SCLAlertView-Swift Public
Beautiful animated Alert View. Written in Swift
tokens-info Public
Forked from bnb-chain/tokens-infoCentralized repo for BEP2 token meta information (logo, website, social network, etc)
blockbook-bsc Public
Forked from bnb-chain/blockbook-bsc📘 Trezor address/account balance backend
MyCrypto Public
Forked from MyCryptoHQ/MyCryptoMyCrypto is an open-source, client-side tool for generating ether wallets, handling ERC-20 tokens, and interacting with the blockchain more easily.
assets Public
Forked from trustwallet/assetsA comprehensive, up-to-date collection of information about several thousands (!) of crypto tokens.
watchmarket Public
Forked from trustwallet/watchmarketWatchmarket is an aggregation and caching service for blockchain market information
uniswap-sdk Public
Forked from Uniswap/v2-sdk🛠 An SDK for building applications on top of Uniswap.
multicall Public
Forked from makerdao/multicallMulticall: Aggregate multiple constant function call results into one
walletconnect-monorepo Public
Forked from WalletConnect/walletconnect-monorepoWalletConnect Monorepo
gorush Public
Forked from appleboy/gorushA push notification server written in Go (Golang).
migrations Public
Forked from go-pg/migrationsSQL database migrations for Golang go-pg and PostgreSQL
Network abstraction layer written in Swift.
0x-monorepo Public
Forked from 0xProject/0x-monorepo0x protocol monorepo - includes our smart contracts and many developer tools
TypeScript Other UpdatedJul 26, 2019 -
jekyll-datapage_gen Public
Forked from avillafiorita/jekyll-datapage_genGenerate one page per yaml record in Jekyll sites.
Ruby UpdatedApr 17, 2019 -
electron-simple-updater Public
Forked from megahertz/electron-simple-updaterSimple way to enable update for the electron application
walletconnect-docs Public
Forked from WalletConnect/walletconnect-docsWalletConnect Documentation
EIPs Public
Forked from ethereum/EIPsThe Ethereum Improvement Proposal repository
HTML UpdatedJan 25, 2019 -
awesome-bitcoin Public
Forked from igorbarinov/awesome-bitcoinA curated list of bitcoin services and tools for software developers
2 UpdatedJan 16, 2019 -
slips Public
Forked from satoshilabs/slipsSatoshiLabs Improvement Proposals
Python Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International UpdatedAug 29, 2018 -
opennlp Public
Forked from apache/opennlpMirror of Apache OpenNLP
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 16, 2018 -
ether-sheet-music Public
Forked from chuckfairy/ether-sheet-musicEthereum Smart Contract for Music Creation
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedApr 13, 2018 -
trust-ray Public
Forked from BorisButakov/trust-ray☁️ API for the Trust Wallet
TypeScript GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedApr 11, 2018 -
node-pushnotifications Public
Forked from shackpank/node-pushnotificationsPush notifications for GCM, APNS, MPNS, AMZ (automatic detection from device token)