The goal of this project was to create a Machine Learning based AI for Tic Tac Toe game.
- lib - game emulation libs
- ai - different AI implementations (random, Minimax, NeuralNetwork)
- ai-utils - utilities for neural network AI training
- ai-models - pretrained neural network for NN AI
- data - data gathered for NN AI training
- stats - utils to produce statistics about different AI combinations
- test - mocha tests for libs and AIs
- manual-tests - some aux tests used durng developement
You can easily check out pretrained NN AI using utils in stats folder this way:
node stats/stats-rand-rand.js
node stats/stats-mm-mm.js
node stats/stats-mm-rand.js
node stats/stats-nn-nn.js
node stats/stats-rand-mm.js
node stats/stats-rand-rand.js
node stats/stats-mm-nn.js
node stats/stats-nn-mm.js
node stats/stats-nn-rand.js
node stats/stats-rand-nn.js
As you can see Random AI is lame but fast, Minimax AI is good but very slow and NN AI is quite good and quite fast.
It is quite simple:
- clean up data and ai-models folders
- generate data for learning:
node ai-utils/collect-minimax-debug-csv.js
- prepare data:
- create and train NN (here you can adjust training parameters):
node ai-utils/create-and-train-nn-brain-js.js
- test NN:
node ai-utils/test-ai-nn-brain-js.js
- NodeJS (
- brain.js (
- async (
- mocha (
I used TensorFlow ( to figure out the shape of required NN - it is really fast!
The project was designed with idea to allow a human player to play with AI.