eBPF based IPFIX exporter. This software is an IPFIX flow-exporter for routing with Linux kernel. It records flow stats forwarded by the kernel using tc-ebpf, without AF_PACKET or conntrack. Some flow-exporter using AF_PACKET has performance issues due to frequent user/kernel communication, and Some one using conntrack does not work properly in a multipath environment. This software is an flow-exporter that does not have such issues and supports multipath environment with less performance issues.
- ebpflow: in-kernel flow-stats collector with ebpf
- flowctl: user-space cli utility includes:
- daemonized agent for IPFIX flow-exporter
- dump the in-kernel flow-stats from the user-space
- IPFIX dummy data transmitter for test
- dependencies (tested)
- linux kernel 5.x+
- iproute2 5.18+
Requirements: you can verifiy compatibity with dependency-check
clang --version
: 10.0.0uname -r
: 5.15.0-1008-gcpip -V
: ip utility, iproute2-5.18.0, libbpf 0.8.0- iproute2 is needed to attach ebpf program into the kernel.
$ sudo flowctl dependency-check
clang version (expect v10.0.0): v12.0.1 (VALID)
kernel version (expect v5.4.0): v5.15.0 (VALID)
iproute2 binary version (expect v5.4.0): v5.18.0 (VALID)
iproute2 libbpf version (expect v0.8.0): v0.8.0 (VALID)
- address:
- id: 1024
- FlowEndMilliseconds
- FlowStartMilliseconds
- OctetDeltaCount
- PacketDeltaCount
- IpVersion
- FlowDirection
- SourceIPv4Address
- DestinationIPv4Address
git clone <this-repo>
cd <this-repo>
sudo ./misc/create_netns.sh
sudo flowctl meter attach --netns ns0 -n eth1
sudo flowctl meter attach --netns ns0 -n eth2
sudo flowctl meter attach --netns ns0 -n eth3
docker run --rm --name tmp -it --privileged --net=host -v /usr/include/asm:/usr/include/asm -v /var/run/netns:/var/run/netns ghcr.io/wide-vsix/linux-flow-exporter:branch-master bash
flowctl meter status
## How to check current flow cache
$ sudo flowctl dump
98 6 1707 186818
98 6 1710 187560
98 6 9 486
$ sudo flowctl flush -i 98 -p 6 -s -S 37869 -d -D 80 # one cache
$ sudo flowctl flush --all # all caches
This software works ONLY for tcp.
docker run --rm -td --name tmp1 nicolaka/netshoot bash
- conntrack doesn't support async traffic
- libpcap based approach consume extreamly big computing cost
- Let's read RFC regarding IPFIX (ja) by Asama-san
- SKB Definition
- Connection Tracking (conntrack): Design and Implementation Inside Linux Kernel
- Packet mark in a Cloud Native world, LPC
- VMware NSX IPFIX for Distributed Firewall
- VMware NSX IPFIX for Logical Switch
- Comparison and Practice of packet processing implementations and acceleration methods (ja), Ebiken-san, Higebu-san, JANOG45
- IN-kernel metadata propagation technique from XDP buffer to SKB
- Private Discussion for metadata practice in eBPF
- One of the Reference design for traffic control mech using eBPF(both xdp and tc), ENOG63 by Higebu-san
- An open, unofficial registry of linux packet mark bits (aka fwmark, connmark, netfilter, iptables, nftables)
- BPF Features by Linux Kernel Version
src, string
dst, string
proto, string
consideration to support
matched acl rule number
reference: IANA registration
{"FlowEndMilliseconds", netflow.IPFIX_FIELD_flowEndMilliseconds, 8},
{"FlowStartMilliseconds", netflow.IPFIX_FIELD_flowStartMilliseconds, 8},
{"FlowEndNanoseconds", netflow.IPFIX_FIELD_flowEndNanoseconds, 8},
{"FlowStartNanoseconds", netflow.IPFIX_FIELD_flowStartNanoseconds, 8},
{"OctetDeltaCount", netflow.IPFIX_FIELD_octetDeltaCount, 8},
{"PacketDeltaCount", netflow.IPFIX_FIELD_packetDeltaCount, 8},
{"IpVersion", netflow.IPFIX_FIELD_ipVersion, 1},
{"IngressInterface", netflow.IPFIX_FIELD_ingressInterface, 4},
{"EgressInterface", netflow.IPFIX_FIELD_egressInterface, 4},
{"SourceIPv4Address", netflow.IPFIX_FIELD_sourceIPv4Address, 4},
{"DestinationIPv4Address", netflow.IPFIX_FIELD_destinationIPv4Address, 4},
{"ProtocolIdentifier", netflow.IPFIX_FIELD_protocolIdentifier, 1},
{"SourceTransportPort", netflow.IPFIX_FIELD_sourceTransportPort, 2},
{"DestinationTransportPort", netflow.IPFIX_FIELD_destinationTransportPort, 2},
under the development
{"forwardingStatus", 89, 1}
follow will be supported, in mid term
{"flowDirection", netflow.IPFIX_FIELD_flowDirection, 1},
{"tcpControlBits", netflow.IPFIX_FIELD_tcpControlBits, 1},
{"icmpTypeCodeIPv4", netflow.IPFIX_FIELD_icmpTypeCodeIPv4, 2},
follow will be supported, in long term
{"ipClassOfService", netflow.IPFIX_FIELD_ipClassOfService, 1},
{"sourceIPv4PrefixLength", netflow.IPFIX_FIELD_sourceIPv4PrefixLength, 1},
{"destinationIPv4PrefixLength", netflow.IPFIX_FIELD_destinationIPv4PrefixLength, 1},
{"ipNextHopIPv4Address", netflow.IPFIX_FIELD_ipNextHopIPv4Address, 4},
{"bgpSourceAsNumber", netflow.IPFIX_FIELD_bgpSourceAsNumber, 4},
{"bgpDestinationAsNumber", netflow.IPFIX_FIELD_bgpDestinationAsNumber, 4},
{"bgpNextHopIPv4Address", netflow.IPFIX_FIELD_bgpNextHopIPv4Address, 4},
{"minimumTTL", netflow.IPFIX_FIELD_minimumTTL, 1},
{"maximumTTL", netflow.IPFIX_FIELD_maximumTTL, 1},
{"fragmentIdentification", netflow.IPFIX_FIELD_fragmentIdentification, 4},
{"vlanId", netflow.IPFIX_FIELD_vlanId, 2},
{"flowEndReason", netflow.IPFIX_FIELD_flowEndReason, 1},
{"dot1qVlanId", netflow.IPFIX_FIELD_dot1qVlanId, 2},
{"dot1qCustomerVlanId", netflow.IPFIX_FIELD_dot1qCustomerVlanId, 2},
Enterprise No: 28972 (Keio University, iana registry). It may be updated by LINE Corporation
You can use
automated build container images or
automated build elf-binary.
Both are automatically created by updating main-branch and creating release.
Please note that flowctl depends on clang, iproute2 and linux kernel.
You can use flowctl dependency-check
to check for dependency problems.
for container (latest version)
docker run -it --rm --privileged --net=host \
-v /usr/include/asm:/usr/include/asm \
-v /var/run/netns:/var/run/netns \
ghcr.io/wide-vsix/linux-flow-exporter:branch-main bash
flowctl version
for container (specified version)
docker run -it --rm --privileged --net=host \
-v /usr/include/asm:/usr/include/asm \
-v /var/run/netns:/var/run/netns \
ghcr.io/wide-vsix/linux-flow-exporter:v0.0.5 bash
flowctl version
for binary (latest version)
curl -Lo /usr/local/bin/flowctl https://github.com/wide-vsix/linux-flow-exporter/releases/download/branch-main/flowctl.linux-amd64
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/flowctl
flowctl version
for binary (specified version)
curl -Lo /usr/local/bin/flowctl https://github.com/wide-vsix/linux-flow-exporter/releases/download/v0.0.5/flowctl.linux-amd64
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/flowctl
flowctl version
The user space components are licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. The BPF code templates are dual-licensed under the General Public License, Version 2.0 (only) and the 2-Clause BSD License (you can use the terms of either license, at your option).