CrudRouter is a Rails-inspired extension to Vapor's routing system that makes it as simple as possible to set up CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) routes for any Model
. CrudRouter provides an API very similar to Rails' resources
but with a few extra features including automatic responder generation and type safety.
Within your Package.swift
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0")
targets: [
.target(name: "App", dependencies: ["CrudRouter"]),
Within your router setup (routes.swift
in the default Vapor API template)
router.crud(register: Todo.self)
That's it!
That one line gets you the following routes.
GET /todo // returns all Todos
GET /todo/:id // returns the Todo with :id
POST /todo // create new Todo with provided body
PUT /todo/:id // update Todo with :id
DELETE /todo/:id // delete Todo with :id
Generated paths default to using lower snake case so for example, if you were to do
router.crud(register: SchoolTeacher.self)
you'd get routes like
GET /school_teacher
GET /school_teacher/:id
POST /school_teacher
PUT /school_teacher/:id
DELETE /school_teacher/:id
If you'd like to supply your own path rather than using the name of the supplied model, you can also do that
router.crud("account", register: User.self)
results in
GET /account
GET /account/:id
POST /account
PUT /account/:id
DELETE /account/:id
Say you had a model User
, which was the parent of another model Todo
. If you'd like routes to expose all Todo
s that belong to a specific User
, you can do something like this.
router.crud(register: User.self) { controller in
controller.crud(children: \.todos)
results in
GET /user
GET /user/:id
POST /user
PUT /user/:id
DELETE /user/:id
GET /user/:id/todo // returns all Todos belonging to the User with :id
GET /user/:id/todo/:id // returns the Todo with :id belonging to the User with :id
POST /user/:id/todo // creates a new Todo belonging to the User with :id
PUT /user/:id/todo/:id // updates the Todo with :id belonging to the User with :id
DELETE /user/:id/todo/:id // deletes the Todo with :id belonging to the User with :id
within the supplied closure, you can also expose routes for related Parent
s and Sibling
controller.crud(children: \.todos)
controller.crud(parent: \.todos)
controller.crud(siblings: \.todos)
If you'd like to register a Model
, but you don't want every route to be available, you can specify the ones you want, or exclude the ones you don't.
router.crud(register: Todo.self, .except([.create, .delete])) { controller in
controller.crud(parent: \.owner, .only([.read]))
results in
PUT /todo/:id
GET /todo/:id
GET /todo
GET /todo/:id/tag/:id
- query parameter support
- PATCH support
- automatically expose relations (blocked by lack of Swift reflection support)
- generate models and rest routes via console command
- Publicable support (potentially blocked by a compiler bug)
- Fine grained per route public return models