Releases: twilio/flex-plugin-builder
Release 3.0.0 (October 15, 2019)
3.0.0 (October 15, 2019)
Create Flex Plugin 3.0 uses the Twilio Serverless API to build and deploy your plugin directly from the CLI.
- Twilio Serverless API support
- Bumped all dependencies to the latest version (Craco, Create React App, etc)
- Unified all scripts under a new
Migrating from 2.x to 3.x
Update your global create-flex-plugin
by running:
npm install --global create-flex-plugin
To update existing plugins, edit package.json
and modify the scripts
"scripts": {
"bootstrap": "flex-plugin check-start",
"postinstall": "npm run bootstrap",
"prestart": "npm run bootstrap",
"start": "flex-plugin start",
"prebuild": "rm -rf build && npm run bootstrap",
"build": "flex-plugin build",
"predeploy": "npm run build",
"deploy": "flex-plugin deploy",
"test": "flex-plugin test --env=jsdom",
"list": "flex-plugin list",
"clear": "flex-plugin clear",
"remove": "flex-plugin remove",
"eject": "flex-plugin eject"
"dependencies": {
"craco-config-flex-plugin": "^3",
"flex-plugin": "^3",
"flex-plugin-scripts": "^3",
"react": "16.5.2",
"react-dom": "16.5.2",
"react-scripts": "3.2.0"
"devDependencies": {
"@twilio/flex-ui": "^1",
"babel-polyfill": "^6.26.0",
"enzyme": "^3.10.0",
"enzyme-adapter-react-16": "^1.14.0"
Breaking Changes
Version 3 is backward compatible with version 2. The new version essentially adds a way to upload your plugin directly to Twilio without needing to drag-and-drop the bundle in the Twilio Console.
New Features
Deploying to Twilio Assets
The new Flex plugin builder adds the ability to deploy to Twilio Assets directly from your CLI. It enables you to build and deploy your plugins directly from the CLI by leveraging the Functions & Assets API. This allows you to integrate your plugin development within a CI/CD pipeline.
Release 2.3.0 (May 07, 2019)
2.3.0 (May 07, 2019)
Create Flex Plugin 2.3 brings TypeScript support.
- Create TypeScript Project
New Features
When creating a new project, you can pass the optional --typescript
to create a TypeScript project instead of a JavaScript project:
npx create-flex-plugin plugin-sample --typescript
Release 2.0.0 (May 01, 2019)
2.0.0 (May 01, 2019)
Create Flex Plugin 2.0 upgrades to the latest Create React App 3.
- Create React App 3.0 support
- Craco (Create React App Configuration Override)
- Drops React-App-Rewired
- Jest 24
Migrating from 1.x to 2.x
Update your global create-flex-plugin
by running:
npm install --global create-flex-plugin
To update existing plugins, edit package.json
and modify scripts
and dependencies
"scripts": {
"bootstrap": "flex-check-start",
"postinstall": "npm run bootstrap",
"prestart": "npm run bootstrap",
"start": "craco start",
"build": "craco build",
"test": "craco test --env=jsdom",
"eject": "craco eject"
"dependencies": {
"@craco/craco": "^5.0.2",
"flex-plugin": "^2",
"craco-config-flex-plugin": "^2",
"react-scripts": "^3.0.0"
Add a craco.config.js
to the directory and paste the following:
const config = require('craco-config-flex-plugin');
module.exports = {
plugins: [
// You can customize the configuration by defining your own plugins.
// See
// for more detail
Then update public/plugins.json
and update the port on src
from 8085
to 3000
. Finally run npm install
to install/update the new dependencies.
You also need to move your jest configuration into craco.config.js
, otherwise CRA will ignore them.
Breaking Changes
Create Flex Plugin upgrades from Create React App 1.x to Create React App 3.x. Please check the CHANGELOG and migration plan on CHANGELOG 1.x to 2.x and CHANGELOG 2.x to 3.x on the official Create React App GitHub page.
We have also dropped support for React App Rewired.
Jest 24
Please check Jest 24 features for any breaking changes.
Create React App 3
Please check CHANGELOG 1.x to 2.x and CHANGELOG 2.x to 3.x features for any breaking changes.
React App Rewired
We have dropped this service and instead replaced it with Create React App Config Override. See below for more detail.
New Features
Create React App 3
Please visit Create React App for all the new changes added to Create React App 3.x.
We have dropped the usage of React App Rewired and instead have added support for Create React App Configuration Override.
You can now easily provide your own configuration override for all Create React App options by editing the craco.config.js
. You can easily create plugins and add them to craco.config.js