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Apply for a trade sanctions licence service


The project requires Python 3.12. Backing services are provided by Docker whilst the web app itself is run as a normal process with Pipenv.

1. Setting up your virtual environment

We use Pipenv to manage our virtual environment, dependencies, and environment variables. You can install it with either of the following commands:

# with homebrew
pip install --user pipenv

# OR with homebrew
brew install pipenv

Once installed, we need to install the requirements for the project:

pipenv install --dev

Now we need to activate the virtual environment:

pipenv shell

Installing direnv (optional)

We use direnv to automatically load in certain environment variables into your shell. You can install it with homebrew:

brew install direnv

After installing direnv, you need to add the following to your shell profile: If using bash:

eval "$(direnv hook bash)"

If using zsh:

eval "$(direnv hook zsh)"

Then you need to allow direnv to load the .env file in the project directory:

direnv allow

2. Installing pre-commit

Install the repos pre commit hooks:

    pre-commit install

Set pre-commit to autoupdate:

pre-commit autoupdate

3. Setup your local environment variables

Copy and paste the env.example file and rename it to .env

cp .env.example .env

4. Run the backing services

Use docker-compose to run the backing services

docker-compose up -d

5. Add the sites to your hosts file

Add the following to your etc/hosts file: apply-for-a-licence view-a-licence

6. Install libmagic

The project uses the python-magic library to determine the file type of uploaded files. This library requires the libmagic library to be installed on your system. You can install it with the following command:

brew install pipenv

7. Apply migrations to the database

Run the following command to apply migrations to the database:

invoke migrate

8. Run the web server

After following the setup, use the following to run the web app

invoke runserver --port-number <port_number>


invoke runserver --port-number 28000

Navigate to either apply-for-a-licence:<port_number> or view-a-licence:<port_number> in your browser to see the application.

Useful commands


Along with the above runserver command, while developing on the project, the following will be handy when making changes to the db model:

invoke makemigrations
invoke migrate


To add a new dependency to the project, use the following command:

pipenv install <package-name>

Updating the list of sanctions regimes

We store the list of Sanction regimes in a private git submodule located in django_app/sanctions_regimes. The first time you clone the repo, you may need to initialise the submodule:

git submodule update --init

If this list has changed, you can update it from the latest version of the submodule by running the following command:

git submodule update --remote --merge

Running the tests

To run unit tests:

invoke unittests

To run the frontend tests (more documentation can be found in the tests/test_frontend/

invoke frontendtests

Accessing the viewer portal

The first time accessing the viewer portal you will automatically be logged in as [email protected] through the mock Staff SSO server. This user will by default not be able to access the viewer portal as is_active is set to False in the DB.

Create a superuser with pipenv run django_app/ createsuperuser and log in to the admin panel (http://view-a-licence:8000/admin) with the superuser credentials.

In order to access the viewer portal, run the django make_admin_user management command (details here) using [email protected] as the email.