- First run
npm install
- Then on two terminal windows, run
npm run hotloader
andnpm start
- Colorful themes!
- Custom widgets!
- Monthly and yearly view of widget data
- Collections/unique spreads
- Daily journal with standard bullet journal tags and text editing
- Profile pictures because your first letter is special
The code for the Notebook and Collections editors are based off the official DraftJS examples of rich text and color text editors (https://github.com/facebook/draft-js/tree/master/examples/draft-0-10-0/rich and https://github.com/facebook/draft-js/tree/master/examples/draft-0-10-0/color, respectively). The Notebook editor also borrows a key binding map function from https://draftjs.org/docs/advanced-topics-key-bindings/#defaults.
The code for the dropdown menu in the editor toolbar is based off of this tutorial: https://levelup.gitconnected.com/do-you-even-draft-pumping-up-font-sizes-in-draft-js-9582c421bc55.