Optional Color for normal range values #00b894
low_color String Optional Color for low range values #fdcb6e
warn_color String Optional Color for warning range values #e17055
cool_color String Optional Color for cool range values #00BFFF
marker_color String Optional Color for min/max markers #000000
hi_low_color String Optional Color for high/low range values #00000099
  normal_color: '#00b894'
  low_color: '#fdcb6e'
  warn_color: '#e17055'
  cool_color: '#00BFFF'
  marker_color: '#000000'
  hi_low_color: '#00000099'

Sensors Options

Here’s a list of sensors you can monitor, depending on your pool's specific needs. Keeping these values within the recommended ranges is essential for maintaining a healthy and swimmable pool.

You can find their default values in the documentation.

Note: The order of sensors within the sensors object determines their display order on the card. Simply arrange the sensors in your desired sequence for a personalized visualization.

The name parameter is automatically translated if the display.language parameter is configured and the language is available.

⚠️ Important:
While all sensors are optional, you must define at least one entity for the card to function correctly.

Sensor ID Requirement Description Name Unit Setpoint Step Min Limit
temperature Optional* The entity that measures the water temperature. Temperature °C 27 1 -
ph Optional* The entity that measures the acidity or basicity of the water. pH pH 7.2 0.2 0
orp Optional* The entity that measures the Oxidation Reduction Potential of the water. ORP mV 700 50 0
ec Optional* The entity that measures the electrical conductivity of the water. EC μS/cm 1500 100 0
tds Optional* The entity that measures the Total Dissolved Solids in the water. TDS g/L 5 0.5 0
salinity Optional* The entity that measures the salt level in the water (for saltwater pools). Salinity ppm 3000 500 0
cya Optional* The entity that measures the Cyanuric Acid level in the water. Cyanuric Acid ppm 40 10 0
calcium Optional* The entity that measures the Calcium Hardness level in the water. Calcium ppm 300 100 0
phosphate Optional* The entity that measures the Phosphate level in the water. Phosphate ppb 50 10 0
alkalinity Optional* The entity that measures the alkalinity of the water. Alkalinity ppm 100 20 0
free_chlorine Optional* The entity that measures the concentration of free chlorine in the water. Free Chlorine ppm 3 0.5 0
total_chlorine Optional* The entity that measures the concentration of both free chlorine and combined chlorine in the water. Total Chlorine ppm 3 0.5 0
pressure Optional* The entity that measures the filter pressure in the pool. Filter Pressure psi 12 2 0
specific_gravity Optional* The entity that measures the specific gravity of the water. Specific Gravity sg 1.1 0.2 0
magnesium Optional* The entity that measures the magnesium level in the water. Magnesium ppm 1200 100 0
water_level Optional* The entity that measures the water level in your pool. Water Level % 100 10 0
flow_rate Optional* The entity that measures the flow rate through your pool's filtration system. Flow Rate m³/h 10 1 0
uv_radiation Optional* The entity that measures the UV light output in your pool's sanitization system. UV Radiation mW/cm² 4 1 0
product_volume Optional* The entity that tracks the volume of liquid chemical products in storage. Product Volume L 20 5 0
product_weight Optional* The entity that monitors the weight of powdered chemical products in storage. Product Weight kg 25 5 0
    - entity: sensor.pool_temperature
    - entity: sensor.pool_ph
    - entity: sensor.pool_orp

Needed to change the name, unit, setpoint, and steps ? No problem, see additionnal parameters below for each measured entity.

For each sensor

Name Type Requirement Description5263
entity String Required Sensor Entity
name String Optional Sensor Name
unit String Optional Sensor Unit (°C or °F)
setpoint Number Optional Sensor Set Point
step Number Optional Sensor Step
min String Optional Entity ID for daily minimum Sensor
max String Optional Entity ID for daily maximum Sensor
icon Object Optional Configure the icon for Sensor. Use mdi for an MDI icon, or hide to hide the icon.
image_url Object Optional Configure the image URL for Sensor.
mode String Optional Sensor Display Mode : bidirectional (default for all) or heatflow (default for temperature)
min_limit Number Optional Minimum acceptable value for the sensor
    - entity: sensor.pool_water_temp
      name: 'Water Temperature'
      unit: '°C'
      setpoint: 28
      step: 0.5
      min: sensor.pool_water_temp_daily_min
      max: sensor.pool_water_temp_daily_max
      icon: mdi:thermometer-water
      mode: heatflow
    - entity: sensor.pool_ph
      name: 'pH Level'
      unit: 'pH'
      setpoint: 7.4
      step: 0.1
      min: sensor.pool_ph_daily_min
      max: sensor.pool_ph_daily_max
      image_url: ''
      mode: bidirectional
    - entity: sensor.pool_orp
      name: 'ORP Level'
      unit: 'mV'
      setpoint: 750
      step: 10
      min: sensor.pool_orp_daily_min
      max: sensor.pool_orp_daily_max
      icon: 'hide'

Multiple Entities per Sensor

You can have multiple entities for each sensor type. For example, for temperature, you might want to measure both the water temperature and the surface temperature. Here's how you can configure this:

Example configuration:

    - entity: sensor.pool_water_temp
      name: 'Water Temperature'
    - entity: sensor.pool_surface_temp
      name: 'Surface Temperature'
      setpoint: 25

This approach can be applied to any sensor type, allowing for multiple measurements of the same parameter.

Daily Min / Max Tickers

Min/max entities defined in the YAML configuration will be displayed as tick marks on the bar chart, as shown in the example below:

type: 'custom:pool-monitor-card'
    - entity: sensor.pool_ph
      min: sensor.daily_ph_min
      max: sensor.daily_ph_max

They will display as tick marks on the bar chart.


For the sensors I use the statistics platform in your template.yaml or configuration.yaml:

  - platform: statistics
    name: 'Daily pH Min'
    unique_id: <UUID>
    entity_id: sensor.pool_ph
    state_characteristic: value_min
      hours: 24
  - platform: statistics
    name: 'Daily pH Max'
    unique_id: <UUID>
    entity_id: sensor.pool_ph
    state_characteristic: value_max
      hours: 24


Here is a non-exhaustive, non-tested and non-affiliated list of different materials that may capture some of the above values:

Brand Model Temp pH ORP TDS HA Support
Bluerriot Blue Connect ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Blog
Bluerriot Blue Connect Plus Gold ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Blog
Flipr AnalysR ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Component
Inkbird IBS-P01R Bluetooth ✔️ Component
iopool ECO ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Tuto fr @mguyard
Ondilo ICO Pool ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Component
Zodiac iAqualink eXO iQ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Tuto via nodeRED
Tuya BLE-YL01 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Tuto

NOTE: ✔️ indicates that the model is able to measure the specified parameter, while ❌ indicates it is not. The last column is about info to connect it to Home Assistant.

Click me to see more hardware


This card wouldn't be what it is today without our amazing contributors! I'm incredibly grateful for everyone who has helped make it better. Whether you've added features, fixed bugs, or helped with translations - you rock! 🌟

A Big Thank You To:

  • Gregtakacs for adding those awesome Min/Max Tickers and letting users customize their bar colors
  • Djgel for implementing specific gravity measurements
  • JDeighty4 for adding magnesium sensor support

And a huge thank you to our translators for making this map available in so many languages! 🌐

Special thanks to those who helped expand hardware support and compatibility:

  • hlaffez for Tuya BLE-YL01 compatibility
  • DAVIZINH0 for bluerriot compatibility information

Quality Assurance

Coverage Status


Here's what's coming up for Pool Monitor Card! We're constantly working to improve and add new features.

Done in v2

Pool Monitor Card has already seen significant advancements! Here are some of the key features and improvements implemented:

  • 🔄 Complete rewrite to improve maintainability and add new features
  • 🏗️ Implementing a more modular architecture
  • ✅ Adding comprehensive testing

Minor Evolutions (No Breaking Changes)

These updates won't require any changes to your existing configuration:

  • 🎨 Additional customization options for the UI
  • 🌐 More language translations
  • 🔧 Additional hardware support
  • 🐛 Ongoing bug fixes and performance improvements
  • 📝 Improving documentation

Major Evolutions (Breaking Changes)

These updates may require configuration changes when implemented:

  • 📊 Graphical card configuration
    • Implementing support for visual configuration in the Lovelace UI editor
    • Adding a configuration panel for easy customization without YAML
    • Including tooltips and help text for each configuration option
  • 🖼️ Automated visual testing
    • Implementing snapshot testing for UI components
    • Setting up visual regression tests to catch unintended UI changes
    • Integrating visual tests into the CI/CD pipeline for automated checks
  • 🔍 Moving to TypeScript for better code quality

Note: This roadmap is subject to change based on community feedback and needs. Feel free to contribute ideas by opening issues on GitHub!


The "Pool Monitor Card" is a home assistant plugin that display information of 1 to 20 pre-defined sensors of your swimming pool : temperature, pH, ORP levels and TDS but also if you need them : salinity, CYA, calcium, phosphate, alkalinity, filter pressure , free chlorine, total chlorine







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