This repository contains the latest version of the University of Waterloo's Midnight Sun Solar Rayce Car team's telemetry software for our solar car. This backend is also shared with the driver dashboard display.
The telemetry server is written in Golang, and receives data from the telemetry board mounted in the vehicle. It exposes a WebSocket connection to stream messages as they arrive, and provides a RESTful API for exploring historical data. A SQLite database (optional) is used to store the received data for future use.
The telemetry client is a web frontend that displays data pushed from the server over a WebSocket connection. This is written in TypeScript.
These steps must be followed after setting up telemetry-server.
We use yarn to manage dependencies—it is
compatible with npm
, but is a little faster and allows us to specify a
file. If you get an error regarding a failure to create symbolic links, try running yarn install --no-bin-links
cd shared/telemetry/client
sudo npm install -g yarn
yarn install
We use TypeScript extensively, so you will need to compile the TypeScript files. Install Typescript, then compile the code with our tsconfig.json
npm -g install typescript
cd shared/telemetry/client
For some stylesheets, we use Sass. Install Sass, then compile the Sass stylesheets to CSS.
npm -g install sass
cd shared/telemetry/client/src/css
sass stylesheet.scss stylesheet.css
To start serving the webpage, run the server executable with appropriate options specified. The driver display webpage will be accessible at <IP_ADDRESS>:8080/driver_display.html. (Usually, this IP address is if you are running the telemetry server on the box.)
cd shared/telemetry
./bin/telemetry start -f --schema=can_messages.asciipb
We use Go to write backend code for the telemetry server.
If you are using the Midnight Sun Box, it may be desirable to have the files in the shared
directory, so that you can edit files using an editor on your local machine rather than vi in the Box. There are some outdated dependencies in the Box - until the Box gets updated, you will want to update these dependencies by running the following commands:
rm -rf /usr/local/go
tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.12.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz
rm -f go*.tar.gz
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
Then, get and compile the code! Please note that since we're using go modules for dependency management, the telemetry repository should not be located under GOPATH.
On Windows, you may run into an error about failing to create symbolic links. Make sure that you are running your terminal application (Cygwin, Git Bash, etc.) with administrator privileges.
cd ~/shared
git clone
cd telemetry
If you're stuck and need help
make help
To build the binary (output in bin/
Release binaries are automatically compiled on each merge into master. Releases are supplied for x86 and arm32 (armeabi-v5) Linux.
To compile on other platforms follow the same install instructions. If you get errors you may need the following flags:
Requires macOS header files and GCC
env GOOS=darwin GOARCH=<386 or arm64> CGO_ENABLED=1 make
Requires Windows GCC toolchain
env GOOS=windows GOARCH=<386 or arm64> CGO_ENABLED=1 make
To build (and run) the tests
make test
You can also run tests with specific arguments
make test ARGS="-v"
Or run the tests for a specific package
make test PKG=telemetry/cmd
To run the tests in verbose mode
make test-verbose
Or with the race-detector enabled
make test-race
To have the test output in XML
make test-xml
If you want coverage results
make test-coverage
All linting is done by golint
make lint
To lint a specific package
make lint PKG=telemetry/package-name
For the driver display system we use a Raspberry Pi computer to run the server. To update it follow these instructions:
cd /home/pi/telemetry
rm -rf .
Download the release
from the
releases page. Unzip the
contents of the zipfile in /home/pi/telemetry
. The PI is configured to
autostart the server and client.
The project is made available under the MIT License.