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Functional PSHA
Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA; Cornell, 1968) is elegant in its relative simplicity. However, in the more than 40-years since its publication, the methodology has come to be applied to increasingly complex and non-standard source and ground motion models. For example, the third Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast (UCERF3) upended the notion of discrete faults as independent sources, and the USGS national seismic hazard model uses temporally clustered sources. Moreover, as the logic trees typically employed in PSHAs to capture epistemic uncertainty grow larger, so too does the demand for a more complete understanding of uncertainty. At the USGS, there are additional requirements to support source model mining, deaggregation, and map-making, often through the use of dynamic web-applications. Implementations of the PSHA methodology commonly iterate over all sources that influence the hazard at a site and sequentially build a single hazard curve. Such a linear PSHA computational pipeline, however, proves difficult to maintain and modify to support the additional complexity of new models, hazard products, and analyses. The functional programming paradigm offers some relief. The functional approach breaks calculations down into their component parts or steps, storing intermediate results as immutable objects, making it easier to: chain actions together; preserve intermediate data or results that may still be relevant (e.g. as in a deaggregation); and leverage the concurrency supported by many modern programming languages.
Briefly, the rate, λ, of exceeding an intensity measure, IM, level may be computed as a summation of the rate of exceeding such a level for all relevant earthquake sources (discretized in magnitude, M, and distance, R). This formulation relies on models of ground motion that give the probability that an intensity measure level of interest will be exceeded conditioned on the occurrence of a particular earthquake. Such models are commonly referred to as:
- Intensity measure relationships
- Attenuation relationships
- Ground motion prediction equations (GMPEs)
- Ground motion models (GMMs)
The parameterization of modern models (e.g. NGA-West2; Bozorgnia et al., 2014) extends to much more than magnitude and distance, including, but not limited to:
- Multiple distance metrics (e.g. rJB, rRup, rX, rY)
- Fault geometry (e.g. dip, width, rupture depth, hypocentral depth)
- Site characteristics (e.g. basin depth terms, site type or Vs30 value)
While this formulation is relatively straightforward and is typically presented with examples for a single site, using a single GMM, and a nominal number of sources, modern PSHAs commonly include:
- Multiple thousands of sources (e.g. the 2014 USGS NSHM in the Central & Eastern US includes all smoothed seismicity sources out to 1000km from a site).
- Different source types, the relative contributions of which are important, and the GMM parameterizations of which may be different.
- Sources (and associated ruptures – source filling or floating) represented by logic trees of magnitude-frequency distributions (MFDs).
- Source MFDs subject to logic trees of uncertainty on Mmax, total rate (for the individual source, or over a region, e.g. as in UCERF3) or other properties of the distribution.
- Logic trees of magnitude scaling relations for each source.
- Source models that do not adhere to the traditional formulation (e.g. cluster models of the NSHM).
- Logic trees of ground motion models.
- Response Spectra, Conditional Mean Spectra – multiple intensity measure types (IMTs; e.g. PGA, PGD, PGV, multiple SAs)
- Deaggregation
- Banded deaggregation (multiple deaggregations at varying IMLs)
- Maps – many thousands of sites
- Uncertainty analyses
- PSHA codes typically compute hazard in a linear fashion, looping over all relevant sources for a site.
- Adding additional GMMs, logic trees, IMT’s, and sites is addressed with more, outer loops:
foreach IMT {
foreach Site {
foreach SourceType {
foreach GMM {
foreach Source {
// do something
- Support for secondary analyses, such as deaggregation is supplied by a separate code or codes and can require repeating many of the steps performed to generate an initial hazard curve.
- Although scaleability can be addressed for secondary products, such as maps, by distributing individual site calculations over multiple processors and threads, it is often difficult to leverage multi-core systems for individual site calculations. This hampers one’s ability to leverage multi-core systems in the face of ever more complex source and ground motion models and their respective logic trees.
- A linear pipeline complicates testing, requiring end to end tests rather than tests of discrete calculations.
- Multiple codes repeating identical tasks invite error and complicate maintenance by multiple individuals.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Functional_programming
- Functional programming languages have been around for some time (e.g. Haskell, Lisp, R), and fundamental aspects of functional programming/design are common in many languages. For example, a cornerstone of the functional paradigm is the anonymous (or lambda) function; in Matlab, one may write [sqr = @(x) x.^2;].
- In Matlab, one may pass function ‘handles’ (references) to other functions as arguments. This is also possible in Javascript, where such handles serve as callbacks. Given the rise in popularity of the functional style, Java 8 recently added constructs in the form of the function and streaming APIs, and libraries exists for other languages.
Break the traditional PSHA formulation down into discrete steps and preserve the data associated with each step:
- [1] Source & Site parameterization
- [2] Ground motion calculation (mean and standard deviation only)
- [3] Exceedance curve calculation (per source)
- [4] Recombine
Whereas the traditional pipeline looks something like this:
The functional pipeline can be processed stepwise:
Need a deagreggation? Revisit and parse the results of steps 1 and 2
Need a response spectra? Spawn more calculations, one for each IMT, at step 2.
- It’s possible to build a single calculation pipeline that will handle a standard hazard curve calculation and all of its extensions without repetition.
- Pipeline performance scales with available hardware.
- No redundant code.
- Can add or remove transforms or data at any point in the pipeline, or build new pipelines without adversely affecting existing code.
- Greater memory requirements.
- Additional (processor) work to manage the flow of calculation steps.
- Baker J.W. (2013). An Introduction to Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA), White Paper, Version 2.0, 79 pp.
- Bozorgnia, Y., et al. (2014) NGA-West2 Research Project, Earthquake Spectra, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 973-987.
- Cornell, C.A., 1968, Engineering seismic risk analysis, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 58, No. 5, pp. 1583-1606.
U.S. Geological Survey – National Seismic Hazard Mapping Project (NSHMP)