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Merge pull request #1139 from changlinli/better-signal
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(Proposal) Applicative, Functor, and Invariant instances for Signal
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mpilquist authored May 30, 2018
2 parents 3abf6be + aaa851f commit b730f96
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Showing 3 changed files with 208 additions and 15 deletions.
115 changes: 114 additions & 1 deletion core/jvm/src/test/scala/fs2/async/SignalSpec.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,9 +2,13 @@ package fs2
package async

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong
import cats.effect.IO

import cats.Eq
import cats.effect.{IO, Sync}
import cats.implicits._
import TestUtil._
import cats.laws.discipline.{ApplicativeTests, FunctorTests}
import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary

class SignalSpec extends Fs2Spec {
"Signal" - {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -53,4 +57,113 @@ class SignalSpec extends Fs2Spec {
runLog(async.holdOption(Stream.range(1, 10).covary[IO]))

* This is unsafe because the Signal created cannot have multiple consumers
* of its discrete stream since the source stream is restarted for each
* consumer.
* This allows for things like checking whether two Signals converge to the
* same value, which is important for [[unsafeSignalEquality]].
* We use this to create finite Signals for testing, namely Signals whose
* discrete streams terminate and whose gets stop changing after their source
* streams terminate. Using the usual noneTerminate trick (in this case you'd
* make the underlying Signal work on Options of values and then
* unNoneTerminate the discrete stream) makes testing Applicatives painful
* because it's hard to capture what the last get of the Signal should've
* been, which we need to ensure that Signals are converging to the same
* value, since the last get just gets overwritten with a None. So we use
* this instead.
private def unsafeHold[F[_]: Sync, A](initial: A,
source: Stream[F, A]): F[immutable.Signal[F, A]] =
refOf[F, A](initial).map { ref =>
new immutable.Signal[F, A] {
override def discrete: Stream[F, A] =
Stream(initial).covary[F] ++ source.observe1(ref.setSync)

override def continuous: Stream[F, A] = Stream.repeatEval(get)

override def get: F[A] = ref.get

* In order to generate a Signal we have to effectfully run a stream so we
* need an unsafeRunSync here.
private implicit def unsafeSignalArbitrary[A: Arbitrary]: Arbitrary[immutable.Signal[IO, A]] = {
val gen = for {
firstElem <- Arbitrary.arbitrary[A]
finiteElems <- Arbitrary.arbitrary[List[A]]
} yield {
val finiteStream = Stream.emits(finiteElems).covary[IO]
unsafeHold(firstElem, finiteStream)

private type SignalIO[A] = immutable.Signal[IO, A]

* We need an instance of Eq for the Discipline laws to work, but actually
* running a Signal is effectful, so we have to resort to unsafely
* performing the effect inside the equality check to have a valid Eq
* instance.
* Moreover, equality of Signals is kind of murky. Since the exact discrete
* stream and gets that you see are non-deterministic even if two observers
* are looking at the same Signal, we need some notion of equality that is
* robust to this non-determinism.
* We say that two Signals are equal if they converge to the same value. And
* two streams converge to the same value if the "last" element of their
* discrete streams match (where "last" means either truly the last element
* if the discrete stream is finite or the last element seen if we pause
* changes to the Signal for a while), calling get after the last element
* of the discrete stream results in a match with the last element, and the
* first (or any) element of the continuous stream called after the "last"
* element of the discrete stream also matches.
* We will be testing with Signals generated by [[unsafeSignalArbitrary]],
* which are always finite Signals, so we can just take the actual last
* element of the discrete stream instead of doing some time-based wait for
* the Signal to settle.
private implicit def unsafeSignalEquality[A: Eq]: Eq[SignalIO[A]] = new Eq[SignalIO[A]] {
override def eqv(x: SignalIO[A], y: SignalIO[A]): Boolean = {
val action = for {
lastDiscreteX <-
lastDiscreteY <-
retrievedX <- x.get
retrievedY <- y.get
aContinuousX <-
aContinuousY <-
} yield {
val lastDiscretesAreSame = Eq[A].eqv(lastDiscreteX, lastDiscreteY)
val lastGetsAreTheSame = Eq[A].eqv(retrievedX, retrievedY)
val continuousAfterGetIsTheSame = Eq[A].eqv(aContinuousX, aContinuousY)
val lastDiscreteAgreesWithGet = Eq[A].eqv(lastDiscreteX, retrievedX)
val continuousAfterGetAgreesWithGet = Eq[A].eqv(aContinuousX, retrievedX)

lastDiscretesAreSame &&
lastGetsAreTheSame &&
continuousAfterGetIsTheSame &&
lastDiscreteAgreesWithGet &&

"immutable.Signal (stand-alone functor instance)",
FunctorTests[SignalIO](immutable.Signal.functorInstance).functor[String, Int, Double]

ApplicativeTests[SignalIO].applicative[String, Int, Double]
89 changes: 79 additions & 10 deletions core/shared/src/main/scala/fs2/async/immutable/Signal.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
package fs2.async.immutable

import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext

import cats.Functor
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import cats.{Applicative, Functor}
import cats.effect.Effect

import fs2.Stream
import cats.implicits._
import fs2.{Pull, Stream}

/** Data type of a single value of type `A` that can be read in the effect `F`. */
abstract class Signal[F[_], A] { self =>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -36,23 +37,91 @@ abstract class Signal[F[_], A] { self =>
def get: F[A]

object Signal {
object Signal extends SignalLowPriorityImplicits {

implicit def applicativeInstance[F[_]](
implicit effectEv: Effect[F],
ec: ExecutionContext
): Applicative[Signal[F, ?]] =
new Applicative[Signal[F, ?]] {
override def map[A, B](fa: Signal[F, A])(f: A => B): Signal[F, B] =

override def pure[A](x: A): Signal[F, A] = fs2.async.mutable.Signal.constant(x)

override def ap[A, B](ff: Signal[F, A => B])(fa: Signal[F, A]): Signal[F, B] =
new Signal[F, B] {

override def discrete: Stream[F, B] =
nondeterministicZip(ff.discrete, fa.discrete).map { case (f, a) => f(a) }

override def continuous: Stream[F, B] = Stream.repeatEval(get)

override def get: F[B] = ff.get.ap(fa.get)

private def nondeterministicZip[F[_], A0, A1](xs: Stream[F, A0], ys: Stream[F, A1])(
implicit effectEv: Effect[F],
ec: ExecutionContext
): Stream[F, (A0, A1)] = {
type PullOutput = (A0, A1, Stream[F, A0], Stream[F, A1])
val firstPull = for {
firstXAndRestOfXs <- OptionT(xs.pull.uncons1.covaryOutput[PullOutput])
(x, restOfXs) = firstXAndRestOfXs
firstYAndRestOfYs <- OptionT(ys.pull.uncons1.covaryOutput[PullOutput])
(y, restOfYs) = firstYAndRestOfYs
_ <- OptionT.liftF(Pull.output1[F, PullOutput]((x, y, restOfXs, restOfYs)))
} yield ()
.flatMap {
case (x, y, restOfXs, restOfYs) =>
restOfXs.either(restOfYs).scan((x, y)) {
case ((_, rightElem), Left(newElem)) => (newElem, rightElem)
case ((leftElem, _), Right(newElem)) => (leftElem, newElem)

private[immutable] def map[F[_]: Functor, A, B](fa: Signal[F, A])(f: A => B): Signal[F, B] =
new Signal[F, B] {
def continuous: Stream[F, B] =
def discrete: Stream[F, B] =
def get: F[B] = Functor[F].map(fa.get)(f)

implicit class ImmutableSignalSyntax[F[_], A](val self: Signal[F, A]) {

* Converts this signal to signal of `B` by applying `f`.
def map[B](f: A => B)(implicit F: Functor[F]): Signal[F, B] =
new Signal[F, B] {
def continuous: Stream[F, B] =
def discrete: Stream[F, B] =
def get: F[B] =

implicit class BooleanSignalSyntax[F[_]](val self: Signal[F, Boolean]) {
def interrupt[A](s: Stream[F, A])(implicit F: Effect[F], ec: ExecutionContext): Stream[F, A] =

trait SignalLowPriorityImplicits {

* Note that this is not subsumed by [[Signal.applicativeInstance]] because
* [[Signal.applicativeInstance]] requires an [[ExecutionContext]] and
* [[Effect]] to work with since it non-deterministically zips elements
* together while our [[Functor]] instance has no other constraints.
* Separating the two instances allows us to make the [[Functor]] instance
* more general.
* We put this in a [[SignalLowPriorityImplicits]] to resolve ambiguous
* implicits if the [[Signal.applicativeInstance]] is applicable, allowing
* the [[Applicative]]'s [[Functor]] instance to win.
implicit def functorInstance[F[_]: Functor]: Functor[Signal[F, ?]] =
new Functor[Signal[F, ?]] {
override def map[A, B](fa: Signal[F, A])(f: A => B): Signal[F, B] =
19 changes: 15 additions & 4 deletions core/shared/src/main/scala/fs2/async/mutable/Signal.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,11 +3,9 @@ package async
package mutable

import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext

import cats.{Applicative, Functor}
import cats.{Applicative, Functor, Invariant}
import cats.effect.Effect
import cats.implicits._

import fs2.Stream._

/** Data type of a single value of type `A` that can be read and written in the effect `F`. */
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -64,7 +62,15 @@ object Signal {
new immutable.Signal[F, A] {
def get = F.pure(a)
def continuous = Stream.constant(a)
def discrete = Stream.empty // never changes, so never any updates

* We put a single element here because otherwise the implementations of
* Signal as a Monad or Applicative get more annoying. In particular if
* this stream were empty, Applicatively zipping another Signal in the
* straightforward way would cause the (non-deterministically) zipped
* stream to be empty.
def discrete = Stream(a)

def apply[F[_], A](initA: A)(implicit F: Effect[F], ec: ExecutionContext): F[Signal[F, A]] = {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -134,4 +140,9 @@ object Signal {

implicit def invariantInstance[F[_]: Functor]: Invariant[Signal[F, ?]] =
new Invariant[Signal[F, ?]] {
override def imap[A, B](fa: Signal[F, A])(f: A => B)(g: B => A): Signal[F, B] = fa.imap(f)(g)

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