A powerful development CLI tool designed for local development with AWS Lambda functions. Proxy your lambda function executions directly to your development environment to enable quicker iterations and hot reloading.
- Live Environment: Proxy AWS requests to your local machine, supporting live edits of your Lambda Function, while still interacting with other AWS services.
- Quick Development Cycles: Instead of waiting for a long CloudFormation deploy, debug your lambda with millisecond latency.
Install live-lambda
globally via npm:
npm install -g @vendia/live-lambda
Or, add it to your project as a development dependency:
npm install --save-dev @vendia/live-lambda
After installation, you can use live-lambda in your command line:
live-lambda [options]
-n, --name: The name of the lambda function to proxy.
-p, --path: The path to the local file to proxy to.
--skip-deploy: Skip deployment of the proxy and restart the websocket listener
-v, --version: Display the version number.
-h, --help: Show help and usage information.
live-lambda start --name HelloWorldFunction --path lambda/index.js
This command will:
- Replace the lambda function in AWS with a proxy that forwards requests to AWS IOT
- Starts a websocket listener on your machine with authorization to read from the IOT endpoint
- Invokes the function at the specified path
- Returns the response back through IOT, which returns back to the lambda proxy